if( xQueueReceive( xNormallyEmptyQueue, &uxRxed, intqONE_TICK_DELAY ) != errQUEUE_EMPTY )\r
- /* We should only obtain a value when the high priority task is\r
+ /* A value should only be obtained when the high priority task is\r
suspended. */\r
- if( xTaskIsTaskSuspended( xHighPriorityNormallyEmptyTask1 ) == pdFALSE )\r
+ if( eTaskGetState( xHighPriorityNormallyEmptyTask1 ) != eSuspended )\r
prvQueueAccessLogError( __LINE__ );\r
if( xQueueSend( xNormallyFullQueue, &uxTxed, intqONE_TICK_DELAY ) != errQUEUE_FULL )\r
- /* We would only expect to succeed when the higher priority task\r
- is suspended. */\r
- if( xTaskIsTaskSuspended( xHighPriorityNormallyFullTask1 ) == pdFALSE )\r
+ /* Should only succeed when the higher priority task is suspended */\r
+ if( eTaskGetState( xHighPriorityNormallyFullTask1 ) != eSuspended )\r
prvQueueAccessLogError( __LINE__ );\r