conio.o \
cputc.o \
crt0.o \
+ kacptr.o \
+ kbasin.o \
kbhit.o \
- kernal.o \
+ kbsout.o \
+ kchkin.o \
+ kciout.o \
+ kckout.o \
+ kclall.o \
+ kclose.o \
+ kclrch.o \
+ kiobase.o \
+ klisten.o \
+ kload.o \
+ kopen.o \
+ krdtim.o \
+ kreadst.o \
+ ksave.o \
+ ksetlfs.o \
+ ksetnam.o \
+ ksettim.s \
+ ktalk.o \
+ kunlsn.o \
+ kuntlk.o \
randomize.o \
readjoy.o \
.include ""
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+.segment "LOWMEM" ; Accesses the ROM - must go into low mem
_cgetc: lda KEY_COUNT ; Get number of characters
ora FKEY_COUNT ; Or with number of function key chars
bne L2 ; Jump if there are already chars waiting
sta TED_CURSLO ; Cursor off
-L2: jsr KBDREAD ; Read char and return in A
+L2: sta ENABLE_ROM ; Bank in the ROM
+ jsr KBDREAD ; Read char and return in A (ROM routine)
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Reenable the RAM
ldx #0
.constructor initkbd
.destructor donekbd
+.code ; Can go into the normal code segment
.proc initkbd
ldy #15
+.segment "LOWMEM" ; Accesses the ROM - must go into low mem
.proc donekbd
ldx #$39 ; Copy the original function keys
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Bank in the ROM
@L1: lda FKEY_ORIG,x
bpl @L1
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Bank out the ROM
.include ""
-_clrscr = CLRSCR
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc _clrscr
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr CLRSCR ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
.export _exit
.import initlib, donelib
.import push0, _main, zerobss
.include ""
.include ""
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; BASIC header with a SYS call
+; Place the startup code in a special segment to cope with the quirks of
+; plus/4 banking.
+.segment "STARTUP"
- .org $0FFF
.word Head ; Load address
Head: .word @Next
.word 1000 ; Line number
.byte $9E,"4109" ; SYS 4109
.byte $00 ; End of BASIC line
@Next: .word 0 ; BASIC end marker
- .reloc
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Actual code
+ sei ; No interrupts since we're banking out the ROM
ldx #zpspace-1
L1: lda sp,x
sta zpsave,x ; save the zero page locations we need
bpl L1
+ cli
; Close open files
- jsr CLRCH
+ jsr $FFCC ; CLRCH
; Switch to second charset
lda #14
- jsr BSOUT
+ jsr $FFD2 ; BSOUT
+; Setup the IRQ vector in the banked RAM and switch off the ROM
+ sei ; No ints, handler not yet in place
+ lda #<IRQ
+ sta $FFFE ; Install interrupt handler
+ lda #>IRQ
+ sta $FFFF
+ cli ; Allow interrupts
; Clear the BSS data
jsr zerobss
-; Save system stuff and setup the stack
+; Save system stuff and setup the stack. The stack starts at the top of the
+; usable RAM.
stx spsave ; save system stk ptr
- sec
- jsr MEMTOP ; Get top memory
- cpy #$80 ; We can only use the low 32K :-(
- bcc MemOk
- ldy #$80
- ldx #$00
-MemOk: stx sp
- sty sp+1 ; set argument stack ptr
+ lda #<$FD00
+ sta sp
+ lda #>$FD00
+ sta sp+1
; Call module constructors
bpl L2
-; Reset changed vectors
+; Enable the ROM, reset changed vectors and return to BASIC
+ jmp $FF8A ; RESTOR
- jmp RESTOR
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; IRQ handler
+.segment "LOWCODE"
+IRQ: pha
+ txa
+ pha
+ tsx ; Get the stack pointer
+ lda $0103,x ; Get the saved status register
+ tax
+ lda #>irqret ; Push new return address
+ pha
+ lda #<irqret
+ pha
+ txa
+ pha
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Switch to ROM
+ jmp ($FFFE) ; Jump to kernal irq handler
+irqret: sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ pla
+ tax
+ pla
+ rti
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Data
zpsave: .res zpspace
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; ACPTR replacement function
+ .export ACPTR
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc ACPTR
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFA5 ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; BASIN replacement function
+ .export BASIN
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc BASIN
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFCF ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; BSOUT replacement function
+ .export BSOUT
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc BSOUT
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFD2 ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; CHKIN replacement function
+ .export CHKIN
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc CHKIN
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFC6 ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; CIOUT replacement function
+ .export CIOUT
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc CIOUT
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFA8 ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; CKOUT replacement function
+ .export CKOUT
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc CKOUT
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFC9 ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; CLALL replacement function
+ .export CLALL
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc CLALL
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFE7 ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; CLOSE replacement function
+ .export CLOSE
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc CLOSE
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFC3 ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; CLRCH replacement function
+ .export CLRCH
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc CLRCH
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFCC ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
+++ /dev/null
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 19.11.2002
-; Plus/4 kernal functions
- .export CINT
- .export IOINIT
- .export RAMTAS
- .export RESTOR
- .export VECTOR
- .export SETMSG
- .export SECOND
- .export TKSA
- .export MEMTOP
- .export MEMBOT
- .export SCNKEY
- .export SETTMO
- .export ACPTR
- .export CIOUT
- .export UNTLK
- .export UNLSN
- .export LISTEN
- .export TALK
- .export READST
- .export SETLFS
- .export SETNAM
- .export OPEN
- .export CLOSE
- .export CHKIN
- .export CKOUT
- .export CLRCH
- .export BASIN
- .export BSOUT
- .export LOAD
- .export SAVE
- .export SETTIM
- .export RDTIM
- .export STOP
- .export GETIN
- .export CLALL
- .export UDTIM
- .export SCREEN
- .export PLOT
- .export IOBASE
-; All functions are available in the kernal jump table
-CINT = $FF81
-TKSA = $FF96
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; IOBASE replacement function
+ .export IOBASE
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc IOBASE
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFF3 ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; LISTEN replacement function
+ .export LISTEN
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc LISTEN
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFB1 ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; LOAD replacement function
+ .export LOAD
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc LOAD
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFD5 ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; OPEN replacement function
+ .export OPEN
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc OPEN
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFC0 ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; RDTIM replacement function
+ .export RDTIM
+ .include ""
+; Read the clock from the zero page to avoid banking in the ROM
+.proc RDTIM
+ sei ; No interrupts
+ lda TIME+2
+ ldx TIME+1
+ ldy TIME ; Read the time
+ cli ; Allow interrupts
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; READST replacement function
+ .export READST
+ .include ""
+; Read the status byte from the zero page instead of banking in the ROM
+.proc READST
+ lda ST ; Load status
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; SAVE replacement function
+ .export SAVE
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc SAVE
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFD8 ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; SETLFS replacement function
+ .export SETLFS
+ .include ""
+; Write directly to the zero page to avoid banking in the ROM
+.proc SETLFS
+ sta LFN
+ stx DEVNUM
+ sty SECADR
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; SETNAM replacement function
+ .export SETNAM
+ .include ""
+; This function is special in that the name must reside in low memory,
+; otherwise it is not accessible by the ROM code.
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc SETNAM
+; Limit the length of the name and store it into the zero page
+ cmp #16+1
+ bcc @L1
+ lda #16 ; Use a maximum of 16 chars
+@L1: sta FNAM_LEN
+; Check if we have to copy the name to low memory
+ cmp #$00 ; Length zero?
+ beq @L3 ; Yes: Copying not needed
+ cpy #$00 ; Is the name in low memory?
+ bpl @L3 ; Yes: Copying not needed
+; Store the length and the pointer to the name
+ stx TMPPTR
+ sty TMPPTR+1 ; Store pointer to name in TMPPTR
+; Copy the given name into DOS_FN1
+ ldy #$00
+@L2: lda (TMPPTR),y
+ sta DOS_FN1,y
+ iny
+ cpy FNAM_LEN
+ bne @L2
+; Load the new parameters for the low memory buffer
+ ldx #<DOS_FN1
+ ldy #>DOS_FN1
+; Instead of banking in the ROM, store the values directly into the zeropage
+@L3: stx FNAM_ADR
+ sty FNAM_ADR+1
+; Return to caller
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; SETTIM replacement function
+ .export SETTIM
+ .include ""
+; Set the clock by writing directly to zero page to avoid banking in the ROM
+.proc SETTIM
+ sei ; No interrupts
+ sta TIME+2
+ stx TIME+1
+ sty TIME ; Set the time
+ cli ; Allow interrupts
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; TALK replacement function
+ .export TALK
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc TALK
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFB4 ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; UNLSN replacement function
+ .export UNLSN
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc UNLSN
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFAE ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 22.11.2002
+; UNTLK replacement function
+ .export UNTLK
+ .include ""
+.segment "LOWCODE" ; Must go into low memory
+.proc UNTLK
+ sta ENABLE_ROM ; Enable the ROM
+ jsr $FFAB ; Call the ROM routine
+ sta ENABLE_RAM ; Switch back to RAM
+ rts ; Return to caller
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Zero page, Commodore stuff
+TMPPTR = $22 ; Temporary ptr used by BASIC
ST = $90 ; IEC status byte
TIME = $A3 ; 60HZ clock
FNAM_LEN = $AB ; Length of filename
+LFN = $AC ; Logical file number
SECADR = $AD ; Secondary address
DEVNUM = $AE ; Device number
+FNAM_ADR = $AF ; Pointer to filename for OPEN
KEY_COUNT = $EF ; Number of keys in input buffer
CURS_X = $CA ; Cursor column
CURS_Y = $CD ; Cursor row
SCREEN_PTR = $C8 ; Pointer to current char in text screen
CRAM_PTR = $EA ; Pointer to current char in color RAM
+DOS_FN1 = $25E ; DOS filename buffer #1
+DOS_FN1LEN = $26E ; DOS filename length #1
FKEY_COUNT = $55D ; Characters for function key
FKEY_SPACE = $55F ; Function key definitions
+; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; RAM/ROM selection addresses