$(MAKE) $@ || (echo ""; echo ""; echo " ====== Error in `pwd` ======"; \
echo ""; echo "";)); \
- (cd bacula-web; make)
@echo "All manuals built ..."
+ (cd bacula-web; make)
@for I in ${fr_dirs}; \
do (cd $$I; echo "==>Entering directory `pwd`"; \
- $(MAKE) $@ || (echo ""; echo ""; echo " ====== Error in `pwd` ======"; \
+ $(MAKE) all || (echo ""; echo ""; echo " ====== Error in `pwd` ======"; \
echo ""; echo "";)); \
@for I in ${de_dirs}; \
do (cd $$I; echo "==>Entering directory `pwd`"; \
- $(MAKE) $@ || (echo ""; echo ""; echo " ====== Error in `pwd` ======"; \
+ $(MAKE) all || (echo ""; echo ""; echo " ====== Error in `pwd` ======"; \
echo ""; echo "";)); \
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile for LaTeX
-# To build everything do
-# make tex
-# make web
-# make html
-# make dvipdf
-# or simply
-# make
-# for rapid development do:
-# make tex
-# make show
-# If you are having problems getting "make" to work, debugging it is
-# easier if can see the output from latex, which is normally redirected
-# to /dev/null. To see it, do the following:
-# cd docs/manual
-# make tex
-# latex bacula.tex
-# typically the latex command will stop indicating the error (e.g. a
-# missing \ in front of a _ or a missing { or ] ...
-# The following characters must be preceded by a backslash
-# to be entered as printable characters:
-# # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }
-first_rule: all
-all: tex web dvipdf mini-clean
-.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
- @./update_version
- @echo "Making version `cat version.tex`"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- @touch ${DOC}i-dir.tex ${DOC}i-fd.tex ${DOC}i-sd.tex \
- ${DOC}i-console.tex ${DOC}i-general.tex
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- makeindex ${DOC}.idx -o ${DOC}.ind 2>/dev/null
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @echo "Making pdfm"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @echo "Making dvi to pdf"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdf ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.pdf
- @echo " "
- @echo "Making html"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- -init_file latex2html-init.pl ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
- @echo "Done making html"
- @echo "Making web"
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${DOC}/
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${IMAGES}/*.png ${DOC}/
- @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
- @rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
- latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Catalog Database Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Bacula_Catalo*.html
- @echo "Done making web"
- xdvi ${DOC}
- ./check_tex.pl ${DOC}.tex
- pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.backup *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd *.old *.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.gif ${DOC}/*.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.cp ${DOC}/*.fn ${DOC}/*.ky ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.pg
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.backup ${DOC}/*.ilg ${DOC}/*.lof ${DOC}/*.lot
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.cdx ${DOC}/*.cnd ${DOC}/*.ddx ${DOC}/*.ddn ${DOC}/*.fdx ${DOC}/*.fnd ${DOC}/*.ind ${DOC}/*.sdx ${DOC}/*.snd
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.dnd ${DOC}/*.old ${DOC}/*.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/WARNINGS
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.pdf *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.html *.backup *.ps *.dvi *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd imagename_translations
- @rm -f *.old WARNINGS *.out *.toc *.idx
- @rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
-distclean: clean
- @rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
- @rm -f Makefile version.tex
\item [File Retention = \lt{}time-period-specification\gt{}]
- \index[dir]{File Retention }
+ \index[general]{File Retention}
Der Aufbewahrungszeitraum f\"{u}r Dateien gibt die Zeitspanne an, die die
Datei-Eintr\"{a}ge in der Katalog-Datenbank aufbewahrt werden.
Wenn {\bf AutoPrune} in der Client-Konfiguration auf {\bf yes} gesetzt ist,
Der Standardwert der Aufbewahrungszeit f\"{u}r Dateien ist 60 Tage.
\item [Job Retention = \lt{}time-period-specification\gt{}]
- \index[dir]{Job Retention }
+ \index[general]{Job Retention }
Der Aufbewahrungszeitraum f\"{u}r Jobs gibt die Zeitspanne an, die die
Job-Eintr\"{a}ge in der Katalog-Datenbank aufbewahrt werden.
Wenn {\bf AutoPrune} in der Client-Konfiguration auf {\bf yes} gesetzt ist,
Der Standardwert der Aufbewahrungszeit f\"{u}r Jobs ist 180 Tage.
\item [AutoPrune = \lt{}yes/no\gt{}]
- \index[dir]{AutoPrune }
+ \index[general]{AutoPrune }
Wenn AutoPrune auf {\bf yes} (Standard) gesetzt ist, wird Bacula nach jedem Job
automatisch \"{u}berpr\"{u}fen, ob die Aufbewahrungszeit f\"{u}r bestimmte Dateien und/oder Jobs
des gerade gesicherten Clients abgelaufen ist und diese aus dem Katalog entfernen.
+++ /dev/null
-2.3.6 (04 November 2007)
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile for LaTeX
-# To build everything do
-# make tex
-# make web
-# make html
-# make dvipdf
-# or simply
-# make
-# for rapid development do:
-# make tex
-# make show
-# If you are having problems getting "make" to work, debugging it is
-# easier if can see the output from latex, which is normally redirected
-# to /dev/null. To see it, do the following:
-# cd docs/manual
-# make tex
-# latex bacula.tex
-# typically the latex command will stop indicating the error (e.g. a
-# missing \ in front of a _ or a missing { or ] ...
-# The following characters must be preceded by a backslash
-# to be entered as printable characters:
-# # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }
-first_rule: all
-all: tex web dvipdf mini-clean
-.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
- @./update_version
- @echo "Making version `cat version.tex`"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- @touch ${DOC}i-dir.tex ${DOC}i-fd.tex ${DOC}i-sd.tex \
- ${DOC}i-console.tex ${DOC}i-general.tex
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- makeindex ${DOC}.idx -o ${DOC}.ind 2>/dev/null
- makeindex ${DOC}.ddx -o ${DOC}.dnd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- makeindex ${DOC}.fdx -o ${DOC}.fnd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- makeindex ${DOC}.sdx -o ${DOC}.snd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- makeindex ${DOC}.cdx -o ${DOC}.cnd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @echo "Making pdfm"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @echo "Making dvi to pdf"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdf ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.pdf
- @echo " "
- @echo "Making html"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- -init_file latex2html-init.pl ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
- @echo "Done making html"
- @echo "Making web"
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${DOC}/
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${IMAGES}/*.png ${DOC}/
- @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
- @rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
- latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Concepts and Overview Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Bacula_Concep_Overvi_Guide.html
- @echo "Done making web"
- xdvi ${DOC}
- ./check_tex.pl ${DOC}.tex
- pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.backup *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd *.old *.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.gif ${DOC}/*.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.cp ${DOC}/*.fn ${DOC}/*.ky ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.pg
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.backup ${DOC}/*.ilg ${DOC}/*.lof ${DOC}/*.lot
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.cdx ${DOC}/*.cnd ${DOC}/*.ddx ${DOC}/*.ddn ${DOC}/*.fdx ${DOC}/*.fnd ${DOC}/*.ind ${DOC}/*.sdx ${DOC}/*.snd
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.dnd ${DOC}/*.old ${DOC}/*.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/WARNINGS
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.pdf *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.html *.backup *.ps *.dvi *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd imagename_translations
- @rm -f *.old WARNINGS *.out *.toc *.idx
- @rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
-distclean: clean
- @rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
- @rm -f Makefile version.tex
+++ /dev/null
-2.3.6 (04 November 2007)
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile for LaTeX
-# To build everything do
-# make tex
-# make web
-# make html
-# make dvipdf
-# or simply
-# make
-# for rapid development do:
-# make tex
-# make show
-# If you are having problems getting "make" to work, debugging it is
-# easier if can see the output from latex, which is normally redirected
-# to /dev/null. To see it, do the following:
-# cd docs/manual
-# make tex
-# latex bacula.tex
-# typically the latex command will stop indicating the error (e.g. a
-# missing \ in front of a _ or a missing { or ] ...
-# The following characters must be preceded by a backslash
-# to be entered as printable characters:
-# # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }
-first_rule: all
-all: tex web dvipdf mini-clean
-.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
- @./update_version
- @echo "Making version `cat version.tex`"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- @touch ${DOC}i-dir.tex ${DOC}i-fd.tex ${DOC}i-sd.tex \
- ${DOC}i-console.tex ${DOC}i-general.tex
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- makeindex ${DOC}.idx -o ${DOC}.ind 2>/dev/null
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @echo "Making pdfm"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @echo "Making dvi to pdf"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdf ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.pdf
- @echo " "
- @echo "Making html"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- -init_file latex2html-init.pl ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
- @echo "Done making html"
- @echo "Making web"
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${DOC}/
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${IMAGES}/*.png ${DOC}/
- @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
- @rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
- latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Console and Operators Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Bacula_Consol*.html
- @echo "Done making web"
- xdvi ${DOC}
- ./check_tex.pl ${DOC}.tex
- pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.backup *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd *.old *.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.gif ${DOC}/*.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.cp ${DOC}/*.fn ${DOC}/*.ky ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.pg
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.backup ${DOC}/*.ilg ${DOC}/*.lof ${DOC}/*.lot
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.cdx ${DOC}/*.cnd ${DOC}/*.ddx ${DOC}/*.ddn ${DOC}/*.fdx ${DOC}/*.fnd ${DOC}/*.ind ${DOC}/*.sdx ${DOC}/*.snd
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.dnd ${DOC}/*.old ${DOC}/*.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/WARNINGS
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.pdf *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.html *.backup *.ps *.dvi *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd imagename_translations
- @rm -f *.old WARNINGS *.out *.toc *.idx
- @rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
-distclean: clean
- @rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
- @rm -f Makefile version.tex
+++ /dev/null
-2.3.6 (04 November 2007)
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile for LaTeX
-# To build everything do
-# make tex
-# make web
-# make html
-# make dvipdf
-# or simply
-# make
-first_rule: all
-all: tex web html dvipdf
-.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- touch ${DOC}.idx ${DOC}i-general.tex
- -latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- makeindex ${DOC}.idx >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- -latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @rm -f *.eps *.old
- @echo "Making ${DOC} pdf"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdf ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.pdf
- @rm -f *.eps *.old
- @echo "Making ${DOC} pdfm"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @rm -f *.eps *.old
- @echo "Making ${DOC} html"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @touch ${DOC}.html
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- ${DOC} >/dev/null
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
- @rm -f *.eps *.gif *.jpg *.old
- @echo "Making ${DOC} web"
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${IMAGES}/*.png ${DOC}/
- @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
- @(if [ -f ${DOC}/imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Developer*Guide.html; \
- fi)
- @rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
- latex2html -split 4 -local_icons -t "Developer's Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -contents_in_nav -toc_stars -white -notransparent ${DOC} >/dev/null
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Developer*Guide.html
- @cp -f ${DOC}/${DOC}_Guide.html ${DOC}/index.html
- @rm -f *.eps *.gif *.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps *.old
- @rm -f ${DOC}/idle.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/win32-*.png ${DOC}/wx-console*.png ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.pl ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.idx
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.out WARNINGS
- ./check_tex.pl ${DOC}.tex
- pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
- @rm -f 1 2 3
- @rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.pdf *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.html *.backup *.pdf *.ps *.dvi *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd imagename_translations
- @rm -f *.old WARNINGS *.out *.toc *.idx
- @rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
- @rm -f images.tex ${DOC}i.tex
- @rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
-distclean: clean
- @rm -f ${DOC}.html ${DOC}.pdf
- @rm -f Makefile version.tex
first_rule: all
-all: tex web html dvipdf
+all: tex web dvipdf mini-clean
.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
-latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
makeindex ${DOC}.idx >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @rm -f *.eps *.old
@echo "Making ${DOC} pdf"
@echo "Making ${DOC} pdfm"
@cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @rm -f *.eps *.old
+ dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi >tex.out 2>&1
@echo "Making ${DOC} html"
./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- ${DOC} >/dev/null
+ ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
@rm -f *.eps *.gif *.jpg *.old
@rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
latex2html -split 4 -local_icons -t "Developer's Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -contents_in_nav -toc_stars -white -notransparent ${DOC} >/dev/null
+ -contents_in_nav -toc_stars -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Developer*Guide.html
- @cp -f ${DOC}/${DOC}_Guide.html ${DOC}/index.html
+ @cp -f ${DOC}/Developers_Guide.html ${DOC}/index.html
@rm -f *.eps *.gif *.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps *.old
@rm -f ${DOC}/idle.png
@rm -f ${DOC}/win32-*.png ${DOC}/wx-console*.png ${DOC}/xp-*.png
pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
+ @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
+ @rm -f *.gif *.jpg *.eps
+ @rm -f *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
+ @rm -f *.backup *.ilg *.lof *.lot
+ @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
+ @rm -f *.dnd *.old *.out
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/*.gif ${DOC}/*.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.cp ${DOC}/*.fn ${DOC}/*.ky ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.pg
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/*.backup ${DOC}/*.ilg ${DOC}/*.lof ${DOC}/*.lot
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/*.cdx ${DOC}/*.cnd ${DOC}/*.ddx ${DOC}/*.ddn ${DOC}/*.fdx ${DOC}/*.fnd ${DOC}/*.ind ${DOC}/*.sdx ${DOC}/*.snd
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/*.dnd ${DOC}/*.old ${DOC}/*.out
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/WARNINGS
@rm -f 1 2 3
@rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
+++ /dev/null
-2.3.6 (04 November 2007)
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile for LaTeX
-# To build everything do
-# make tex
-# make web
-# make html
-# make dvipdf
-# or simply
-# make
-# for rapid development do:
-# make tex
-# make show
-# If you are having problems getting "make" to work, debugging it is
-# easier if can see the output from latex, which is normally redirected
-# to /dev/null. To see it, do the following:
-# cd docs/manual
-# make tex
-# latex bacula.tex
-# typically the latex command will stop indicating the error (e.g. a
-# missing \ in front of a _ or a missing { or ] ...
-# The following characters must be preceded by a backslash
-# to be entered as printable characters:
-# # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }
-first_rule: all
-all: tex web dvipdf mini-clean
-.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
- @./update_version
- @echo "Making version `cat version.tex`"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- @touch ${DOC}i-dir.tex ${DOC}i-fd.tex ${DOC}i-sd.tex \
- ${DOC}i-console.tex ${DOC}i-general.tex
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- makeindex ${DOC}.idx -o ${DOC}.ind 2>/dev/null
- makeindex ${DOC}.ddx -o ${DOC}.dnd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- makeindex ${DOC}.fdx -o ${DOC}.fnd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- makeindex ${DOC}.sdx -o ${DOC}.snd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- makeindex ${DOC}.cdx -o ${DOC}.cnd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @echo "Making pdfm"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @echo "Making dvi to pdf"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdf ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.pdf
- @echo " "
- @echo "Making html"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- -init_file latex2html-init.pl ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
- @echo "Done making html"
- @echo "Making web"
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${DOC}/
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${IMAGES}/*.png ${DOC}/
- @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
- @rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
- latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Installation and Configuration Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Bacula_Instal_Config_Guide.html
- @echo "Done making web"
- xdvi ${DOC}
- ./check_tex.pl ${DOC}.tex
- pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.backup *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd *.old *.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.gif ${DOC}/*.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.cp ${DOC}/*.fn ${DOC}/*.ky ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.pg
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.backup ${DOC}/*.ilg ${DOC}/*.lof ${DOC}/*.lot
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.cdx ${DOC}/*.cnd ${DOC}/*.ddx ${DOC}/*.ddn ${DOC}/*.fdx ${DOC}/*.fnd ${DOC}/*.ind ${DOC}/*.sdx ${DOC}/*.snd
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.dnd ${DOC}/*.old ${DOC}/*.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/WARNINGS
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.pdf *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.html *.backup *.ps *.dvi *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd imagename_translations
- @rm -f *.old WARNINGS *.out *.toc *.idx
- @rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
-distclean: clean
- @rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
- @rm -f Makefile version.tex
+++ /dev/null
-2.3.6 (04 November 2007)
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile for LaTeX
-# To build everything do
-# make tex
-# make web
-# make html
-# make dvipdf
-# or simply
-# make
-# for rapid development do:
-# make tex
-# make show
-# If you are having problems getting "make" to work, debugging it is
-# easier if can see the output from latex, which is normally redirected
-# to /dev/null. To see it, do the following:
-# cd docs/manual
-# make tex
-# latex bacula.tex
-# typically the latex command will stop indicating the error (e.g. a
-# missing \ in front of a _ or a missing { or ] ...
-# The following characters must be preceded by a backslash
-# to be entered as printable characters:
-# # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }
-first_rule: all
-all: tex web dvipdf mini-clean
-.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
- @./update_version
- @echo "Making version `cat version.tex`"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- @touch ${DOC}i-dir.tex ${DOC}i-fd.tex ${DOC}i-sd.tex \
- ${DOC}i-console.tex ${DOC}i-general.tex
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- makeindex ${DOC}.idx -o ${DOC}.ind 2>/dev/null
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @echo "Making pdfm"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @echo "Making dvi to pdf"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdf ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.pdf
- @echo " "
- @echo "Making html"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- -init_file latex2html-init.pl ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
- @echo "Done making html"
- @echo "Making web"
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${DOC}/
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${IMAGES}/*.png ${DOC}/
- @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
- @rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
- latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Problem Resolution Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Bacula_Proble*.html
- @echo "Done making web"
- xdvi ${DOC}
- ./check_tex.pl ${DOC}.tex
- pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.backup *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd *.old *.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.gif ${DOC}/*.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.cp ${DOC}/*.fn ${DOC}/*.ky ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.pg
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.backup ${DOC}/*.ilg ${DOC}/*.lof ${DOC}/*.lot
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.cdx ${DOC}/*.cnd ${DOC}/*.ddx ${DOC}/*.ddn ${DOC}/*.fdx ${DOC}/*.fnd ${DOC}/*.ind ${DOC}/*.sdx ${DOC}/*.snd
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.dnd ${DOC}/*.old ${DOC}/*.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/WARNINGS
- @rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.pdf *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.html *.backup *.ps *.dvi *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd imagename_translations
- @rm -f *.old WARNINGS *.out *.toc *.idx
- @rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
-distclean: clean
- @rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
- @rm -f Makefile version.tex
+++ /dev/null
-2.3.6 (04 November 2007)
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile for LaTeX
-# To build everything do
-# make tex
-# make web
-# make html
-# make dvipdf
-# or simply
-# make
-# for rapid development do:
-# make tex
-# make show
-# If you are having problems getting "make" to work, debugging it is
-# easier if can see the output from latex, which is normally redirected
-# to /dev/null. To see it, do the following:
-# cd docs/manual
-# make tex
-# latex bacula.tex
-# typically the latex command will stop indicating the error (e.g. a
-# missing \ in front of a _ or a missing { or ] ...
-# The following characters must be preceded by a backslash
-# to be entered as printable characters:
-# # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }
-first_rule: all
-all: tex web dvipdf mini-clean
-.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
- @./update_version
- @echo "Making version `cat version.tex`"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- @touch ${DOC}i-dir.tex ${DOC}i-fd.tex ${DOC}i-sd.tex \
- ${DOC}i-console.tex ${DOC}i-general.tex
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- makeindex ${DOC}.idx -o ${DOC}.ind 2>/dev/null
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @echo "Making pdfm"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @echo "Making dvi to pdf"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdf ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.pdf
- @echo " "
- @echo "Making html"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- -init_file latex2html-init.pl ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
- @echo "Done making html"
- @echo "Making web"
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${DOC}/
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${IMAGES}/*.png ${DOC}/
- @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
- @rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
- latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Utility Programs" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Bacula_Utilit*.html
- @echo "Done making web"
- xdvi ${DOC}
- ./check_tex.pl ${DOC}.tex
- pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.backup *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd *.old *.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.gif ${DOC}/*.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.cp ${DOC}/*.fn ${DOC}/*.ky ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.pg
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.backup ${DOC}/*.ilg ${DOC}/*.lof ${DOC}/*.lot
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.cdx ${DOC}/*.cnd ${DOC}/*.ddx ${DOC}/*.ddn ${DOC}/*.fdx ${DOC}/*.fnd ${DOC}/*.ind ${DOC}/*.sdx ${DOC}/*.snd
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.dnd ${DOC}/*.old ${DOC}/*.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/WARNINGS
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.pdf *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.html *.backup *.ps *.dvi *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd imagename_translations
- @rm -f *.old WARNINGS *.out *.toc *.idx
- @rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
-distclean: clean
- @rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
- @rm -f Makefile version.tex
+++ /dev/null
-2.3.6 (04 November 2007)
first_rule: all
-all: tex web html dvipdf
+all: tex web dvipdf mini-clean
.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
-latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
makeindex ${DOC}.idx >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @rm -f *.eps *.old
@echo "Making ${DOC} pdf"
@echo "Making ${DOC} pdfm"
@cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @rm -f *.eps *.old
+ dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi >tex.out 2>&1
@echo "Making ${DOC} html"
./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- ${DOC} >/dev/null
+ ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
@rm -f *.eps *.gif *.jpg *.old
@rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
latex2html -split 4 -local_icons -t "Developer's Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -contents_in_nav -toc_stars -white -notransparent ${DOC} >/dev/null
+ -contents_in_nav -toc_stars -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Developer*Guide.html
- @cp -f ${DOC}/${DOC}_Guide.html ${DOC}/index.html
+ @cp -f ${DOC}/Developers_Guide.html ${DOC}/index.html
@rm -f *.eps *.gif *.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps *.old
@rm -f ${DOC}/idle.png
@rm -f ${DOC}/win32-*.png ${DOC}/wx-console*.png ${DOC}/xp-*.png
pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
+ @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
+ @rm -f *.gif *.jpg *.eps
+ @rm -f *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
+ @rm -f *.backup *.ilg *.lof *.lot
+ @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
+ @rm -f *.dnd *.old *.out
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/*.gif ${DOC}/*.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.cp ${DOC}/*.fn ${DOC}/*.ky ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.pg
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/*.backup ${DOC}/*.ilg ${DOC}/*.lof ${DOC}/*.lot
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/*.cdx ${DOC}/*.cnd ${DOC}/*.ddx ${DOC}/*.ddn ${DOC}/*.fdx ${DOC}/*.fnd ${DOC}/*.ind ${DOC}/*.sdx ${DOC}/*.snd
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/*.dnd ${DOC}/*.old ${DOC}/*.out
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/WARNINGS
@rm -f 1 2 3
@rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile for LaTeX
-# To build everything do
-# make tex
-# make web
-# make html
-# make dvipdf
-# or simply
-# make
-# for rapid development do:
-# make tex
-# make show
-# If you are having problems getting "make" to work, debugging it is
-# easier if can see the output from latex, which is normally redirected
-# to /dev/null. To see it, do the following:
-# cd docs/manual
-# make tex
-# latex bacula.tex
-# typically the latex command will stop indicating the error (e.g. a
-# missing \ in front of a _ or a missing { or ] ...
-# The following characters must be preceded by a backslash
-# to be entered as printable characters:
-# # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }
-first_rule: all
-all: tex web dvipdf mini-clean
-.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
- @./update_version
- @echo "Making version `cat version.tex`"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- @touch ${DOC}i-dir.tex ${DOC}i-fd.tex ${DOC}i-sd.tex \
- ${DOC}i-console.tex ${DOC}i-general.tex
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- makeindex ${DOC}.idx -o ${DOC}.ind 2>/dev/null
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @echo "Making pdfm"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @echo "Making dvi to pdf"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdf ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.pdf
- @echo " "
- @echo "Making html"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- -init_file latex2html-init.pl ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
- @echo "Done making html"
- @echo "Making web"
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${DOC}/
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${IMAGES}/*.png ${DOC}/
- @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
- @rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
- latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Catalog Database Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Bacula_Catalo*.html
- @echo "Done making web"
- xdvi ${DOC}
- ./check_tex.pl ${DOC}.tex
- pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.backup *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd *.old *.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.gif ${DOC}/*.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.cp ${DOC}/*.fn ${DOC}/*.ky ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.pg
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.backup ${DOC}/*.ilg ${DOC}/*.lof ${DOC}/*.lot
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.cdx ${DOC}/*.cnd ${DOC}/*.ddx ${DOC}/*.ddn ${DOC}/*.fdx ${DOC}/*.fnd ${DOC}/*.ind ${DOC}/*.sdx ${DOC}/*.snd
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.dnd ${DOC}/*.old ${DOC}/*.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/WARNINGS
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.pdf *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.html *.backup *.ps *.dvi *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd imagename_translations
- @rm -f *.old WARNINGS *.out *.toc *.idx
- @rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
-distclean: clean
- @rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
- @rm -f Makefile version.tex
+++ /dev/null
-2.3.6 (04 November 2007)
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile for LaTeX
-# To build everything do
-# make tex
-# make web
-# make html
-# make dvipdf
-# or simply
-# make
-# for rapid development do:
-# make tex
-# make show
-# If you are having problems getting "make" to work, debugging it is
-# easier if can see the output from latex, which is normally redirected
-# to /dev/null. To see it, do the following:
-# cd docs/manual
-# make tex
-# latex bacula.tex
-# typically the latex command will stop indicating the error (e.g. a
-# missing \ in front of a _ or a missing { or ] ...
-# The following characters must be preceded by a backslash
-# to be entered as printable characters:
-# # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }
-first_rule: all
-all: tex web dvipdf mini-clean
-.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
- @./update_version
- @echo "Making version `cat version.tex`"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- @touch ${DOC}i-dir.tex ${DOC}i-fd.tex ${DOC}i-sd.tex \
- ${DOC}i-console.tex ${DOC}i-general.tex
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- makeindex ${DOC}.idx -o ${DOC}.ind 2>/dev/null
- makeindex ${DOC}.ddx -o ${DOC}.dnd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- makeindex ${DOC}.fdx -o ${DOC}.fnd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- makeindex ${DOC}.sdx -o ${DOC}.snd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- makeindex ${DOC}.cdx -o ${DOC}.cnd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @echo "Making pdfm"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @echo "Making dvi to pdf"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdf ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.pdf
- @echo " "
- @echo "Making html"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- -init_file latex2html-init.pl ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
- @echo "Done making html"
- @echo "Making web"
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${DOC}/
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${IMAGES}/*.png ${DOC}/
- @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
- @rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
- latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Concepts and Overview Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Bacula_Concep_Overvi_Guide.html
- @echo "Done making web"
- xdvi ${DOC}
- ./check_tex.pl ${DOC}.tex
- pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.backup *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd *.old *.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.gif ${DOC}/*.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.cp ${DOC}/*.fn ${DOC}/*.ky ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.pg
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.backup ${DOC}/*.ilg ${DOC}/*.lof ${DOC}/*.lot
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.cdx ${DOC}/*.cnd ${DOC}/*.ddx ${DOC}/*.ddn ${DOC}/*.fdx ${DOC}/*.fnd ${DOC}/*.ind ${DOC}/*.sdx ${DOC}/*.snd
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.dnd ${DOC}/*.old ${DOC}/*.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/WARNINGS
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.pdf *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.html *.backup *.ps *.dvi *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd imagename_translations
- @rm -f *.old WARNINGS *.out *.toc *.idx
- @rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
-distclean: clean
- @rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
- @rm -f Makefile version.tex
+++ /dev/null
-2.3.6 (04 November 2007)
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile for LaTeX
-# To build everything do
-# make tex
-# make web
-# make html
-# make dvipdf
-# or simply
-# make
-# for rapid development do:
-# make tex
-# make show
-# If you are having problems getting "make" to work, debugging it is
-# easier if can see the output from latex, which is normally redirected
-# to /dev/null. To see it, do the following:
-# cd docs/manual
-# make tex
-# latex bacula.tex
-# typically the latex command will stop indicating the error (e.g. a
-# missing \ in front of a _ or a missing { or ] ...
-# The following characters must be preceded by a backslash
-# to be entered as printable characters:
-# # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }
-first_rule: all
-all: tex web dvipdf mini-clean
-.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
- @./update_version
- @echo "Making version `cat version.tex`"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- @touch ${DOC}i-dir.tex ${DOC}i-fd.tex ${DOC}i-sd.tex \
- ${DOC}i-console.tex ${DOC}i-general.tex
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- makeindex ${DOC}.idx -o ${DOC}.ind 2>/dev/null
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @echo "Making pdfm"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @echo "Making dvi to pdf"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdf ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.pdf
- @echo " "
- @echo "Making html"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- -init_file latex2html-init.pl ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
- @echo "Done making html"
- @echo "Making web"
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${DOC}/
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${IMAGES}/*.png ${DOC}/
- @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
- @rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
- latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Console and Operators Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Bacula_Consol*.html
- @echo "Done making web"
- xdvi ${DOC}
- ./check_tex.pl ${DOC}.tex
- pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.backup *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd *.old *.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.gif ${DOC}/*.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.cp ${DOC}/*.fn ${DOC}/*.ky ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.pg
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.backup ${DOC}/*.ilg ${DOC}/*.lof ${DOC}/*.lot
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.cdx ${DOC}/*.cnd ${DOC}/*.ddx ${DOC}/*.ddn ${DOC}/*.fdx ${DOC}/*.fnd ${DOC}/*.ind ${DOC}/*.sdx ${DOC}/*.snd
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.dnd ${DOC}/*.old ${DOC}/*.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/WARNINGS
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.pdf *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.html *.backup *.ps *.dvi *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd imagename_translations
- @rm -f *.old WARNINGS *.out *.toc *.idx
- @rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
-distclean: clean
- @rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
- @rm -f Makefile version.tex
+++ /dev/null
-2.3.6 (04 November 2007)
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile for LaTeX
-# To build everything do
-# make tex
-# make web
-# make html
-# make dvipdf
-# or simply
-# make
-first_rule: all
-all: tex web html dvipdf
-.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- touch ${DOC}.idx ${DOC}i-general.tex
- -latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- makeindex ${DOC}.idx >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- -latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @rm -f *.eps *.old
- @echo "Making ${DOC} pdf"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdf ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.pdf
- @rm -f *.eps *.old
- @echo "Making ${DOC} pdfm"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @rm -f *.eps *.old
- @echo "Making ${DOC} html"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @touch ${DOC}.html
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- ${DOC} >/dev/null
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
- @rm -f *.eps *.gif *.jpg *.old
- @echo "Making ${DOC} web"
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${IMAGES}/*.png ${DOC}/
- @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
- @(if [ -f ${DOC}/imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Developer*Guide.html; \
- fi)
- @rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
- latex2html -split 4 -local_icons -t "Developer's Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -contents_in_nav -toc_stars -white -notransparent ${DOC} >/dev/null
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Developer*Guide.html
- @cp -f ${DOC}/${DOC}_Guide.html ${DOC}/index.html
- @rm -f *.eps *.gif *.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps *.old
- @rm -f ${DOC}/idle.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/win32-*.png ${DOC}/wx-console*.png ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.pl ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.idx
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.out WARNINGS
- ./check_tex.pl ${DOC}.tex
- pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
- @rm -f 1 2 3
- @rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.pdf *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.html *.backup *.pdf *.ps *.dvi *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd imagename_translations
- @rm -f *.old WARNINGS *.out *.toc *.idx
- @rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
- @rm -f images.tex ${DOC}i.tex
- @rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
-distclean: clean
- @rm -f ${DOC}.html ${DOC}.pdf
- @rm -f Makefile version.tex
first_rule: all
-all: tex web html dvipdf
+all: tex web dvipdf mini-clean
.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
-latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
makeindex ${DOC}.idx >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @rm -f *.eps *.old
@echo "Making ${DOC} pdf"
@echo "Making ${DOC} pdfm"
@cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @rm -f *.eps *.old
+ dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi >tex.out 2>&1
@echo "Making ${DOC} html"
./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- ${DOC} >/dev/null
+ ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
@rm -f *.eps *.gif *.jpg *.old
@rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
latex2html -split 4 -local_icons -t "Developer's Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -contents_in_nav -toc_stars -white -notransparent ${DOC} >/dev/null
+ -contents_in_nav -toc_stars -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Developer*Guide.html
- @cp -f ${DOC}/${DOC}_Guide.html ${DOC}/index.html
+ @cp -f ${DOC}/Developers_Guide.html ${DOC}/index.html
@rm -f *.eps *.gif *.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps *.old
@rm -f ${DOC}/idle.png
@rm -f ${DOC}/win32-*.png ${DOC}/wx-console*.png ${DOC}/xp-*.png
pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
+ @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
+ @rm -f *.gif *.jpg *.eps
+ @rm -f *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
+ @rm -f *.backup *.ilg *.lof *.lot
+ @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
+ @rm -f *.dnd *.old *.out
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/*.gif ${DOC}/*.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.cp ${DOC}/*.fn ${DOC}/*.ky ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.pg
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/*.backup ${DOC}/*.ilg ${DOC}/*.lof ${DOC}/*.lot
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/*.cdx ${DOC}/*.cnd ${DOC}/*.ddx ${DOC}/*.ddn ${DOC}/*.fdx ${DOC}/*.fnd ${DOC}/*.ind ${DOC}/*.sdx ${DOC}/*.snd
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/*.dnd ${DOC}/*.old ${DOC}/*.out
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/WARNINGS
@rm -f 1 2 3
@rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
+++ /dev/null
-2.3.6 (04 November 2007)
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile for LaTeX
-# To build everything do
-# make tex
-# make web
-# make html
-# make dvipdf
-# or simply
-# make
-# for rapid development do:
-# make tex
-# make show
-# If you are having problems getting "make" to work, debugging it is
-# easier if can see the output from latex, which is normally redirected
-# to /dev/null. To see it, do the following:
-# cd docs/manual
-# make tex
-# latex bacula.tex
-# typically the latex command will stop indicating the error (e.g. a
-# missing \ in front of a _ or a missing { or ] ...
-# The following characters must be preceded by a backslash
-# to be entered as printable characters:
-# # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }
-first_rule: all
-all: tex web dvipdf mini-clean
-.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
- @./update_version
- @echo "Making version `cat version.tex`"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- @touch ${DOC}i-dir.tex ${DOC}i-fd.tex ${DOC}i-sd.tex \
- ${DOC}i-console.tex ${DOC}i-general.tex
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- makeindex ${DOC}.idx -o ${DOC}.ind 2>/dev/null
- makeindex ${DOC}.ddx -o ${DOC}.dnd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- makeindex ${DOC}.fdx -o ${DOC}.fnd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- makeindex ${DOC}.sdx -o ${DOC}.snd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- makeindex ${DOC}.cdx -o ${DOC}.cnd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @echo "Making pdfm"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @echo "Making dvi to pdf"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdf ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.pdf
- @echo " "
- @echo "Making html"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- -init_file latex2html-init.pl ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
- @echo "Done making html"
- @echo "Making web"
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${DOC}/
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${IMAGES}/*.png ${DOC}/
- @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
- @rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
- latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Installation and Configuration Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Bacula_Instal_Config_Guide.html
- @echo "Done making web"
- xdvi ${DOC}
- ./check_tex.pl ${DOC}.tex
- pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.backup *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd *.old *.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.gif ${DOC}/*.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.cp ${DOC}/*.fn ${DOC}/*.ky ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.pg
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.backup ${DOC}/*.ilg ${DOC}/*.lof ${DOC}/*.lot
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.cdx ${DOC}/*.cnd ${DOC}/*.ddx ${DOC}/*.ddn ${DOC}/*.fdx ${DOC}/*.fnd ${DOC}/*.ind ${DOC}/*.sdx ${DOC}/*.snd
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.dnd ${DOC}/*.old ${DOC}/*.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/WARNINGS
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.pdf *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.html *.backup *.ps *.dvi *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd imagename_translations
- @rm -f *.old WARNINGS *.out *.toc *.idx
- @rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
-distclean: clean
- @rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
- @rm -f Makefile version.tex
+++ /dev/null
-2.3.6 (04 November 2007)
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile for LaTeX
-# To build everything do
-# make tex
-# make web
-# make html
-# make dvipdf
-# or simply
-# make
-# for rapid development do:
-# make tex
-# make show
-# If you are having problems getting "make" to work, debugging it is
-# easier if can see the output from latex, which is normally redirected
-# to /dev/null. To see it, do the following:
-# cd docs/manual
-# make tex
-# latex bacula.tex
-# typically the latex command will stop indicating the error (e.g. a
-# missing \ in front of a _ or a missing { or ] ...
-# The following characters must be preceded by a backslash
-# to be entered as printable characters:
-# # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }
-first_rule: all
-all: tex web dvipdf mini-clean
-.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
- @./update_version
- @echo "Making version `cat version.tex`"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- @touch ${DOC}i-dir.tex ${DOC}i-fd.tex ${DOC}i-sd.tex \
- ${DOC}i-console.tex ${DOC}i-general.tex
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- makeindex ${DOC}.idx -o ${DOC}.ind 2>/dev/null
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @echo "Making pdfm"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @echo "Making dvi to pdf"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdf ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.pdf
- @echo " "
- @echo "Making html"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- -init_file latex2html-init.pl ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
- @echo "Done making html"
- @echo "Making web"
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${DOC}/
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${IMAGES}/*.png ${DOC}/
- @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
- @rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
- latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Problem Resolution Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Bacula_Proble*.html
- @echo "Done making web"
- xdvi ${DOC}
- ./check_tex.pl ${DOC}.tex
- pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.backup *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd *.old *.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.gif ${DOC}/*.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.cp ${DOC}/*.fn ${DOC}/*.ky ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.pg
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.backup ${DOC}/*.ilg ${DOC}/*.lof ${DOC}/*.lot
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.cdx ${DOC}/*.cnd ${DOC}/*.ddx ${DOC}/*.ddn ${DOC}/*.fdx ${DOC}/*.fnd ${DOC}/*.ind ${DOC}/*.sdx ${DOC}/*.snd
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.dnd ${DOC}/*.old ${DOC}/*.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/WARNINGS
- @rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.pdf *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.html *.backup *.ps *.dvi *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd imagename_translations
- @rm -f *.old WARNINGS *.out *.toc *.idx
- @rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
-distclean: clean
- @rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
- @rm -f Makefile version.tex
+++ /dev/null
-2.3.6 (04 November 2007)
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile for LaTeX
-# To build everything do
-# make tex
-# make web
-# make html
-# make dvipdf
-# or simply
-# make
-# for rapid development do:
-# make tex
-# make show
-# If you are having problems getting "make" to work, debugging it is
-# easier if can see the output from latex, which is normally redirected
-# to /dev/null. To see it, do the following:
-# cd docs/manual
-# make tex
-# latex bacula.tex
-# typically the latex command will stop indicating the error (e.g. a
-# missing \ in front of a _ or a missing { or ] ...
-# The following characters must be preceded by a backslash
-# to be entered as printable characters:
-# # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }
-first_rule: all
-all: tex web dvipdf mini-clean
-.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
- @./update_version
- @echo "Making version `cat version.tex`"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- @touch ${DOC}i-dir.tex ${DOC}i-fd.tex ${DOC}i-sd.tex \
- ${DOC}i-console.tex ${DOC}i-general.tex
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- makeindex ${DOC}.idx -o ${DOC}.ind 2>/dev/null
- latex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @echo "Making pdfm"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdfm -p a4 ${DOC}.dvi
- @echo "Making dvi to pdf"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/hires/*.eps .
- dvipdf ${DOC}.dvi ${DOC}.pdf
- @echo " "
- @echo "Making html"
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- -init_file latex2html-init.pl ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html
- @echo "Done making html"
- @echo "Making web"
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${DOC}/
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps ${IMAGES}/*.png ${DOC}/
- @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
- @rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
- latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Utility Programs" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Bacula_Utilit*.html
- @echo "Done making web"
- xdvi ${DOC}
- ./check_tex.pl ${DOC}.tex
- pic2graph -density 100 <main_configs.pic >main_configs.png
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.backup *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd *.old *.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.gif ${DOC}/*.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.cp ${DOC}/*.fn ${DOC}/*.ky ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.pg
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.backup ${DOC}/*.ilg ${DOC}/*.lof ${DOC}/*.lot
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.cdx ${DOC}/*.cnd ${DOC}/*.ddx ${DOC}/*.ddn ${DOC}/*.fdx ${DOC}/*.fnd ${DOC}/*.ind ${DOC}/*.sdx ${DOC}/*.snd
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.dnd ${DOC}/*.old ${DOC}/*.out
- @rm -f ${DOC}/WARNINGS
- @rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
- @rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
- @rm -f *.pdf *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg
- @rm -f *.html *.backup *.ps *.dvi *.ilg *.lof *.lot
- @rm -f *.cdx *.cnd *.ddx *.ddn *.fdx *.fnd *.ind *.sdx *.snd
- @rm -f *.dnd imagename_translations
- @rm -f *.old WARNINGS *.out *.toc *.idx
- @rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
-distclean: clean
- @rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
- @rm -f Makefile version.tex
+++ /dev/null
-2.3.6 (04 November 2007)