coverage => 0,
restart => 0,
+my $keep_xdummy_output = 0;
my $result = GetOptions(
"coverage-testing" => \$options{coverage},
+ "keep-xdummy-output" => \$keep_xdummy_output,
"valgrind" => \$options{valgrind},
"strace" => \$options{strace},
"xtrace" => \$options{xtrace},
# No displays specified, let’s start some Xdummy instances.
if (@displays == 0) {
- @displays = start_xdummy($parallel, $numtests);
+ @displays = start_xdummy($parallel, $numtests, $keep_xdummy_output);
# 1: create an output directory for this test-run
our @EXPORT = qw(start_xdummy);
+my @pids;
my $x_socketpath = '/tmp/.X11-unix/X';
# reads in a whole file
# forks an Xdummy or Xdmx process
sub fork_xserver {
+ my $keep_xdummy_output = shift;
my $displaynum = shift;
my $pid = fork();
die "Could not fork: $!" unless defined($pid);
if ($pid == 0) {
# Child, close stdout/stderr, then start Xdummy.
- close STDOUT;
- close STDERR;
+ if (!$keep_xdummy_output) {
+ close STDOUT;
+ close STDERR;
+ }
exec @_;
exit 1;
unlink($x_socketpath . $displaynum);
+ push @pids, $pid;
return $x_socketpath . $displaynum;
sub start_xdummy {
- my ($parallel, $numtests) = @_;
+ my ($parallel, $numtests, $keep_xdummy_output) = @_;
my @displays = ();
my @childpids = ();
+ $SIG{CHLD} = sub {
+ my $child = waitpid -1, POSIX::WNOHANG;
+ @pids = grep { $_ != $child } @pids;
+ return unless @pids == 0;
+ print STDERR "All Xdummy processes died.\n";
+ print STDERR "Use ./ --parallel 1 --keep-xdummy-output\n";
+ exit 1;
+ };
# Yeah, I know it’s non-standard, but Perl’s POSIX module doesn’t have
my $cpuinfo = slurp('/proc/cpuinfo');
# We use -config /dev/null to prevent Xdummy from using the system
# Xorg configuration. The tests should be independant from the
# actual system X configuration.
- my $socket = fork_xserver($displaynum, './Xdummy', ":$displaynum",
- '-config', '/dev/null', '-nolisten', 'tcp');
+ my $socket = fork_xserver($keep_xdummy_output, $displaynum,
+ './Xdummy', ":$displaynum", '-config', '/dev/null',
+ '-nolisten', 'tcp');
push(@displays, ":$displaynum");
push(@sockets_waiting, $socket);