+package Bweb::Sched;
+use base q/Bweb::Gui/;
+=head1 PACKAGE
+ Bweb::Sched() - Bweb package that parse show schedule ouput
+ new Bweb::Sched(format => '%Y-%m-%d');
+=head2 USAGE
+ my $b = $bweb->get_bconsole();
+ my $s = $b->send_cmd("show schedule");
+ my $sched = new Bweb::Sched();
+ $sched->parse_scheds(split(/\r?\n/, $s));
+$VAR1 = {
+ 'event' => [
+ '2007-01-04 04:05',
+ '2007-12-05 04:05',
+ '2007-12-12 04:05',
+ '2007-12-19 04:05',
+ '2007-12-26 04:05'
+ ],
+ 'level' => 'Differential',
+ 'pool' => 'Semaine'
+ };
+# cleanup and add a schedule
+sub add_sched
+ my ($self, $name, $info) = @_;
+ # bacula uses dates that start from 0, we start from 1
+ foreach (@{$info->{mday}},@{$info->{month}}) { $_++ };
+ # get events
+ $info->{event} = [ $self->get_events($info, $self->{format}) ];
+ foreach my $i (qw/hour mday month wday wom woy mins/) {
+ delete $info->{$i};
+ }
+ push @{$self->{schedules}->{$name}}, $info;
+# return the name of all schedules
+sub list_scheds
+ my ($self, $name) = @_;
+ my %ret;
+ return keys %{ $self->{schedules} };
+# return an array of all schedule
+sub get_scheds
+ my ($self, $sched) = @_;
+ return $self->{schedules}->{$sched};
+# return an ref array of all events
+# [ '2007-12-19 04:05', '2007-12-19 04:05' ]
+sub get_event
+ my ($self, $sched) = @_;
+ return $sched->{event};
+# return the pool name
+sub get_pool
+ my ($self, $sched) = @_;
+ return $sched->{pool} || '';
+# return the level name (Incremental, Differential, Full)
+sub get_level
+ my ($self, $sched) = @_;
+ return $sched->{level};
+# parse bacula sched bitmap
+sub parse_scheds
+ my ($self, @output) = @_;
+ my $run;
+ my $name;
+ my $schedule;
+ my $elt;
+ foreach my $ligne (@output) {
+ if ($ligne =~ /Schedule: name=(.+)/) {
+ if ($name and $elt) {
+ $elt->{level} = $run;
+ $self->add_sched($name, $elt);
+ $elt=undef;
+ }
+ $name = $1;
+ }
+ elsif ($ligne =~ /Run Level=(.+)/) {
+ if ($name and $elt) {
+ $elt->{level} = $run;
+ $self->add_sched($name, $elt);
+ $elt=undef;
+ }
+ $run = $1;
+ }
+ elsif ($ligne =~ /(hour|mday|month|mins)=(.+)/) {
+ # All theses lines have the same format
+ my ($k,$v) = ($1,$2);
+ # we get all values (0 1 4 9)
+ $elt->{$k}=[split (/\s/,$v)];
+ }
+ # we make a bitmap for this kind of data (0 0 1 0 0 0 1) for a quick access
+ elsif ($ligne =~ /(wday|wom|woy)=(.+)/) {
+ my ($k,$v) = ($1,$2);
+ foreach my $e (split (/\s/,$v)) {
+ $elt->{$k}->[$e]=1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($ligne =~ /Pool: name=(.+?) PoolType/) {
+ $elt->{pool} = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($name and $elt) {
+ $elt->{level} = $run;
+ $self->add_sched($name, $elt);
+ }
+use Date::Calc qw(:all);
+# read bacula schedule bitmap and get $format date string
+sub get_events
+ use integer;
+ my ($self, $s,$format) = @_;
+ my $year = $self->{year} || ((localtime)[5] + 1900);
+ $format = $format || '%u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u';
+ my @ret;
+ foreach my $m (@{$s->{month}}) # mois de l'annee
+ {
+ foreach my $md (@{$s->{mday}}) # jour du mois
+ {
+# print " m=$m md=$md\n";
+ # we check if this day exists (31 fev)
+ next if (!check_date($year,$m,$md));
+# print " check_date ok\n";
+ my $w = ($md-1)/7; # we use the same thing than bacula
+ next if (! $s->{wom}->[$w]);
+# print " wom ok\n";
+ # on recupere le jour de la semaine
+ my $wd = Day_of_Week($year,$m,$md);
+ my ($w1,undef) = Week_of_Year($year,$m,$wd);
+ next if (! $s->{woy}->[$w1-1]); # bacula 0-51
+# print " woy ok\n";
+ $wd = 0 if ($wd == 7) ; # sunday is 0 on bacula
+ next if (! $s->{wday}->[$wd]);
+# print " wday ok\n";
+ foreach my $h (@{$s->{hour}}) # hour of the day
+ {
+ foreach my $min (@{$s->{mins}}) # minute
+ {
+ push @ret, sprintf($format, $year,$m,$md,$h,$min);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return @ret;