--- /dev/null
+; Christian Groessler, 2013-07-24
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ _sysrename (const char* oldname, const char* newname);
+ .include "atari.inc"
+ .import findfreeiocb
+ .importzp tmp4, sp, ptr2, ptr3
+ .import incsp2, subysp, addysp, popax
+ .importzp tmp3
+ .import ucase_fn
+ .importzp tmp2
+ .export __sysrename
+.proc __sysrename
+ pha ; save input parameter
+ txa
+ pha
+ jsr findfreeiocb
+ beq iocbok ; we found one
+ pla
+ pla ; fix up stack
+ jsr incsp2
+ lda #TMOF ; too many open files
+ rts
+iocbok: stx tmp4 ; remember IOCB index
+ pla
+ sta ptr2+1 ; remember newname
+ pla
+ sta ptr2 ; ditto.
+ jsr popax ; get oldname
+ ldy #0
+ sty sspc+1 ; initialize stack space
+ sta ptr3
+ stx ptr3+1
+ sty sspc
+; uppercase first (old) name and prepend device if needed
+ ldy #$80
+ sty tmp2 ; set flag for ucase_fn
+ jsr ucase_fn
+ bcc ucok1
+ lda #183 ; see oserror.s
+ rts
+ucok1: sta ptr3
+ stx ptr3+1 ; remember pointer to uppercased old name
+ lda tmp3 ; # of bytes reserved on the stack
+ sta sspc ; remember...
+; uppercase second (new) name and don't prepend device
+ ldy #0
+ sty tmp2 ; set flag for ucase_fn
+ lda ptr2
+ ldx ptr2+1
+ jsr ucase_fn
+ bcc ucok2
+ ldy tmp3 ; get size
+ jsr addysp ; free used space on the stack
+ lda #183 ; see oserror.s
+ rts
+ucok2: sta ptr2 ; remember pointer to uppercased new name
+ stx ptr2+1
+; update sspc -- # of bytes used on the stack
+ lda sspc
+ clc
+ adc tmp3
+ sta sspc
+ bcc ukok4
+ inc sspc+1
+; create a string on the stack with the old filename and the new filename separated by an invalid character (space in our case)
+; ptr2 - pointer to new name
+; ptr3 - pointer to old name
+ lda #128
+ tay
+ clc
+ adc sspc
+ sta sspc
+ bcc L1
+ inc sspc+1
+L1: jsr subysp ; make room on the stack
+; copy old name
+ ldy #0
+con: lda (ptr3),y
+ sta (sp),y
+ beq copyend
+ iny
+ bne con
+copyend:lda #$20 ; space
+ sta (sp),y
+ iny
+ tya ; get current offset (beyond old name)
+ clc
+ adc sp
+ sta ptr3
+ lda sp+1
+ adc #0
+ sta ptr3+1 ; ptr3 now contains pointer to space for new filename
+; copy new name
+ ldy #0
+cnn: lda (ptr2),y
+ sta (ptr3),y
+ beq copend2
+ iny
+ bne cnn
+copend2:ldx tmp4
+ lda sp
+ sta ICBAL,x
+ lda sp+1
+ sta ICBAH,x
+ lda #RENAME
+ sta ICCOM,x
+ lda #0
+ sta ICAX1,x
+ sta ICAX2,x
+ sta ICBLL,x
+ sta ICBLH,x
+ jsr CIOV
+ tya
+ pha
+; clean up stack
+ lda sp
+ clc
+ adc sspc
+ sta sp
+ bcc L2
+ inc sp+1
+L2: pla
+ tay
+; handle status
+ bmi cioerr
+ lda #0
+ rts
+cioerr: tya
+ rts
+.endproc ; __sysrename
+ .bss
+sspc: .res 2 ; stack space used
; Calling parameters:
; AX - points to filename
+; tmp2 - 0/$80 for don't/do prepend default device if no device
+; is present in the passed string (only .ifdef DEFAULT_DEVICE)
; Return parameters:
; C - 0/1 for OK/Error (filename too long)
; AX - points to uppercased version of the filename on the stack
.include "atari.inc"
- .importzp tmp2
+ .importzp tmp2, tmp1
.import __defdev
.importzp tmp3,ptr4,sp
stx ptr4+1
+ ; bit #0 of tmp2 is used as a flag whether device name is present in passed string (1 = present, 0 = not present)
ldy #1
- sty tmp2 ; initialize flag: device present in passed string
+ inc tmp2 ; initialize flag: device present
lda #':'
cmp (ptr4),y
beq hasdev
cmp (ptr4),y
beq hasdev
- sta tmp2 ; set flag: no device in passed string
+ dec tmp2 ; set flag: no device in passed string
sty tmp3 ; save size
jsr subysp ; make room on the stack
- ; copy filename to the temp. place on the stack, also uppercasing it
+ ; copy filename to the temp. place on the stack, while uppercasing it
ldy #0
loop2: lda (ptr4),y
- lda tmp2
- cmp #1 ; was device present in passed string?
- beq hasdev2 ; yes, don't prepend something
+ lda #1
+ bit tmp2
+ bne hasdev2 ; yes, don't prepend something
+ bpl hasdev2
ldy #128+3 ; no, prepend "D:" (or other device)
sty tmp3 ; adjust stack size used