MirrorMode is a hybrid configuration that provides all of the consistency
guarantees of single-master replication, while also providing the high
availability of multi-master. In MirrorMode two masters are set up to
-replicate from each other (as a multi-master configuration) but an
+replicate from each other (as a multi-master configuration), but an
external frontend is employed to direct all writes to only one of
the two servers. The second master will only be used for writes if
the first master crashes, at which point the frontend will switch to
H4: Mirror Node Configuration
-This is the same as the {{SECT:Set up the provider slapd}} section.
+The first step is to configure the syncrepl provider the same as in the
+{{SECT:Set up the provider slapd}} section.
Note: Delta-syncrepl is not yet supported with MirrorMode.
> serverID 1
> # database section
-> # syncrepl directives \r
+> # syncrepl directive \r
> syncrepl rid=001\r
-> provider=ldap://ldap-ridr1.example.com\r
-> bindmethod=simple\r
-> binddn="cn=mirrormode,dc=example,dc=com"\r
-> credentials=mirrormode\r
-> searchbase="dc=example,dc=com"\r
-> schemachecking=on\r
-> type=refreshAndPersist\r
-> retry="60 +"\r
-> syncrepl rid=002\r
> provider=ldap://ldap-rid2.example.com\r
> bindmethod=simple\r
> binddn="cn=mirrormode,dc=example,dc=com"\r
> schemachecking=on\r
> type=refreshAndPersist\r
> retry="60 +"\r
-> \r
> mirrormode on
MirrorMode node 2:
> serverID 2
> # database section
-> # syncrepl directives\r
-> syncrepl rid=001\r
-> provider=ldap://ldap-ridr1.example.com\r
-> bindmethod=simple\r
-> binddn="cn=mirrormode,dc=example,dc=com"\r
-> credentials=mirrormode\r
-> searchbase="dc=example,dc=com"\r
-> schemachecking=on\r
-> type=refreshAndPersist\r
-> retry="60 +"\r
+> # syncrepl directive\r
> syncrepl rid=002\r
-> provider=ldap://ldap-rid2.example.com\r
+> provider=ldap://ldap-rid1.example.com\r
> bindmethod=simple\r
> binddn="cn=mirrormode,dc=example,dc=com"\r
> credentials=mirrormode\r
> mirrormode on
It's simple really; each MirrorMode node is setup {{B:exactly}} the same, except
-that the {{serverID}} is unique.
+that the {{serverID}} and {{rid}} are unique, and that the {{provider}} is pointed to
+the other server.
H5: Failover Configuration