-; Christian Groessler, June 2004
+; Christian Groessler, July 2004
; from Freddy Offenga's rominfo.c
-; unsigned char _get_ostype(void)
+; unsigned char get_ostype(void)
; x x x x x x x x - 8 bit flag
; | | | | | | | |
; 101 - unassigned (up to 111)
- .export __get_ostype
+ .export _get_ostype
-.proc __get_ostype
+.proc _get_ostype
lda $fcd8
cmp #$a2
-; Christian Groessler, June 2004
+; Christian Groessler, July 2004
-; unsigned char _get_tv(void)
+; unsigned char get_tv(void)
; returns the TV system the machine is using
; 0 - NTSC
.include "atari.inc"
- .export __get_tv
+ .export _get_tv
-.proc __get_tv
+.proc _get_tv
lda PAL ; use hw register, PALNTS is only supported on XL/XE ROM
ldx #0