+++ /dev/null
- * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
- *
- */
-#undef I3__FILE__
-#define I3__FILE__ "cfgparse.y"
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include "all.h"
-bool force_old_config_parser = false;
-static pid_t configerror_pid = -1;
-static Match current_match;
-static Barconfig current_bar;
-/* The pattern which was specified by the user, for example -misc-fixed-*. We
- * store this in a separate variable because in the i3 config struct we just
- * store the i3Font. */
-static char *font_pattern;
-/* The path to the temporary script files used by i3-nagbar. We need to keep
- * them around to delete the files in the i3-nagbar SIGCHLD handler. */
-static char *edit_script_path, *pager_script_path;
-typedef struct yy_buffer_state *YY_BUFFER_STATE;
-extern int yylex(struct context *context);
-extern int yyparse(void);
-extern int yylex_destroy(void);
-extern FILE *yyin;
-YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_string(const char *);
-static struct bindings_head *current_bindings;
-static struct context *context;
-/* We don’t need yydebug for now, as we got decent error messages using
- * yyerror(). Should you ever want to extend the parser, it might be handy
- * to just comment it in again, so it stays here. */
-//int yydebug = 1;
-void yyerror(const char *error_message) {
- context->has_errors = true;
- ELOG("\n");
- ELOG("CONFIG: %s\n", error_message);
- ELOG("CONFIG: in file \"%s\", line %d:\n",
- context->filename, context->line_number);
- ELOG("CONFIG: %s\n", context->line_copy);
- char buffer[context->last_column+1];
- buffer[context->last_column] = '\0';
- for (int c = 1; c <= context->last_column; c++)
- buffer[c-1] = (c >= context->first_column ? '^' : ' ');
- ELOG("CONFIG: %s\n", buffer);
- ELOG("\n");
-int yywrap(void) {
- return 1;
- * Goes through each line of buf (separated by \n) and checks for statements /
- * commands which only occur in i3 v4 configuration files. If it finds any, it
- * returns version 4, otherwise it returns version 3.
- *
- */
-static int detect_version(char *buf) {
- char *walk = buf;
- char *line = buf;
- while (*walk != '\0') {
- if (*walk != '\n') {
- walk++;
- continue;
- }
- /* check for some v4-only statements */
- if (strncasecmp(line, "bindcode", strlen("bindcode")) == 0 ||
- strncasecmp(line, "force_focus_wrapping", strlen("force_focus_wrapping")) == 0 ||
- strncasecmp(line, "# i3 config file (v4)", strlen("# i3 config file (v4)")) == 0 ||
- strncasecmp(line, "workspace_layout", strlen("workspace_layout")) == 0) {
- printf("deciding for version 4 due to this line: %.*s\n", (int)(walk-line), line);
- return 4;
- }
- /* if this is a bind statement, we can check the command */
- if (strncasecmp(line, "bind", strlen("bind")) == 0) {
- char *bind = strchr(line, ' ');
- if (bind == NULL)
- goto next;
- while ((*bind == ' ' || *bind == '\t') && *bind != '\0')
- bind++;
- if (*bind == '\0')
- goto next;
- if ((bind = strchr(bind, ' ')) == NULL)
- goto next;
- while ((*bind == ' ' || *bind == '\t') && *bind != '\0')
- bind++;
- if (*bind == '\0')
- goto next;
- if (strncasecmp(bind, "layout", strlen("layout")) == 0 ||
- strncasecmp(bind, "floating", strlen("floating")) == 0 ||
- strncasecmp(bind, "workspace", strlen("workspace")) == 0 ||
- strncasecmp(bind, "focus left", strlen("focus left")) == 0 ||
- strncasecmp(bind, "focus right", strlen("focus right")) == 0 ||
- strncasecmp(bind, "focus up", strlen("focus up")) == 0 ||
- strncasecmp(bind, "focus down", strlen("focus down")) == 0 ||
- strncasecmp(bind, "border normal", strlen("border normal")) == 0 ||
- strncasecmp(bind, "border 1pixel", strlen("border 1pixel")) == 0 ||
- strncasecmp(bind, "border pixel", strlen("border pixel")) == 0 ||
- strncasecmp(bind, "border borderless", strlen("border borderless")) == 0 ||
- strncasecmp(bind, "--no-startup-id", strlen("--no-startup-id")) == 0 ||
- strncasecmp(bind, "bar", strlen("bar")) == 0) {
- printf("deciding for version 4 due to this line: %.*s\n", (int)(walk-line), line);
- return 4;
- }
- }
- /* advance to the next line */
- walk++;
- line = walk;
- }
- return 3;
- * Calls i3-migrate-config-to-v4 to migrate a configuration file (input
- * buffer).
- *
- * Returns the converted config file or NULL if there was an error (for
- * example the script could not be found in $PATH or the i3 executable’s
- * directory).
- *
- */
-static char *migrate_config(char *input, off_t size) {
- int writepipe[2];
- int readpipe[2];
- if (pipe(writepipe) != 0 ||
- pipe(readpipe) != 0) {
- warn("migrate_config: Could not create pipes");
- return NULL;
- }
- pid_t pid = fork();
- if (pid == -1) {
- warn("Could not fork()");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* child */
- if (pid == 0) {
- /* close writing end of writepipe, connect reading side to stdin */
- close(writepipe[1]);
- dup2(writepipe[0], 0);
- /* close reading end of readpipe, connect writing side to stdout */
- close(readpipe[0]);
- dup2(readpipe[1], 1);
- static char *argv[] = {
- NULL, /* will be replaced by the executable path */
- };
- exec_i3_utility("i3-migrate-config-to-v4", argv);
- }
- /* parent */
- /* close reading end of the writepipe (connected to the script’s stdin) */
- close(writepipe[0]);
- /* write the whole config file to the pipe, the script will read everything
- * immediately */
- int written = 0;
- int ret;
- while (written < size) {
- if ((ret = write(writepipe[1], input + written, size - written)) < 0) {
- warn("Could not write to pipe");
- return NULL;
- }
- written += ret;
- }
- close(writepipe[1]);
- /* close writing end of the readpipe (connected to the script’s stdout) */
- close(readpipe[1]);
- /* read the script’s output */
- int conv_size = 65535;
- char *converted = malloc(conv_size);
- int read_bytes = 0;
- do {
- if (read_bytes == conv_size) {
- conv_size += 65535;
- converted = realloc(converted, conv_size);
- }
- ret = read(readpipe[0], converted + read_bytes, conv_size - read_bytes);
- if (ret == -1) {
- warn("Cannot read from pipe");
- FREE(converted);
- return NULL;
- }
- read_bytes += ret;
- } while (ret > 0);
- /* get the returncode */
- int status;
- wait(&status);
- if (!WIFEXITED(status)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Child did not terminate normally, using old config file (will lead to broken behaviour)\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- int returncode = WEXITSTATUS(status);
- if (returncode != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Migration process exit code was != 0\n");
- if (returncode == 2) {
- fprintf(stderr, "could not start the migration script\n");
- /* TODO: script was not found. tell the user to fix his system or create a v4 config */
- } else if (returncode == 1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "This already was a v4 config. Please add the following line to your config file:\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "# i3 config file (v4)\n");
- /* TODO: nag the user with a message to include a hint for i3 in his config file */
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- return converted;
- * Handler which will be called when we get a SIGCHLD for the nagbar, meaning
- * it exited (or could not be started, depending on the exit code).
- *
- */
-static void nagbar_exited(EV_P_ ev_child *watcher, int revents) {
- ev_child_stop(EV_A_ watcher);
- if (unlink(edit_script_path) != 0)
- warn("Could not delete temporary i3-nagbar script %s", edit_script_path);
- if (unlink(pager_script_path) != 0)
- warn("Could not delete temporary i3-nagbar script %s", pager_script_path);
- if (!WIFEXITED(watcher->rstatus)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: i3-nagbar did not exit normally.\n");
- return;
- }
- int exitcode = WEXITSTATUS(watcher->rstatus);
- printf("i3-nagbar process exited with status %d\n", exitcode);
- if (exitcode == 2) {
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: i3-nagbar could not be found. Is it correctly installed on your system?\n");
- }
- configerror_pid = -1;
-/* We need ev >= 4 for the following code. Since it is not *that* important (it
- * only makes sure that there are no i3-nagbar instances left behind) we still
- * support old systems with libev 3. */
- * Cleanup handler. Will be called when i3 exits. Kills i3-nagbar with signal
- * SIGKILL (9) to make sure there are no left-over i3-nagbar processes.
- *
- */
-static void nagbar_cleanup(EV_P_ ev_cleanup *watcher, int revent) {
- if (configerror_pid != -1) {
- LOG("Sending SIGKILL (9) to i3-nagbar with PID %d\n", configerror_pid);
- kill(configerror_pid, SIGKILL);
- }
- * Writes the given command as a shell script to path.
- * Returns true unless something went wrong.
- *
- */
-static bool write_nagbar_script(const char *path, const char *command) {
- int fd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR);
- if (fd == -1) {
- warn("Could not create temporary script to store the nagbar command");
- return false;
- }
- write(fd, "#!/bin/sh\n", strlen("#!/bin/sh\n"));
- write(fd, command, strlen(command));
- close(fd);
- return true;
- * Starts an i3-nagbar process which alerts the user that his configuration
- * file contains one or more errors. Also offers two buttons: One to launch an
- * $EDITOR on the config file and another one to launch a $PAGER on the error
- * logfile.
- *
- */
-static void start_configerror_nagbar(const char *config_path) {
- if (only_check_config)
- return;
- fprintf(stderr, "Starting i3-nagbar due to configuration errors\n");
- /* We need to create a custom script containing our actual command
- * since not every terminal emulator which is contained in
- * i3-sensible-terminal supports -e with multiple arguments (and not
- * all of them support -e with one quoted argument either).
- *
- * NB: The paths need to be unique, that is, don’t assume users close
- * their nagbars at any point in time (and they still need to work).
- * */
- edit_script_path = get_process_filename("nagbar-cfgerror-edit");
- pager_script_path = get_process_filename("nagbar-cfgerror-pager");
- configerror_pid = fork();
- if (configerror_pid == -1) {
- warn("Could not fork()");
- return;
- }
- /* child */
- if (configerror_pid == 0) {
- char *edit_command, *pager_command;
- sasprintf(&edit_command, "i3-sensible-editor \"%s\" && i3-msg reload\n", config_path);
- sasprintf(&pager_command, "i3-sensible-pager \"%s\"\n", errorfilename);
- if (!write_nagbar_script(edit_script_path, edit_command) ||
- !write_nagbar_script(pager_script_path, pager_command))
- return;
- char *editaction,
- *pageraction;
- sasprintf(&editaction, "i3-sensible-terminal -e \"%s\"", edit_script_path);
- sasprintf(&pageraction, "i3-sensible-terminal -e \"%s\"", pager_script_path);
- char *argv[] = {
- NULL, /* will be replaced by the executable path */
- "-t",
- (context->has_errors ? "error" : "warning"),
- "-m",
- (context->has_errors ?
- "You have an error in your i3 config file!" :
- "Your config is outdated. Please fix the warnings to make sure everything works."),
- "-b",
- "edit config",
- editaction,
- (errorfilename ? "-b" : NULL),
- (context->has_errors ? "show errors" : "show warnings"),
- pageraction,
- };
- exec_i3_utility("i3-nagbar", argv);
- }
- /* parent */
- /* install a child watcher */
- ev_child *child = smalloc(sizeof(ev_child));
- ev_child_init(child, &nagbar_exited, configerror_pid, 0);
- ev_child_start(main_loop, child);
-/* We need ev >= 4 for the following code. Since it is not *that* important (it
- * only makes sure that there are no i3-nagbar instances left behind) we still
- * support old systems with libev 3. */
- /* install a cleanup watcher (will be called when i3 exits and i3-nagbar is
- * still running) */
- ev_cleanup *cleanup = smalloc(sizeof(ev_cleanup));
- ev_cleanup_init(cleanup, nagbar_cleanup);
- ev_cleanup_start(main_loop, cleanup);
- * Kills the configerror i3-nagbar process, if any.
- *
- * Called when reloading/restarting.
- *
- * If wait_for_it is set (restarting), this function will waitpid(), otherwise,
- * ev is assumed to handle it (reloading).
- *
- */
-void kill_configerror_nagbar(bool wait_for_it) {
- if (configerror_pid == -1)
- return;
- if (kill(configerror_pid, SIGTERM) == -1)
- warn("kill(configerror_nagbar) failed");
- if (!wait_for_it)
- return;
- /* When restarting, we don’t enter the ev main loop anymore and after the
- * exec(), our old pid is no longer watched. So, ev won’t handle SIGCHLD
- * for us and we would end up with a <defunct> process. Therefore we
- * waitpid() here. */
- waitpid(configerror_pid, NULL, 0);
- * Checks for duplicate key bindings (the same keycode or keysym is configured
- * more than once). If a duplicate binding is found, a message is printed to
- * stderr and the has_errors variable is set to true, which will start
- * i3-nagbar.
- *
- */
-static void check_for_duplicate_bindings(struct context *context) {
- Binding *bind, *current;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(current, bindings, bindings) {
- TAILQ_FOREACH(bind, bindings, bindings) {
- /* Abort when we reach the current keybinding, only check the
- * bindings before */
- if (bind == current)
- break;
- /* Check if one is using keysym while the other is using bindsym.
- * If so, skip. */
- /* XXX: It should be checked at a later place (when translating the
- * keysym to keycodes) if there are any duplicates */
- if ((bind->symbol == NULL && current->symbol != NULL) ||
- (bind->symbol != NULL && current->symbol == NULL))
- continue;
- /* If bind is NULL, current has to be NULL, too (see above).
- * If the keycodes differ, it can't be a duplicate. */
- if (bind->symbol != NULL &&
- strcasecmp(bind->symbol, current->symbol) != 0)
- continue;
- /* Check if the keycodes or modifiers are different. If so, they
- * can't be duplicate */
- if (bind->keycode != current->keycode ||
- bind->mods != current->mods ||
- bind->release != current->release)
- continue;
- context->has_errors = true;
- if (current->keycode != 0) {
- ELOG("Duplicate keybinding in config file:\n modmask %d with keycode %d, command \"%s\"\n",
- current->mods, current->keycode, current->command);
- } else {
- ELOG("Duplicate keybinding in config file:\n modmask %d with keysym %s, command \"%s\"\n",
- current->mods, current->symbol, current->command);
- }
- }
- }
-static void migrate_i3bar_exec(struct Autostart *exec) {
- ELOG("**********************************************************************\n");
- ELOG("IGNORING exec command: %s\n", exec->command);
- ELOG("It contains \"i3bar\". Since i3 v4.1, i3bar will be automatically started\n");
- ELOG("for each 'bar' configuration block in your i3 config. Please remove the exec\n");
- ELOG("line and add the following to your i3 config:\n");
- ELOG("\n");
- ELOG(" bar {\n");
- ELOG(" status_command i3status\n");
- ELOG(" }\n");
- ELOG("**********************************************************************\n");
- /* Generate a dummy bar configuration */
- Barconfig *bar_config = scalloc(sizeof(Barconfig));
- /* The hard-coded ID is not a problem. It does not conflict with the
- * auto-generated bar IDs and having multiple hard-coded IDs is irrelevant
- * – they all just contain status_command = i3status */
- bar_config->id = sstrdup("migrate-bar");
- bar_config->status_command = sstrdup("i3status");
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&barconfigs, bar_config, configs);
- /* Trigger an i3-nagbar */
- context->has_warnings = true;
-void parse_file(const char *f) {
- SLIST_HEAD(variables_head, Variable) variables = SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(&variables);
- int fd, ret, read_bytes = 0;
- struct stat stbuf;
- char *buf;
- FILE *fstr;
- char buffer[1026], key[512], value[512];
- if ((fd = open(f, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
- die("Could not open configuration file: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- if (fstat(fd, &stbuf) == -1)
- die("Could not fstat file: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- buf = scalloc((stbuf.st_size + 1) * sizeof(char));
- while (read_bytes < stbuf.st_size) {
- if ((ret = read(fd, buf + read_bytes, (stbuf.st_size - read_bytes))) < 0)
- die("Could not read(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
- read_bytes += ret;
- }
- if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1)
- die("Could not lseek: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- if ((fstr = fdopen(fd, "r")) == NULL)
- die("Could not fdopen: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- while (!feof(fstr)) {
- if (fgets(buffer, 1024, fstr) == NULL) {
- if (feof(fstr))
- break;
- die("Could not read configuration file\n");
- }
- /* sscanf implicitly strips whitespace. Also, we skip comments and empty lines. */
- if (sscanf(buffer, "%s %[^\n]", key, value) < 1 ||
- key[0] == '#' || strlen(key) < 3)
- continue;
- if (strcasecmp(key, "set") == 0) {
- if (value[0] != '$') {
- ELOG("Malformed variable assignment, name has to start with $\n");
- continue;
- }
- /* get key/value for this variable */
- char *v_key = value, *v_value;
- if (strstr(value, " ") == NULL && strstr(value, "\t") == NULL) {
- ELOG("Malformed variable assignment, need a value\n");
- continue;
- }
- if (!(v_value = strstr(value, " ")))
- v_value = strstr(value, "\t");
- *(v_value++) = '\0';
- while (*v_value == '\t' || *v_value == ' ')
- v_value++;
- struct Variable *new = scalloc(sizeof(struct Variable));
- new->key = sstrdup(v_key);
- new->value = sstrdup(v_value);
- SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&variables, new, variables);
- DLOG("Got new variable %s = %s\n", v_key, v_value);
- continue;
- }
- }
- fclose(fstr);
- /* For every custom variable, see how often it occurs in the file and
- * how much extra bytes it requires when replaced. */
- struct Variable *current, *nearest;
- int extra_bytes = 0;
- /* We need to copy the buffer because we need to invalidate the
- * variables (otherwise we will count them twice, which is bad when
- * 'extra' is negative) */
- char *bufcopy = sstrdup(buf);
- SLIST_FOREACH(current, &variables, variables) {
- int extra = (strlen(current->value) - strlen(current->key));
- char *next;
- for (next = bufcopy;
- next < (bufcopy + stbuf.st_size) &&
- (next = strcasestr(next, current->key)) != NULL;
- next += strlen(current->key)) {
- *next = '_';
- extra_bytes += extra;
- }
- }
- FREE(bufcopy);
- /* Then, allocate a new buffer and copy the file over to the new one,
- * but replace occurences of our variables */
- char *walk = buf, *destwalk;
- char *new = smalloc((stbuf.st_size + extra_bytes + 1) * sizeof(char));
- destwalk = new;
- while (walk < (buf + stbuf.st_size)) {
- /* Find the next variable */
- SLIST_FOREACH(current, &variables, variables)
- current->next_match = strcasestr(walk, current->key);
- nearest = NULL;
- int distance = stbuf.st_size;
- SLIST_FOREACH(current, &variables, variables) {
- if (current->next_match == NULL)
- continue;
- if ((current->next_match - walk) < distance) {
- distance = (current->next_match - walk);
- nearest = current;
- }
- }
- if (nearest == NULL) {
- /* If there are no more variables, we just copy the rest */
- strncpy(destwalk, walk, (buf + stbuf.st_size) - walk);
- destwalk += (buf + stbuf.st_size) - walk;
- *destwalk = '\0';
- break;
- } else {
- /* Copy until the next variable, then copy its value */
- strncpy(destwalk, walk, distance);
- strncpy(destwalk + distance, nearest->value, strlen(nearest->value));
- walk += distance + strlen(nearest->key);
- destwalk += distance + strlen(nearest->value);
- }
- }
- /* analyze the string to find out whether this is an old config file (3.x)
- * or a new config file (4.x). If it’s old, we run the converter script. */
- int version = detect_version(buf);
- if (version == 3) {
- /* We need to convert this v3 configuration */
- char *converted = migrate_config(new, stbuf.st_size);
- if (converted != NULL) {
- ELOG("\n");
- ELOG("****************************************************************\n");
- ELOG("NOTE: Automatically converted configuration file from v3 to v4.\n");
- ELOG("\n");
- ELOG("Please convert your config file to v4. You can use this command:\n");
- ELOG(" mv %s %s.O\n", f, f);
- ELOG(" i3-migrate-config-to-v4 %s.O > %s\n", f, f);
- ELOG("****************************************************************\n");
- ELOG("\n");
- free(new);
- new = converted;
- } else {
- printf("\n");
- printf("**********************************************************************\n");
- printf("ERROR: Could not convert config file. Maybe i3-migrate-config-to-v4\n");
- printf("was not correctly installed on your system?\n");
- printf("**********************************************************************\n");
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- context = scalloc(sizeof(struct context));
- context->filename = f;
- if (force_old_config_parser) {
- /* now lex/parse it */
- yy_scan_string(new);
- if (yyparse() != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Could not parse configfile\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- } else {
- struct ConfigResult *config_output = parse_config(new, context);
- yajl_gen_free(config_output->json_gen);
- }
- check_for_duplicate_bindings(context);
- /* XXX: The following code will be removed in i3 v4.3 (three releases from
- * now, as of 2011-10-22) */
- /* Check for any exec or exec_always lines starting i3bar. We remove these
- * and add a bar block instead. Additionally, a i3-nagbar warning (not an
- * error) will be displayed so that users update their config file. */
- struct Autostart *exec, *next;
- for (exec = TAILQ_FIRST(&autostarts); exec; ) {
- next = TAILQ_NEXT(exec, autostarts);
- if (strstr(exec->command, "i3bar") != NULL) {
- migrate_i3bar_exec(exec);
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&autostarts, exec, autostarts);
- }
- exec = next;
- }
- for (exec = TAILQ_FIRST(&autostarts_always); exec; ) {
- next = TAILQ_NEXT(exec, autostarts_always);
- if (strstr(exec->command, "i3bar") != NULL) {
- migrate_i3bar_exec(exec);
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&autostarts_always, exec, autostarts_always);
- }
- exec = next;
- }
- if (context->has_errors || context->has_warnings) {
- ELOG("FYI: You are using i3 version " I3_VERSION "\n");
- if (version == 3)
- ELOG("Please convert your configfile first, then fix any remaining errors (see above).\n");
- start_configerror_nagbar(f);
- }
- if (force_old_config_parser)
- yylex_destroy();
- FREE(context->line_copy);
- free(context);
- FREE(font_pattern);
- free(new);
- free(buf);
- while (!SLIST_EMPTY(&variables)) {
- current = SLIST_FIRST(&variables);
- FREE(current->key);
- FREE(current->value);
- SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&variables, variables);
- FREE(current);
- }
-%lex-param { struct context *context }
-%union {
- int number;
- char *string;
- uint32_t *single_color;
- struct Colortriple *color;
- Match *match;
- struct Binding *binding;
-%token <number> NUMBER "<number>"
-%token <string> WORD "<word>"
-%token <string> STR "<string>"
-%token <string> STR_NG "<string (non-greedy)>"
-%token <string> HEXCOLOR "#<hex>"
-%token <string> OUTPUT "<RandR output>"
-%token TOKCOMMENT "<comment>"
-%token TOKFONT "font"
-%token TOKBINDSYM "bindsym"
-%token <number> MODIFIER "<modifier>"
-%token TOKCONTROL "control"
-%token TOKSHIFT "shift"
-%token TOKFLOATING_MODIFIER "floating_modifier"
-%token TOKFLOATING_MAXIMUM_SIZE "floating_maximum_size"
-%token TOKFLOATING_MINIMUM_SIZE "floating_minimum_size"
-%token <string> QUOTEDSTRING "<quoted string>"
-%token TOKWORKSPACE "workspace"
-%token TOKOUTPUT "output"
-%token TOKASSIGN "assign"
-%token TOKSET
-%token TOKIPCSOCKET "ipc_socket"
-%token TOKRESTARTSTATE "restart_state"
-%token TOKEXEC "exec"
-%token TOKEXEC_ALWAYS "exec_always"
-%token <single_color> TOKSINGLECOLOR
-%token <color> TOKCOLOR
-%token TOKARROW "→"
-%token TOKMODE "mode"
-%token TOK_TIME_MS "ms"
-%token TOK_BAR "bar"
-%token TOK_ORIENTATION "default_orientation"
-%token TOK_HORIZ "horizontal"
-%token TOK_VERT "vertical"
-%token TOK_AUTO "auto"
-%token TOK_WORKSPACE_LAYOUT "workspace_layout"
-%token TOKNEWWINDOW "new_window"
-%token TOKNEWFLOAT "new_float"
-%token TOK_NORMAL "normal"
-%token TOK_NONE "none"
-%token TOK_PIXEL "pixel"
-%token TOK_1PIXEL "1pixel"
-%token TOK_HIDE_EDGE_BORDERS "hide_edge_borders"
-%token TOK_BOTH "both"
-%token TOKFOCUSFOLLOWSMOUSE "focus_follows_mouse"
-%token TOK_FORCE_FOCUS_WRAPPING "force_focus_wrapping"
-%token TOK_FORCE_XINERAMA "force_xinerama"
-%token TOK_FAKE_OUTPUTS "fake_outputs"
-%token TOK_WORKSPACE_AUTO_BAF "workspace_auto_back_and_forth"
-%token TOK_WORKSPACE_URGENCY_TIMER "force_display_urgency_hint"
-%token TOKWORKSPACEBAR "workspace_bar"
-%token TOK_DEFAULT "default"
-%token TOK_STACKING "stacking"
-%token TOK_TABBED "tabbed"
-%token <number> TOKSTACKLIMIT "stack-limit"
-%token TOK_POPUP_DURING_FULLSCREEN "popup_during_fullscreen"
-%token TOK_IGNORE "ignore"
-%token TOK_LEAVE_FULLSCREEN "leave_fullscreen"
-%token TOK_FOR_WINDOW "for_window"
-%token TOK_BAR_OUTPUT "output (bar)"
-%token TOK_BAR_TRAY_OUTPUT "tray_output"
-%token TOK_BAR_SOCKET_PATH "socket_path"
-%token TOK_BAR_MODE "mode (bar)"
-%token TOK_BAR_HIDE "hide"
-%token TOK_BAR_DOCK "dock"
-%token TOK_BAR_MODIFIER "modifier (bar)"
-%token TOK_BAR_CONTROL "shift (bar)"
-%token TOK_BAR_SHIFT "control (bar)"
-%token TOK_BAR_MOD1 "Mod1"
-%token TOK_BAR_MOD2 "Mod2"
-%token TOK_BAR_MOD3 "Mod3"
-%token TOK_BAR_MOD4 "Mod4"
-%token TOK_BAR_MOD5 "Mod5"
-%token TOK_BAR_POSITION "position"
-%token TOK_BAR_BOTTOM "bottom"
-%token TOK_BAR_TOP "top"
-%token TOK_BAR_STATUS_COMMAND "status_command"
-%token TOK_BAR_I3BAR_COMMAND "i3bar_command"
-%token TOK_BAR_FONT "font (bar)"
-%token TOK_BAR_WORKSPACE_BUTTONS "workspace_buttons"
-%token TOK_BAR_VERBOSE "verbose"
-%token TOK_BAR_COLORS "colors"
-%token TOK_BAR_COLOR_BACKGROUND "background"
-%token TOK_BAR_COLOR_STATUSLINE "statusline"
-%token TOK_BAR_COLOR_FOCUSED_WORKSPACE "focused_workspace"
-%token TOK_BAR_COLOR_ACTIVE_WORKSPACE "active_workspace"
-%token TOK_BAR_COLOR_INACTIVE_WORKSPACE "inactive_workspace"
-%token TOK_BAR_COLOR_URGENT_WORKSPACE "urgent_workspace"
-%token TOK_NO_STARTUP_ID "--no-startup-id"
-%token TOK_RELEASE "--release"
-%token TOK_MARK "mark"
-%token TOK_CLASS "class"
-%token TOK_INSTANCE "instance"
-%token TOK_WINDOW_ROLE "window_role"
-%token TOK_ID "id"
-%token TOK_CON_ID "con_id"
-%token TOK_TITLE "title"
-%token TOK_URGENT "urgent"
-%type <binding> binding
-%type <binding> bindcode
-%type <binding> bindsym
-%type <number> binding_modifiers
-%type <number> binding_modifier
-%type <number> direction
-%type <number> layout_mode
-%type <number> border_style
-%type <number> new_window
-%type <number> hide_edge_borders
-%type <number> edge_hiding_mode
-%type <number> new_float
-%type <number> colorpixel
-%type <number> bool
-%type <number> popup_setting
-%type <number> bar_position_position
-%type <number> bar_mode_mode
-%type <number> bar_modifier_modifier
-%type <number> optional_no_startup_id
-%type <number> optional_border_width
-%type <number> optional_release
-%type <string> command
-%type <string> word_or_number
-%type <string> duration
-%type <string> qstring_or_number
-%type <string> optional_workspace_name
-%type <string> workspace_name
-%type <string> window_class
-lines: /* empty */
- | lines error
- | lines line
- ;
- bindline
- | for_window
- | mode
- | bar
- | floating_maximum_size
- | floating_minimum_size
- | floating_modifier
- | orientation
- | workspace_layout
- | new_window
- | new_float
- | hide_edge_borders
- | focus_follows_mouse
- | force_focus_wrapping
- | force_xinerama
- | fake_outputs
- | force_display_urgency_hint
- | workspace_back_and_forth
- | workspace_bar
- | workspace
- | assign
- | ipcsocket
- | restart_state
- | exec
- | exec_always
- | single_color
- | color
- | terminal
- | font
- | comment
- | popup_during_fullscreen
- ;
- ;
- ;
- binding
- {
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(bindings, $1, bindings);
- }
- ;
- TOKBINDCODE bindcode { $$ = $2; }
- | TOKBINDSYM bindsym { $$ = $2; }
- ;
- optional_release binding_modifiers NUMBER command
- {
- DLOG("bindcode: release = %d, mod = %d, key = %d, command = %s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4);
- Binding *new = scalloc(sizeof(Binding));
- new->release = $1;
- new->keycode = $3;
- new->mods = $2;
- new->command = $4;
- $$ = new;
- }
- ;
- optional_release binding_modifiers word_or_number command
- {
- DLOG("bindsym: release = %d, mod = %d, key = %s, command = %s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4);
- Binding *new = scalloc(sizeof(Binding));
- new->release = $1;
- new->symbol = $3;
- new->mods = $2;
- new->command = $4;
- $$ = new;
- }
- ;
- /* empty */ { $$ = B_UPON_KEYPRESS; }
- ;
- TOK_FOR_WINDOW match command
- {
- if (match_is_empty(¤t_match)) {
- ELOG("Match is empty, ignoring this for_window statement\n");
- break;
- }
- printf("\t should execute command %s for the criteria mentioned above\n", $3);
- Assignment *assignment = scalloc(sizeof(Assignment));
- assignment->type = A_COMMAND;
- assignment->match = current_match;
- assignment->dest.command = $3;
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&assignments, assignment, assignments);
- }
- ;
- | matchstart criteria matchend
- {
- printf("match parsed\n");
- }
- ;
- '['
- {
- printf("start\n");
- match_init(¤t_match);
- }
- ;
- ']'
- {
- printf("match specification finished\n");
- }
- ;
- criteria criterion
- | criterion
- ;
- {
- printf("criteria: class = %s\n", $3);
- current_match.class = regex_new($3);
- free($3);
- }
- {
- printf("criteria: instance = %s\n", $3);
- current_match.instance = regex_new($3);
- free($3);
- }
- {
- printf("criteria: window_role = %s\n", $3);
- current_match.role = regex_new($3);
- free($3);
- }
- | TOK_CON_ID '=' STR
- {
- printf("criteria: id = %s\n", $3);
- char *end;
- long parsed = strtol($3, &end, 10);
- if (parsed == LONG_MIN ||
- parsed == LONG_MAX ||
- parsed < 0 ||
- (end && *end != '\0')) {
- ELOG("Could not parse con id \"%s\"\n", $3);
- } else {
- current_match.con_id = (Con*)parsed;
- printf("id as int = %p\n", current_match.con_id);
- }
- }
- | TOK_ID '=' STR
- {
- printf("criteria: window id = %s\n", $3);
- char *end;
- long parsed = strtol($3, &end, 10);
- if (parsed == LONG_MIN ||
- parsed == LONG_MAX ||
- parsed < 0 ||
- (end && *end != '\0')) {
- ELOG("Could not parse window id \"%s\"\n", $3);
- } else {
- current_match.id = parsed;
- printf("window id as int = %d\n", current_match.id);
- }
- }
- | TOK_MARK '=' STR
- {
- printf("criteria: mark = %s\n", $3);
- current_match.mark = regex_new($3);
- free($3);
- }
- {
- printf("criteria: title = %s\n", $3);
- current_match.title = regex_new($3);
- free($3);
- }
- {
- printf("criteria: urgent = %s\n", $3);
- if (strcasecmp($3, "latest") == 0 ||
- strcasecmp($3, "newest") == 0 ||
- strcasecmp($3, "recent") == 0 ||
- strcasecmp($3, "last") == 0) {
- current_match.urgent = U_LATEST;
- } else if (strcasecmp($3, "oldest") == 0 ||
- strcasecmp($3, "first") == 0) {
- current_match.urgent = U_OLDEST;
- }
- free($3);
- }
- ;
- | NUMBER { sasprintf(&$$, "%d", $1); }
- ;
- {
- sasprintf(&$$, "%d", $1);
- }
- ;
- NUMBER { sasprintf(&$$, "%d", $1); }
- | NUMBER TOK_TIME_MS { sasprintf(&$$, "%d", $1); }
- ;
- TOKMODE QUOTEDSTRING '{' modelines '}'
- {
- if (strcasecmp($2, "default") == 0) {
- printf("You cannot use the name \"default\" for your mode\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("\t now in mode %s\n", $2);
- printf("\t current bindings = %p\n", current_bindings);
- Binding *binding;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(binding, current_bindings, bindings) {
- printf("got binding on mods %d, keycode %d, symbol %s, command %s\n",
- binding->mods, binding->keycode, binding->symbol, binding->command);
- }
- struct Mode *mode = scalloc(sizeof(struct Mode));
- mode->name = $2;
- mode->bindings = current_bindings;
- current_bindings = NULL;
- SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&modes, mode, modes);
- }
- ;
- /* empty */
- | modelines modeline
- ;
- comment
- | binding
- {
- if (current_bindings == NULL) {
- current_bindings = scalloc(sizeof(struct bindings_head));
- TAILQ_INIT(current_bindings);
- }
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(current_bindings, $1, bindings);
- }
- ;
- TOK_BAR '{' barlines '}'
- {
- printf("\t new bar configuration finished, saving.\n");
- /* Generate a unique ID for this bar */
- current_bar.id = sstrdup("bar-XXXXXX");
- /* This works similar to mktemp in that it replaces the last six X with
- * random letters, but without the restriction that the given buffer
- * has to contain a valid path name. */
- char *x = current_bar.id + strlen("bar-");
- while (*x != '\0') {
- *(x++) = (rand() % 26) + 'a';
- }
- /* If no font was explicitly set, we use the i3 font as default */
- if (!current_bar.font && font_pattern)
- current_bar.font = sstrdup(font_pattern);
- /* Copy the current (static) structure into a dynamically allocated
- * one, then cleanup our static one. */
- Barconfig *bar_config = scalloc(sizeof(Barconfig));
- memcpy(bar_config, ¤t_bar, sizeof(Barconfig));
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&barconfigs, bar_config, configs);
- memset(¤t_bar, '\0', sizeof(Barconfig));
- }
- ;
- /* empty */
- | barlines barline
- ;
- comment
- | bar_status_command
- | bar_i3bar_command
- | bar_output
- | bar_tray_output
- | bar_position
- | bar_mode
- | bar_modifier
- | bar_font
- | bar_workspace_buttons
- | bar_verbose
- | bar_socket_path
- | bar_colors
- | bar_color_background
- | bar_color_statusline
- | bar_color_focused_workspace
- | bar_color_active_workspace
- | bar_color_inactive_workspace
- | bar_color_urgent_workspace
- ;
- {
- DLOG("should add status command %s\n", $2);
- FREE(current_bar.status_command);
- current_bar.status_command = $2;
- }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("should add i3bar_command %s\n", $2);
- FREE(current_bar.i3bar_command);
- current_bar.i3bar_command = $2;
- }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("bar output %s\n", $2);
- int new_outputs = current_bar.num_outputs + 1;
- current_bar.outputs = srealloc(current_bar.outputs, sizeof(char*) * new_outputs);
- current_bar.outputs[current_bar.num_outputs] = $2;
- current_bar.num_outputs = new_outputs;
- }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("tray %s\n", $2);
- FREE(current_bar.tray_output);
- current_bar.tray_output = $2;
- }
- ;
- TOK_BAR_POSITION bar_position_position
- {
- DLOG("position %d\n", $2);
- current_bar.position = $2;
- }
- ;
- TOK_BAR_TOP { $$ = P_TOP; }
- ;
- TOK_BAR_MODE bar_mode_mode
- {
- DLOG("mode %d\n", $2);
- current_bar.mode = $2;
- }
- ;
- TOK_BAR_HIDE { $$ = M_HIDE; }
- | TOK_BAR_DOCK { $$ = M_DOCK; }
- ;
- TOK_BAR_MODIFIER bar_modifier_modifier
- {
- DLOG("modifier %d\n", $2);
- current_bar.modifier = $2;
- };
- | TOK_BAR_SHIFT { $$ = M_SHIFT; }
- | TOK_BAR_MOD1 { $$ = M_MOD1; }
- | TOK_BAR_MOD2 { $$ = M_MOD2; }
- | TOK_BAR_MOD3 { $$ = M_MOD3; }
- | TOK_BAR_MOD4 { $$ = M_MOD4; }
- | TOK_BAR_MOD5 { $$ = M_MOD5; }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("font %s\n", $2);
- FREE(current_bar.font);
- current_bar.font = $2;
- }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("workspace_buttons = %d\n", $2);
- /* We store this inverted to make the default setting right when
- * initializing the struct with zero. */
- current_bar.hide_workspace_buttons = !($2);
- }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("verbose = %d\n", $2);
- current_bar.verbose = $2;
- }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("socket_path = %s\n", $2);
- FREE(current_bar.socket_path);
- current_bar.socket_path = $2;
- }
- ;
- TOK_BAR_COLORS '{' barlines '}'
- {
- /* At the moment, the TOK_BAR_COLORS token is only to make the config
- * friendlier for humans. We might change this in the future if it gets
- * more complex. */
- }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("background = %s\n", $2);
- current_bar.colors.background = $2;
- }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("statusline = %s\n", $2);
- current_bar.colors.statusline = $2;
- }
- ;
- {
- /* Old syntax: text / background */
- DLOG("focused_ws = %s, %s (old)\n", $2, $3);
- current_bar.colors.focused_workspace_bg = $3;
- current_bar.colors.focused_workspace_text = $2;
- }
- {
- /* New syntax: border / background / text */
- DLOG("focused_ws = %s, %s and %s\n", $2, $3, $4);
- current_bar.colors.focused_workspace_border = $2;
- current_bar.colors.focused_workspace_bg = $3;
- current_bar.colors.focused_workspace_text = $4;
- }
- ;
- {
- /* Old syntax: text / background */
- DLOG("active_ws = %s, %s (old)\n", $2, $3);
- current_bar.colors.active_workspace_bg = $3;
- current_bar.colors.active_workspace_text = $2;
- }
- {
- /* New syntax: border / background / text */
- DLOG("active_ws = %s, %s and %s\n", $2, $3, $4);
- current_bar.colors.active_workspace_border = $2;
- current_bar.colors.active_workspace_bg = $3;
- current_bar.colors.active_workspace_text = $4;
- }
- ;
- {
- /* Old syntax: text / background */
- DLOG("inactive_ws = %s, %s (old)\n", $2, $3);
- current_bar.colors.inactive_workspace_bg = $3;
- current_bar.colors.inactive_workspace_text = $2;
- }
- {
- DLOG("inactive_ws = %s, %s and %s\n", $2, $3, $4);
- current_bar.colors.inactive_workspace_border = $2;
- current_bar.colors.inactive_workspace_bg = $3;
- current_bar.colors.inactive_workspace_text = $4;
- }
- ;
- {
- /* Old syntax: text / background */
- DLOG("urgent_ws = %s, %s (old)\n", $2, $3);
- current_bar.colors.urgent_workspace_bg = $3;
- current_bar.colors.urgent_workspace_text = $2;
- }
- {
- DLOG("urgent_ws = %s, %s and %s\n", $2, $3, $4);
- current_bar.colors.urgent_workspace_border = $2;
- current_bar.colors.urgent_workspace_bg = $3;
- current_bar.colors.urgent_workspace_text = $4;
- }
- ;
- {
- printf("floating_maximum_width = %d\n", $2);
- printf("floating_maximum_height = %d\n", $4);
- config.floating_maximum_width = $2;
- config.floating_maximum_height = $4;
- }
- ;
- {
- printf("floating_minimum_width = %d\n", $2);
- printf("floating_minimum_height = %d\n", $4);
- config.floating_minimum_width = $2;
- config.floating_minimum_height = $4;
- }
- ;
- TOKFLOATING_MODIFIER binding_modifiers
- {
- DLOG("floating modifier = %d\n", $2);
- config.floating_modifier = $2;
- }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("New containers should start with split direction %d\n", $2);
- config.default_orientation = $2;
- }
- ;
- TOK_HORIZ { $$ = HORIZ; }
- | TOK_VERT { $$ = VERT; }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("new containers will be in mode %d\n", $2);
- config.default_layout = $2;
-#if 0
- /* We also need to change the layout of the already existing
- * workspaces here. Workspaces may exist at this point because
- * of the other directives which are modifying workspaces
- * (setting the preferred screen or name). While the workspace
- * objects are already created, they have never been used.
- * Thus, the user very likely awaits the default container mode
- * to trigger in this case, regardless of where it is inside
- * his configuration file. */
- Workspace *ws;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(ws, workspaces, workspaces) {
- if (ws->table == NULL)
- continue;
- switch_layout_mode(global_conn,
- ws->table[0][0],
- config.container_mode);
- }
- }
- {
- DLOG("stack-limit %d with val %d\n", $3, $4);
- config.container_stack_limit = $3;
- config.container_stack_limit_value = $4;
-#if 0
- /* See the comment above */
- Workspace *ws;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(ws, workspaces, workspaces) {
- if (ws->table == NULL)
- continue;
- Container *con = ws->table[0][0];
- con->stack_limit = config.container_stack_limit;
- con->stack_limit_value = config.container_stack_limit_value;
- }
- }
- ;
- | TOK_TABBED { $$ = L_TABBED; }
- ;
- TOKNEWWINDOW border_style
- {
- DLOG("new windows should start with border style %d\n", $2);
- config.default_border = $2;
- }
- ;
- TOKNEWFLOAT border_style
- {
- DLOG("new floating windows should start with border style %d\n", $2);
- config.default_floating_border = $2;
- }
- ;
- TOK_NORMAL optional_border_width
- {
- /* FIXME: the whole border_style thing actually screws up when new_float is used because it overwrites earlier values :-/ */
- config.default_border_width = $2;
- $$ = BS_NORMAL;
- }
- {
- config.default_border_width = 1;
- $$ = BS_PIXEL;
- }
- {
- config.default_border_width = 0;
- $$ = BS_NONE;
- }
- | TOK_PIXEL optional_border_width
- {
- config.default_border_width = $2;
- $$ = BS_PIXEL;
- }
- ;
- {
- $$ = ($1 == 1);
- }
- | WORD
- {
- DLOG("checking word \"%s\"\n", $1);
- $$ = (strcasecmp($1, "yes") == 0 ||
- strcasecmp($1, "true") == 0 ||
- strcasecmp($1, "on") == 0 ||
- strcasecmp($1, "enable") == 0 ||
- strcasecmp($1, "active") == 0);
- }
- ;
- TOK_HIDE_EDGE_BORDERS edge_hiding_mode
- {
- DLOG("hide edge borders = %d\n", $2);
- config.hide_edge_borders = $2;
- }
- ;
- TOK_NONE { $$ = ADJ_NONE; }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("focus follows mouse = %d\n", $2);
- config.disable_focus_follows_mouse = !($2);
- }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("force focus wrapping = %d\n", $2);
- config.force_focus_wrapping = $2;
- }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("force xinerama = %d\n", $2);
- config.force_xinerama = $2;
- }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("fake outputs = %s\n", $2);
- config.fake_outputs = $2;
- }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("automatic workspace back-and-forth = %d\n", $2);
- config.workspace_auto_back_and_forth = $2;
- }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("workspace urgency_timer = %f\n", atoi($2) / 1000.0);
- config.workspace_urgency_timer = atoi($2) / 1000.0;
- }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("workspace bar = %d\n", $2);
- config.disable_workspace_bar = !($2);
- }
- ;
- TOKWORKSPACE qstring_or_number TOKOUTPUT OUTPUT optional_workspace_name
- {
- char *ws_name = $2;
- if ($5 != NULL) {
- ELOG("The old (v3) syntax workspace <number> output <output> <name> is deprecated.\n");
- ELOG("Please use the new syntax: workspace \"<workspace>\" output <output>\n");
- ELOG("In your case, the following should work:\n");
- ELOG(" workspace \"%s\" output %s\n", $5, $4);
- ws_name = $5;
- context->has_warnings = true;
- }
- DLOG("Assigning workspace \"%s\" to output \"%s\"\n", ws_name, $4);
- /* Check for earlier assignments of the same workspace so that we
- * don’t have assignments of a single workspace to different
- * outputs */
- struct Workspace_Assignment *assignment;
- bool duplicate = false;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(assignment, &ws_assignments, ws_assignments) {
- if (strcasecmp(assignment->name, ws_name) == 0) {
- ELOG("You have a duplicate workspace assignment for workspace \"%s\"\n",
- ws_name);
- assignment->output = $4;
- duplicate = true;
- }
- }
- if (!duplicate) {
- assignment = scalloc(sizeof(struct Workspace_Assignment));
- assignment->name = ws_name;
- assignment->output = $4;
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ws_assignments, assignment, ws_assignments);
- }
- }
- | TOKWORKSPACE NUMBER workspace_name
- {
- int ws_num = $2;
- if (ws_num < 1) {
- DLOG("Invalid workspace assignment, workspace number %d out of range\n", ws_num);
- } else {
- DLOG("workspace name to: %s\n", $3);
-#if 0
- if ($<string>3 != NULL) {
- workspace_set_name(workspace_get(ws_num - 1), $<string>3);
- free($<string>3);
- }
- }
- }
- ;
- /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; }
- | workspace_name { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- QUOTEDSTRING { $$ = $1; }
- | STR { $$ = $1; }
- | WORD { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- TOKASSIGN window_class STR
- {
- /* This is the old, deprecated form of assignments. It’s provided for
- * compatibility in version (4.1, 4.2, 4.3) and will be removed
- * afterwards. It triggers an i3-nagbar warning starting from 4.1. */
- ELOG("You are using the old assign syntax (without criteria). "
- "Please see the User's Guide for the new syntax and fix "
- "your config file.\n");
- context->has_warnings = true;
- printf("assignment of %s to *%s*\n", $2, $3);
- char *workspace = $3;
- char *criteria = $2;
- Assignment *assignment = scalloc(sizeof(Assignment));
- Match *match = &(assignment->match);
- match_init(match);
- char *separator = NULL;
- if ((separator = strchr(criteria, '/')) != NULL) {
- *(separator++) = '\0';
- char *pattern;
- sasprintf(&pattern, "(?i)%s", separator);
- match->title = regex_new(pattern);
- free(pattern);
- printf(" title = %s\n", separator);
- }
- if (*criteria != '\0') {
- char *pattern;
- sasprintf(&pattern, "(?i)%s", criteria);
- match->class = regex_new(pattern);
- free(pattern);
- printf(" class = %s\n", criteria);
- }
- free(criteria);
- /* Compatibility with older versions: If the assignment target starts
- * with ~, we create the equivalent of:
- *
- * for_window [class="foo"] floating enable
- */
- if (*workspace == '~') {
- workspace++;
- if (*workspace == '\0') {
- /* This assignment was *only* for floating */
- assignment->type = A_COMMAND;
- assignment->dest.command = sstrdup("floating enable");
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&assignments, assignment, assignments);
- break;
- } else {
- /* Create a new assignment and continue afterwards */
- Assignment *floating = scalloc(sizeof(Assignment));
- match_copy(&(floating->match), match);
- floating->type = A_COMMAND;
- floating->dest.command = sstrdup("floating enable");
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&assignments, floating, assignments);
- }
- }
- assignment->type = A_TO_WORKSPACE;
- assignment->dest.workspace = workspace;
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&assignments, assignment, assignments);
- }
- {
- if (match_is_empty(¤t_match)) {
- ELOG("Match is empty, ignoring this assignment\n");
- break;
- }
- printf("new assignment, using above criteria, to workspace %s\n", $3);
- Assignment *assignment = scalloc(sizeof(Assignment));
- assignment->match = current_match;
- assignment->type = A_TO_WORKSPACE;
- assignment->dest.workspace = $3;
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&assignments, assignment, assignments);
- }
- ;
- | STR_NG
- ;
- {
- config.ipc_socket_path = $2;
- }
- ;
- {
- config.restart_state_path = $2;
- }
- ;
- TOKEXEC optional_no_startup_id STR
- {
- struct Autostart *new = smalloc(sizeof(struct Autostart));
- new->command = $3;
- new->no_startup_id = $2;
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&autostarts, new, autostarts);
- }
- ;
- TOKEXEC_ALWAYS optional_no_startup_id STR
- {
- struct Autostart *new = smalloc(sizeof(struct Autostart));
- new->command = $3;
- new->no_startup_id = $2;
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&autostarts_always, new, autostarts_always);
- }
- ;
- /* empty */ { $$ = 2; } // 2 pixels is the default value for any type of border
- | NUMBER { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- /* empty */ { $$ = false; }
- | TOK_NO_STARTUP_ID { $$ = true; }
- ;
- {
- ELOG("The terminal option is DEPRECATED and has no effect. "
- "Please remove it from your configuration file.\n");
- }
- ;
- {
- config.font = load_font($2, true);
- set_font(&config.font);
- printf("font %s\n", $2);
- FREE(font_pattern);
- font_pattern = $2;
- }
- ;
- {
- uint32_t *dest = $1;
- *dest = $2;
- }
- ;
- TOKCOLOR colorpixel colorpixel colorpixel
- {
- struct Colortriple *dest = $1;
- dest->border = $2;
- dest->background = $3;
- dest->text = $4;
- }
- | TOKCOLOR colorpixel colorpixel colorpixel colorpixel
- {
- struct Colortriple *dest = $1;
- dest->border = $2;
- dest->background = $3;
- dest->text = $4;
- dest->indicator = $5;
- }
- ;
- {
- $$ = get_colorpixel($1);
- free($1);
- }
- ;
- /* NULL */ { $$ = 0; }
- | binding_modifier
- | binding_modifiers '+' binding_modifier { $$ = $1 | $3; }
- | binding_modifiers '+' { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- MODIFIER { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- {
- DLOG("popup_during_fullscreen setting: %d\n", $2);
- config.popup_during_fullscreen = $2;
- }
- ;
- ;
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
#include "all.h"
#define y(x, ...) yajl_gen_ ## x (command_output.json_gen, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define ystr(str) yajl_gen_string(command_output.json_gen, (unsigned char*)str, strlen(str))
+#ifndef TEST_PARSER
+static pid_t configerror_pid = -1;
+/* The path to the temporary script files used by i3-nagbar. We need to keep
+ * them around to delete the files in the i3-nagbar SIGCHLD handler. */
+static char *edit_script_path, *pager_script_path;
+static struct context *context;
* The data structures used for parsing. Essentially the current state and a
* list of tokens for that state.
context.filename = "<stdin>";
parse_config(argv[1], &context);
+ * Writes the given command as a shell script to path.
+ * Returns true unless something went wrong.
+ *
+ */
+static bool write_nagbar_script(const char *path, const char *command) {
+ int fd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR);
+ if (fd == -1) {
+ warn("Could not create temporary script to store the nagbar command");
+ return false;
+ }
+ write(fd, "#!/bin/sh\n", strlen("#!/bin/sh\n"));
+ write(fd, command, strlen(command));
+ close(fd);
+ return true;
+ * Handler which will be called when we get a SIGCHLD for the nagbar, meaning
+ * it exited (or could not be started, depending on the exit code).
+ *
+ */
+static void nagbar_exited(EV_P_ ev_child *watcher, int revents) {
+ ev_child_stop(EV_A_ watcher);
+ if (unlink(edit_script_path) != 0)
+ warn("Could not delete temporary i3-nagbar script %s", edit_script_path);
+ if (unlink(pager_script_path) != 0)
+ warn("Could not delete temporary i3-nagbar script %s", pager_script_path);
+ if (!WIFEXITED(watcher->rstatus)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: i3-nagbar did not exit normally.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ int exitcode = WEXITSTATUS(watcher->rstatus);
+ printf("i3-nagbar process exited with status %d\n", exitcode);
+ if (exitcode == 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: i3-nagbar could not be found. Is it correctly installed on your system?\n");
+ }
+ configerror_pid = -1;
+/* We need ev >= 4 for the following code. Since it is not *that* important (it
+ * only makes sure that there are no i3-nagbar instances left behind) we still
+ * support old systems with libev 3. */
+ * Cleanup handler. Will be called when i3 exits. Kills i3-nagbar with signal
+ * SIGKILL (9) to make sure there are no left-over i3-nagbar processes.
+ *
+ */
+static void nagbar_cleanup(EV_P_ ev_cleanup *watcher, int revent) {
+ if (configerror_pid != -1) {
+ LOG("Sending SIGKILL (9) to i3-nagbar with PID %d\n", configerror_pid);
+ kill(configerror_pid, SIGKILL);
+ }
+ * Kills the configerror i3-nagbar process, if any.
+ *
+ * Called when reloading/restarting.
+ *
+ * If wait_for_it is set (restarting), this function will waitpid(), otherwise,
+ * ev is assumed to handle it (reloading).
+ *
+ */
+void kill_configerror_nagbar(bool wait_for_it) {
+ if (configerror_pid == -1)
+ return;
+ if (kill(configerror_pid, SIGTERM) == -1)
+ warn("kill(configerror_nagbar) failed");
+ if (!wait_for_it)
+ return;
+ /* When restarting, we don’t enter the ev main loop anymore and after the
+ * exec(), our old pid is no longer watched. So, ev won’t handle SIGCHLD
+ * for us and we would end up with a <defunct> process. Therefore we
+ * waitpid() here. */
+ waitpid(configerror_pid, NULL, 0);
+ * Goes through each line of buf (separated by \n) and checks for statements /
+ * commands which only occur in i3 v4 configuration files. If it finds any, it
+ * returns version 4, otherwise it returns version 3.
+ *
+ */
+static int detect_version(char *buf) {
+ char *walk = buf;
+ char *line = buf;
+ while (*walk != '\0') {
+ if (*walk != '\n') {
+ walk++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* check for some v4-only statements */
+ if (strncasecmp(line, "bindcode", strlen("bindcode")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(line, "force_focus_wrapping", strlen("force_focus_wrapping")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(line, "# i3 config file (v4)", strlen("# i3 config file (v4)")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(line, "workspace_layout", strlen("workspace_layout")) == 0) {
+ printf("deciding for version 4 due to this line: %.*s\n", (int)(walk-line), line);
+ return 4;
+ }
+ /* if this is a bind statement, we can check the command */
+ if (strncasecmp(line, "bind", strlen("bind")) == 0) {
+ char *bind = strchr(line, ' ');
+ if (bind == NULL)
+ goto next;
+ while ((*bind == ' ' || *bind == '\t') && *bind != '\0')
+ bind++;
+ if (*bind == '\0')
+ goto next;
+ if ((bind = strchr(bind, ' ')) == NULL)
+ goto next;
+ while ((*bind == ' ' || *bind == '\t') && *bind != '\0')
+ bind++;
+ if (*bind == '\0')
+ goto next;
+ if (strncasecmp(bind, "layout", strlen("layout")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(bind, "floating", strlen("floating")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(bind, "workspace", strlen("workspace")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(bind, "focus left", strlen("focus left")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(bind, "focus right", strlen("focus right")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(bind, "focus up", strlen("focus up")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(bind, "focus down", strlen("focus down")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(bind, "border normal", strlen("border normal")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(bind, "border 1pixel", strlen("border 1pixel")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(bind, "border pixel", strlen("border pixel")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(bind, "border borderless", strlen("border borderless")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(bind, "--no-startup-id", strlen("--no-startup-id")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(bind, "bar", strlen("bar")) == 0) {
+ printf("deciding for version 4 due to this line: %.*s\n", (int)(walk-line), line);
+ return 4;
+ }
+ }
+ /* advance to the next line */
+ walk++;
+ line = walk;
+ }
+ return 3;
+ * Calls i3-migrate-config-to-v4 to migrate a configuration file (input
+ * buffer).
+ *
+ * Returns the converted config file or NULL if there was an error (for
+ * example the script could not be found in $PATH or the i3 executable’s
+ * directory).
+ *
+ */
+static char *migrate_config(char *input, off_t size) {
+ int writepipe[2];
+ int readpipe[2];
+ if (pipe(writepipe) != 0 ||
+ pipe(readpipe) != 0) {
+ warn("migrate_config: Could not create pipes");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pid_t pid = fork();
+ if (pid == -1) {
+ warn("Could not fork()");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* child */
+ if (pid == 0) {
+ /* close writing end of writepipe, connect reading side to stdin */
+ close(writepipe[1]);
+ dup2(writepipe[0], 0);
+ /* close reading end of readpipe, connect writing side to stdout */
+ close(readpipe[0]);
+ dup2(readpipe[1], 1);
+ static char *argv[] = {
+ NULL, /* will be replaced by the executable path */
+ };
+ exec_i3_utility("i3-migrate-config-to-v4", argv);
+ }
+ /* parent */
+ /* close reading end of the writepipe (connected to the script’s stdin) */
+ close(writepipe[0]);
+ /* write the whole config file to the pipe, the script will read everything
+ * immediately */
+ int written = 0;
+ int ret;
+ while (written < size) {
+ if ((ret = write(writepipe[1], input + written, size - written)) < 0) {
+ warn("Could not write to pipe");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ written += ret;
+ }
+ close(writepipe[1]);
+ /* close writing end of the readpipe (connected to the script’s stdout) */
+ close(readpipe[1]);
+ /* read the script’s output */
+ int conv_size = 65535;
+ char *converted = malloc(conv_size);
+ int read_bytes = 0;
+ do {
+ if (read_bytes == conv_size) {
+ conv_size += 65535;
+ converted = realloc(converted, conv_size);
+ }
+ ret = read(readpipe[0], converted + read_bytes, conv_size - read_bytes);
+ if (ret == -1) {
+ warn("Cannot read from pipe");
+ FREE(converted);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ read_bytes += ret;
+ } while (ret > 0);
+ /* get the returncode */
+ int status;
+ wait(&status);
+ if (!WIFEXITED(status)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Child did not terminate normally, using old config file (will lead to broken behaviour)\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ int returncode = WEXITSTATUS(status);
+ if (returncode != 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Migration process exit code was != 0\n");
+ if (returncode == 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "could not start the migration script\n");
+ /* TODO: script was not found. tell the user to fix his system or create a v4 config */
+ } else if (returncode == 1) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "This already was a v4 config. Please add the following line to your config file:\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "# i3 config file (v4)\n");
+ /* TODO: nag the user with a message to include a hint for i3 in his config file */
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return converted;
+ * Checks for duplicate key bindings (the same keycode or keysym is configured
+ * more than once). If a duplicate binding is found, a message is printed to
+ * stderr and the has_errors variable is set to true, which will start
+ * i3-nagbar.
+ *
+ */
+static void check_for_duplicate_bindings(struct context *context) {
+ Binding *bind, *current;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, bindings, bindings) {
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(bind, bindings, bindings) {
+ /* Abort when we reach the current keybinding, only check the
+ * bindings before */
+ if (bind == current)
+ break;
+ /* Check if one is using keysym while the other is using bindsym.
+ * If so, skip. */
+ /* XXX: It should be checked at a later place (when translating the
+ * keysym to keycodes) if there are any duplicates */
+ if ((bind->symbol == NULL && current->symbol != NULL) ||
+ (bind->symbol != NULL && current->symbol == NULL))
+ continue;
+ /* If bind is NULL, current has to be NULL, too (see above).
+ * If the keycodes differ, it can't be a duplicate. */
+ if (bind->symbol != NULL &&
+ strcasecmp(bind->symbol, current->symbol) != 0)
+ continue;
+ /* Check if the keycodes or modifiers are different. If so, they
+ * can't be duplicate */
+ if (bind->keycode != current->keycode ||
+ bind->mods != current->mods ||
+ bind->release != current->release)
+ continue;
+ context->has_errors = true;
+ if (current->keycode != 0) {
+ ELOG("Duplicate keybinding in config file:\n modmask %d with keycode %d, command \"%s\"\n",
+ current->mods, current->keycode, current->command);
+ } else {
+ ELOG("Duplicate keybinding in config file:\n modmask %d with keysym %s, command \"%s\"\n",
+ current->mods, current->symbol, current->command);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Starts an i3-nagbar process which alerts the user that his configuration
+ * file contains one or more errors. Also offers two buttons: One to launch an
+ * $EDITOR on the config file and another one to launch a $PAGER on the error
+ * logfile.
+ *
+ */
+static void start_configerror_nagbar(const char *config_path) {
+ if (only_check_config)
+ return;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Starting i3-nagbar due to configuration errors\n");
+ /* We need to create a custom script containing our actual command
+ * since not every terminal emulator which is contained in
+ * i3-sensible-terminal supports -e with multiple arguments (and not
+ * all of them support -e with one quoted argument either).
+ *
+ * NB: The paths need to be unique, that is, don’t assume users close
+ * their nagbars at any point in time (and they still need to work).
+ * */
+ edit_script_path = get_process_filename("nagbar-cfgerror-edit");
+ pager_script_path = get_process_filename("nagbar-cfgerror-pager");
+ configerror_pid = fork();
+ if (configerror_pid == -1) {
+ warn("Could not fork()");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* child */
+ if (configerror_pid == 0) {
+ char *edit_command, *pager_command;
+ sasprintf(&edit_command, "i3-sensible-editor \"%s\" && i3-msg reload\n", config_path);
+ sasprintf(&pager_command, "i3-sensible-pager \"%s\"\n", errorfilename);
+ if (!write_nagbar_script(edit_script_path, edit_command) ||
+ !write_nagbar_script(pager_script_path, pager_command))
+ return;
+ char *editaction,
+ *pageraction;
+ sasprintf(&editaction, "i3-sensible-terminal -e \"%s\"", edit_script_path);
+ sasprintf(&pageraction, "i3-sensible-terminal -e \"%s\"", pager_script_path);
+ char *argv[] = {
+ NULL, /* will be replaced by the executable path */
+ "-t",
+ (context->has_errors ? "error" : "warning"),
+ "-m",
+ (context->has_errors ?
+ "You have an error in your i3 config file!" :
+ "Your config is outdated. Please fix the warnings to make sure everything works."),
+ "-b",
+ "edit config",
+ editaction,
+ (errorfilename ? "-b" : NULL),
+ (context->has_errors ? "show errors" : "show warnings"),
+ pageraction,
+ };
+ exec_i3_utility("i3-nagbar", argv);
+ }
+ /* parent */
+ /* install a child watcher */
+ ev_child *child = smalloc(sizeof(ev_child));
+ ev_child_init(child, &nagbar_exited, configerror_pid, 0);
+ ev_child_start(main_loop, child);
+/* We need ev >= 4 for the following code. Since it is not *that* important (it
+ * only makes sure that there are no i3-nagbar instances left behind) we still
+ * support old systems with libev 3. */
+ /* install a cleanup watcher (will be called when i3 exits and i3-nagbar is
+ * still running) */
+ ev_cleanup *cleanup = smalloc(sizeof(ev_cleanup));
+ ev_cleanup_init(cleanup, nagbar_cleanup);
+ ev_cleanup_start(main_loop, cleanup);
+void parse_file(const char *f) {
+ SLIST_HEAD(variables_head, Variable) variables = SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(&variables);
+ int fd, ret, read_bytes = 0;
+ struct stat stbuf;
+ char *buf;
+ FILE *fstr;
+ char buffer[1026], key[512], value[512];
+ if ((fd = open(f, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
+ die("Could not open configuration file: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ if (fstat(fd, &stbuf) == -1)
+ die("Could not fstat file: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ buf = scalloc((stbuf.st_size + 1) * sizeof(char));
+ while (read_bytes < stbuf.st_size) {
+ if ((ret = read(fd, buf + read_bytes, (stbuf.st_size - read_bytes))) < 0)
+ die("Could not read(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ read_bytes += ret;
+ }
+ if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1)
+ die("Could not lseek: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ if ((fstr = fdopen(fd, "r")) == NULL)
+ die("Could not fdopen: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ while (!feof(fstr)) {
+ if (fgets(buffer, 1024, fstr) == NULL) {
+ if (feof(fstr))
+ break;
+ die("Could not read configuration file\n");
+ }
+ /* sscanf implicitly strips whitespace. Also, we skip comments and empty lines. */
+ if (sscanf(buffer, "%s %[^\n]", key, value) < 1 ||
+ key[0] == '#' || strlen(key) < 3)
+ continue;
+ if (strcasecmp(key, "set") == 0) {
+ if (value[0] != '$') {
+ ELOG("Malformed variable assignment, name has to start with $\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* get key/value for this variable */
+ char *v_key = value, *v_value;
+ if (strstr(value, " ") == NULL && strstr(value, "\t") == NULL) {
+ ELOG("Malformed variable assignment, need a value\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!(v_value = strstr(value, " ")))
+ v_value = strstr(value, "\t");
+ *(v_value++) = '\0';
+ while (*v_value == '\t' || *v_value == ' ')
+ v_value++;
+ struct Variable *new = scalloc(sizeof(struct Variable));
+ new->key = sstrdup(v_key);
+ new->value = sstrdup(v_value);
+ SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&variables, new, variables);
+ DLOG("Got new variable %s = %s\n", v_key, v_value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fstr);
+ /* For every custom variable, see how often it occurs in the file and
+ * how much extra bytes it requires when replaced. */
+ struct Variable *current, *nearest;
+ int extra_bytes = 0;
+ /* We need to copy the buffer because we need to invalidate the
+ * variables (otherwise we will count them twice, which is bad when
+ * 'extra' is negative) */
+ char *bufcopy = sstrdup(buf);
+ SLIST_FOREACH(current, &variables, variables) {
+ int extra = (strlen(current->value) - strlen(current->key));
+ char *next;
+ for (next = bufcopy;
+ next < (bufcopy + stbuf.st_size) &&
+ (next = strcasestr(next, current->key)) != NULL;
+ next += strlen(current->key)) {
+ *next = '_';
+ extra_bytes += extra;
+ }
+ }
+ FREE(bufcopy);
+ /* Then, allocate a new buffer and copy the file over to the new one,
+ * but replace occurences of our variables */
+ char *walk = buf, *destwalk;
+ char *new = smalloc((stbuf.st_size + extra_bytes + 1) * sizeof(char));
+ destwalk = new;
+ while (walk < (buf + stbuf.st_size)) {
+ /* Find the next variable */
+ SLIST_FOREACH(current, &variables, variables)
+ current->next_match = strcasestr(walk, current->key);
+ nearest = NULL;
+ int distance = stbuf.st_size;
+ SLIST_FOREACH(current, &variables, variables) {
+ if (current->next_match == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if ((current->next_match - walk) < distance) {
+ distance = (current->next_match - walk);
+ nearest = current;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nearest == NULL) {
+ /* If there are no more variables, we just copy the rest */
+ strncpy(destwalk, walk, (buf + stbuf.st_size) - walk);
+ destwalk += (buf + stbuf.st_size) - walk;
+ *destwalk = '\0';
+ break;
+ } else {
+ /* Copy until the next variable, then copy its value */
+ strncpy(destwalk, walk, distance);
+ strncpy(destwalk + distance, nearest->value, strlen(nearest->value));
+ walk += distance + strlen(nearest->key);
+ destwalk += distance + strlen(nearest->value);
+ }
+ }
+ /* analyze the string to find out whether this is an old config file (3.x)
+ * or a new config file (4.x). If it’s old, we run the converter script. */
+ int version = detect_version(buf);
+ if (version == 3) {
+ /* We need to convert this v3 configuration */
+ char *converted = migrate_config(new, stbuf.st_size);
+ if (converted != NULL) {
+ ELOG("\n");
+ ELOG("****************************************************************\n");
+ ELOG("NOTE: Automatically converted configuration file from v3 to v4.\n");
+ ELOG("\n");
+ ELOG("Please convert your config file to v4. You can use this command:\n");
+ ELOG(" mv %s %s.O\n", f, f);
+ ELOG(" i3-migrate-config-to-v4 %s.O > %s\n", f, f);
+ ELOG("****************************************************************\n");
+ ELOG("\n");
+ free(new);
+ new = converted;
+ } else {
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("**********************************************************************\n");
+ printf("ERROR: Could not convert config file. Maybe i3-migrate-config-to-v4\n");
+ printf("was not correctly installed on your system?\n");
+ printf("**********************************************************************\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ context = scalloc(sizeof(struct context));
+ context->filename = f;
+ struct ConfigResult *config_output = parse_config(new, context);
+ yajl_gen_free(config_output->json_gen);
+ check_for_duplicate_bindings(context);
+ if (context->has_errors || context->has_warnings) {
+ ELOG("FYI: You are using i3 version " I3_VERSION "\n");
+ if (version == 3)
+ ELOG("Please convert your configfile first, then fix any remaining errors (see above).\n");
+ start_configerror_nagbar(f);
+ }
+ FREE(context->line_copy);
+ free(context);
+ free(new);
+ free(buf);
+ while (!SLIST_EMPTY(&variables)) {
+ current = SLIST_FIRST(&variables);
+ FREE(current->key);
+ FREE(current->value);
+ SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&variables, variables);
+ FREE(current);
+ }