is no need for a header. Thus the linker configuration
<htmlurl url="apple2-4.html#ss4.3" name="apple2-system.cfg"> for those programs
omits the DOS 3.3 header. The right AppleCommander option to put system files
-without a header on a ProDOS 8 disk image is </-p/.
+without a header on a ProDOS 8 disk image is <tt/-p/.
<sect>Memory layout<p>
is no need for a header. Thus the linker configuration
<htmlurl url="apple2enh-4.html#ss4.3" name="apple2enh-system.cfg"> for those programs
omits the DOS 3.3 header. The right AppleCommander option to put system files
-without a header on a ProDOS 8 disk image is </-p/.
+without a header on a ProDOS 8 disk image is <tt/-p/.
<sect>Memory layout<p>