void client_enter_fullscreen(xcb_connection_t *conn, Client *client);
+ * Leaves fullscreen mode for the current client. This is called by toggle_fullscreen.
+ *
+ */
+void client_leave_fullscreen(xcb_connection_t *conn, Client *client);
* Toggles fullscreen mode for the given client. It updates the data
* structures and reconfigures (= resizes/moves) the client and its frame to
+ * Leaves fullscreen mode for the current client. This is called by toggle_fullscreen.
+ *
+ */
+void client_leave_fullscreen(xcb_connection_t *conn, Client *client) {
+ LOG("leaving fullscreen mode\n");
+ client->fullscreen = false;
+ Workspace *ws;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(ws, workspaces, workspaces)
+ if (ws->fullscreen_client == client)
+ ws->fullscreen_client = NULL;
+ if (client_is_floating(client)) {
+ /* For floating clients it’s enough if we just reconfigure that window (in fact,
+ * re-rendering the layout will not update the client.) */
+ reposition_client(conn, client);
+ resize_client(conn, client);
+ /* redecorate_window flushes */
+ redecorate_window(conn, client);
+ } else {
+ client_set_below_floating(conn, client);
+ /* Because the coordinates of the window haven’t changed, it would not be
+ re-configured if we don’t set the following flag */
+ client->force_reconfigure = true;
+ /* We left fullscreen mode, redraw the whole layout to ensure enternotify events are disabled */
+ render_layout(conn);
+ }
+ xcb_flush(conn);
* Toggles fullscreen mode for the given client. It updates the data structures and
* reconfigures (= resizes/moves) the client and its frame to the full size of the