; Christian Groessler, chris@groessler.org, 2013
-DEBUG = 1
+DEBUG = 1
.if .defined(__ATARIXL__)
- .export sramprep
+ .export sramprep
.import __SRPREP_LOAD__, __SRPREP_SIZE__
- .import __SHADOW_RAM_RUN__
- .import __SAVEAREA_LOAD__
- .import zpsave
+ .import __SHADOW_RAM_RUN__
+ .import __SAVEAREA_LOAD__
+ .import zpsave
.include "zeropage.inc"
.include "atari.inc"
- .include "save_area.inc"
+ .include "save_area.inc"
.macro print_string text
- .local start, cont
- jmp cont
-start: .byte text, ATEOL
-cont: ldx #0 ; channel 0
- lda #<start
- sta ICBAL,x ; address
- lda #>start
- sta ICBAH,x
- lda #<(cont - start)
- sta ICBLL,x ; length
- lda #>(cont - start)
- sta ICBLH,x
- lda #PUTCHR
- sta ICCOM,x
- jsr CIOV_org
+ .local start, cont
+ jmp cont
+start: .byte text, ATEOL
+cont: ldx #0 ; channel 0
+ lda #<start
+ sta ICBAL,x ; address
+ lda #>start
+ sta ICBAH,x
+ lda #<(cont - start)
+ sta ICBLL,x ; length
+ lda #>(cont - start)
+ sta ICBLH,x
+ lda #PUTCHR
+ sta ICCOM,x
+ jsr CIOV_org
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.ifdef DEBUG
- print_string "entering stage #2"
+ print_string "entering stage #2"
; save values of modified system variables and ports
- lda RAMTOP
- sta RAMTOP_save
- lda MEMTOP
- sta MEMTOP_save
- lda MEMTOP+1
- sta MEMTOP_save+1
- lda APPMHI
- sta APPMHI_save
- lda APPMHI+1
- sta APPMHI_save+1
- lda PORTB
- sta PORTB_save
- lda CIOV ; zero-page wrapper
- sta ZP_CIOV_save
- lda CIOV+1
- sta ZP_CIOV_save+1
- lda CIOV+2
- sta ZP_CIOV_save+2
- lda SIOV ; zero-page wrapper
- sta ZP_SIOV_save
- lda SIOV+1
- sta ZP_SIOV_save+1
- lda SIOV+2
- sta ZP_SIOV_save+2
- lda $fffe
- sta IRQ_save
- lda $ffff
- sta IRQ_save+1
- lda $fffc
- sta RESET_save
- lda $fffd
- sta RESET_save+1
- lda $fffa
- sta NMI_save
- lda $fffb
- sta NMI_save+1
+ lda RAMTOP
+ sta RAMTOP_save
+ lda MEMTOP
+ sta MEMTOP_save
+ lda MEMTOP+1
+ sta MEMTOP_save+1
+ lda APPMHI
+ sta APPMHI_save
+ lda APPMHI+1
+ sta APPMHI_save+1
+ lda PORTB
+ sta PORTB_save
+ lda CIOV ; zero-page wrapper
+ sta ZP_CIOV_save
+ lda CIOV+1
+ sta ZP_CIOV_save+1
+ lda CIOV+2
+ sta ZP_CIOV_save+2
+ lda SIOV ; zero-page wrapper
+ sta ZP_SIOV_save
+ lda SIOV+1
+ sta ZP_SIOV_save+1
+ lda SIOV+2
+ sta ZP_SIOV_save+2
+ lda $fffe
+ sta IRQ_save
+ lda $ffff
+ sta IRQ_save+1
+ lda $fffc
+ sta RESET_save
+ lda $fffd
+ sta RESET_save+1
+ lda $fffa
+ sta NMI_save
+ lda $fffb
+ sta NMI_save+1
; disable BASIC
- lda PORTB
- ora #2
- sta PORTB
+ lda PORTB
+ ora #2
+ sta PORTB
- .include "xlmemchk.inc" ; calculate lowest address used and new value for RAMTOP
+ .include "xlmemchk.inc" ; calculate lowest address used and new value for RAMTOP
- ldx lowadr
- stx MEMTOP
- stx APPMHI
- lda lowadr+1
- sta MEMTOP+1
- sta APPMHI+1
- lda lodadr+1
- sta RAMTOP
+ ldx lowadr
+ stx MEMTOP
+ stx APPMHI
+ lda lowadr+1
+ sta MEMTOP+1
+ sta APPMHI+1
+ lda lodadr+1
+ sta RAMTOP
; ... issue a GRAPHICS 0 call (copied'n'pasted from TGI drivers)
- ldx #$50 ; take any IOCB, hopefully free (@@@ fixme)
+ ldx #$50 ; take any IOCB, hopefully free (@@@ fixme)
; Reopen it in Graphics 0
lda #OPEN
lda #>screen_device_length
sta ICBLH,x
jsr CIOV_org
- bpl okoko
+ bpl okoko
- print_string "Internal error, aborting..."
- jsr delay
- jsr delay
- jsr delay
+ print_string "Internal error, aborting..."
+ jsr delay
+ jsr delay
+ jsr delay
- jmp (DOSVEC) ; abort loading
+ jmp (DOSVEC) ; abort loading
; copy chargen to low memory
.ifdef DEBUG
- print_string "copy chargen to low memory"
- print_string "set up high memory"
+ print_string "copy chargen to low memory"
+ print_string "set up high memory"
- sta ptr3+1
- sta ptr3
- beq cg_addr_ok
+ sta ptr3+1
+ sta ptr3
+ beq cg_addr_ok
- ; page align the new chargen address
- inc ptr3+1
- lda #0
- sta ptr3
+ ; page align the new chargen address
+ inc ptr3+1
+ lda #0
+ sta ptr3
- lda #<DCSORG
- sta ptr1
- lda #>DCSORG
- sta ptr1+1
- lda ptr3
- sta ptr2
- lda ptr3+1
- sta ptr2+1
- lda #>__CHARGEN_SIZE__
- sta tmp2
- lda #<__CHARGEN_SIZE__
- sta tmp2+1
- jsr memcopy
+ lda #<DCSORG
+ sta ptr1
+ lda #>DCSORG
+ sta ptr1+1
+ lda ptr3
+ sta ptr2
+ lda ptr3+1
+ sta ptr2+1
+ lda #>__CHARGEN_SIZE__
+ sta tmp2
+ lda #<__CHARGEN_SIZE__
+ sta tmp2+1
+ jsr memcopy
; TODO: switch to this temp. chargen
; disable ROMs
- sei
- ldx #0
- stx NMIEN ; disable NMI
- lda PORTB
- and #$fe
- sta PORTB ; now ROM is mapped out
+ sei
+ ldx #0
+ stx NMIEN ; disable NMI
+ lda PORTB
+ and #$fe
+ sta PORTB ; now ROM is mapped out
; copy shadow RAM contents to their destination
- lda #<__SHADOW_RAM_SIZE__
- bne do_copy
- lda #>__SHADOW_RAM_SIZE__
- beq no_copy ; we have no shadow RAM contents
- ; ptr1 - src; ptr2 - dest; tmp1, tmp2 - len
-do_copy:lda #<__SHADOW_RAM_LOAD__
- sta ptr1
- lda #>__SHADOW_RAM_LOAD__
- sta ptr1+1
- lda #<__SHADOW_RAM_RUN__
- sta ptr2
- lda #>__SHADOW_RAM_RUN__
- sta ptr2+1
- lda #<__SHADOW_RAM_SIZE__
- sta tmp1
- lda #>__SHADOW_RAM_SIZE__
- sta tmp2
- jsr memcopy
+ lda #<__SHADOW_RAM_SIZE__
+ bne do_copy
+ lda #>__SHADOW_RAM_SIZE__
+ beq no_copy ; we have no shadow RAM contents
+ ; ptr1 - src; ptr2 - dest; tmp1, tmp2 - len
+do_copy:lda #<__SHADOW_RAM_LOAD__
+ sta ptr1
+ lda #>__SHADOW_RAM_LOAD__
+ sta ptr1+1
+ lda #<__SHADOW_RAM_RUN__
+ sta ptr2
+ lda #>__SHADOW_RAM_RUN__
+ sta ptr2+1
+ lda #<__SHADOW_RAM_SIZE__
+ sta tmp1
+ lda #>__SHADOW_RAM_SIZE__
+ sta tmp2
+ jsr memcopy
; copy chargen to its new (final) location
- lda ptr3
- sta ptr1
- lda ptr3+1
- sta ptr1+1
- lda #<__CHARGEN_START__
- sta ptr2
- lda #>__CHARGEN_START__
- sta ptr2+1
- lda #>__CHARGEN_SIZE__
- sta tmp2
- lda #<__CHARGEN_SIZE__
- sta tmp1
- jsr memcopy
+ lda ptr3
+ sta ptr1
+ lda ptr3+1
+ sta ptr1+1
+ lda #<__CHARGEN_START__
+ sta ptr2
+ lda #>__CHARGEN_START__
+ sta ptr2+1
+ lda #>__CHARGEN_SIZE__
+ sta tmp2
+ lda #<__CHARGEN_SIZE__
+ sta tmp1
+ jsr memcopy
; re-enable ROM
- lda PORTB
- ora #1
- sta PORTB
- lda #$40
- sta NMIEN ; enable VB again
- cli ; and enable IRQs
+ lda PORTB
+ ora #1
+ sta PORTB
+ lda #$40
+ sta NMIEN ; enable VB again
+ cli ; and enable IRQs
.ifdef DEBUG
- print_string "Stage #2 OK"
- jsr delay
+ print_string "Stage #2 OK"
+ jsr delay
; ptr2 - destination
; tmp2:tmp1 - len
-.proc memcopy
- ldy #0
- ldx tmp2
- beq last
-pagecp: lda (ptr1),y
- sta (ptr2),y
- iny
- bne pagecp
- inc ptr1+1
- inc ptr2+1
- dex
- bne pagecp
-last: cpy tmp1
- beq done
- lda (ptr1),y
- sta (ptr2),y
- iny
- bne last
-done: rts
+.proc memcopy
+ ldy #0
+ ldx tmp2
+ beq last
+pagecp: lda (ptr1),y
+ sta (ptr2),y
+ iny
+ bne pagecp
+ inc ptr1+1
+ inc ptr2+1
+ dex
+ bne pagecp
+last: cpy tmp1
+ beq done
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ sta (ptr2),y
+ iny
+ bne last
+done: rts
.byte "HERE ****************** HERE ***************>>>>>>"
- .word __SHADOW_RAM_SIZE__
+ .word __SHADOW_RAM_SIZE__
; short delay
-.proc delay
- lda #10
-l: jsr delay1
- clc
- sbc #0
- bne l
- rts
-delay1: ldx #0
- ldy #0
-loop: dey
- bne loop
- dex
- bne loop
- rts
+.proc delay
+ lda #10
+l: jsr delay1
+ clc
+ sbc #0
+ bne l
+ rts
+delay1: ldx #0
+ ldy #0
+loop: dey
+ bne loop
+ dex
+ bne loop
+ rts
-screen_device: .byte "S:",0
+screen_device: .byte "S:",0
screen_device_length = * - screen_device
- .byte " ** srprep ** end-->"
+ .byte " ** srprep ** end-->"
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Provide an empty SHADOW_RAM segment in order that the linker is happy
.word INITAD+1
.word __SRPREP_LOAD__
-.endif ; .if .defined(__ATARIXL__)
+.endif ; .if .defined(__ATARIXL__)