+++ /dev/null
- FreeRTOS V7.0.1 - Copyright (C) 2011 Real Time Engineers Ltd.\r
- FreeRTOS supports many tools and architectures. V7.0.0 is sponsored by:\r
- Atollic AB - Atollic provides professional embedded systems development\r
- tools for C/C++ development, code analysis and test automation.\r
- See http://www.atollic.com\r
- ***************************************************************************\r
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- ***************************************************************************\r
- This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.\r
- FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\r
- the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the\r
- Free Software Foundation AND MODIFIED BY the FreeRTOS exception.\r
- >>>NOTE<<< The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to\r
- distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being obliged to\r
- provide the source code for proprietary components outside of the FreeRTOS\r
- kernel. FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\r
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY\r
- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for\r
- more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public\r
- License and the FreeRTOS license exception along with FreeRTOS; if not it\r
- can be viewed here: http://www.freertos.org/a00114.html and also obtained\r
- by writing to Richard Barry, contact details for whom are available on the\r
- FreeRTOS WEB site.\r
- 1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
- http://www.FreeRTOS.org - Documentation, latest information, license and\r
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- http://www.SafeRTOS.com - A version that is certified for use in safety\r
- critical systems.\r
- http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Commercial support, development, porting,\r
- licensing and training services.\r
- .extern pxCurrentTCB\r
- .extern XIntc_DeviceInterruptHandler\r
- .extern vTaskSwitchContext\r
- .extern uxCriticalNesting\r
- .extern pulISRStack\r
- .global _interrupt_handler\r
- .global VPortYieldASM\r
- .global vPortStartFirstTask\r
-.macro portSAVE_CONTEXT\r
- /* Make room for the context on the stack. */\r
- addik r1, r1, -132\r
- /* Save r31 so it can then be used as a temporary. */\r
- swi r31, r1, 4\r
- /* Copy the msr into r31 - this is stacked later. */\r
- mfs r31, rmsr\r
- /* Stack general registers. */\r
- swi r30, r1, 12\r
- swi r29, r1, 16\r
- swi r28, r1, 20\r
- swi r27, r1, 24\r
- swi r26, r1, 28\r
- swi r25, r1, 32\r
- swi r24, r1, 36\r
- swi r23, r1, 40\r
- swi r22, r1, 44\r
- swi r21, r1, 48\r
- swi r20, r1, 52\r
- swi r19, r1, 56\r
- swi r18, r1, 60\r
- swi r17, r1, 64\r
- swi r16, r1, 68\r
- swi r15, r1, 72\r
- swi r13, r1, 80\r
- swi r12, r1, 84\r
- swi r11, r1, 88\r
- swi r10, r1, 92\r
- swi r9, r1, 96\r
- swi r8, r1, 100\r
- swi r7, r1, 104\r
- swi r6, r1, 108\r
- swi r5, r1, 112\r
- swi r4, r1, 116\r
- swi r3, r1, 120\r
- swi r2, r1, 124\r
- /* Stack the critical section nesting value. */\r
- lwi r3, r0, uxCriticalNesting\r
- swi r3, r1, 128\r
- /* Save the top of stack value to the TCB. */\r
- lwi r3, r0, pxCurrentTCB\r
- sw r1, r0, r3\r
- \r
- .endm\r
-.macro portRESTORE_CONTEXT\r
- /* Load the top of stack value from the TCB. */\r
- lwi r3, r0, pxCurrentTCB\r
- lw r1, r0, r3 \r
- /* Restore the general registers. */\r
- lwi r31, r1, 4 \r
- lwi r30, r1, 12 \r
- lwi r29, r1, 16 \r
- lwi r28, r1, 20 \r
- lwi r27, r1, 24 \r
- lwi r26, r1, 28 \r
- lwi r25, r1, 32 \r
- lwi r24, r1, 36 \r
- lwi r23, r1, 40 \r
- lwi r22, r1, 44 \r
- lwi r21, r1, 48 \r
- lwi r20, r1, 52 \r
- lwi r19, r1, 56 \r
- lwi r18, r1, 60 \r
- lwi r17, r1, 64 \r
- lwi r16, r1, 68 \r
- lwi r15, r1, 72 \r
- lwi r14, r1, 76 \r
- lwi r13, r1, 80 \r
- lwi r12, r1, 84 \r
- lwi r11, r1, 88 \r
- lwi r10, r1, 92 \r
- lwi r9, r1, 96 \r
- lwi r8, r1, 100 \r
- lwi r7, r1, 104\r
- lwi r6, r1, 108\r
- lwi r5, r1, 112\r
- lwi r4, r1, 116\r
- lwi r2, r1, 124\r
- /* Reload the rmsr from the stack. */\r
- lwi r3, r1, 8\r
- mts rmsr, r3\r
- /* Load the critical nesting value. */\r
- lwi r3, r1, 128\r
- swi r3, r0, uxCriticalNesting\r
- /* Test the critical nesting value. If it is non zero then the task last\r
- exited the running state using a yield. If it is zero, then the task\r
- last exited the running state through an interrupt. */\r
- xori r3, r3, 0\r
- bnei r3, exit_from_yield\r
- /* r3 was being used as a temporary. Now restore its true value from the\r
- stack. */\r
- lwi r3, r1, 120\r
- /* Remove the stack frame. */\r
- addik r1, r1, 132\r
- /* Return using rtid so interrupts are re-enabled as this function is\r
- exited. */\r
- rtid r14, 0\r
- or r0, r0, r0\r
- .endm\r
- .text\r
- .align 2\r
-/* This function is used to exit portRESTORE_CONTEXT() if the task being\r
-returned to last left the Running state by calling taskYIELD() (rather than\r
-being preempted by an interrupt. */\r
- /* r3 was being used as a temporary. Now restore its true value from the\r
- stack. */\r
- lwi r3, r1, 120\r
- /* Remove the stack frame. */\r
- addik r1, r1, 132\r
- /* Return to the task. */\r
- rtsd r14, 0\r
- or r0, r0, r0\r
- /* Stack msr. */\r
- swi r31, r1, 8\r
- /* Stack the return address. */\r
- swi r14, r1, 76\r
- /* Switch to the ISR stack. */\r
- lwi r1, r0, pulISRStack\r
- /* Execute any pending interrupts. */\r
- bralid r15, XIntc_DeviceInterruptHandler\r
- or r0, r0, r0\r
- /* Restore the context of the next task scheduled to execute. */\r
- /* Stack msr. */\r
- swi r31, r1, 8\r
- /* Modify the return address so a return is done to the instruction after\r
- the call to VPortYieldASM. */\r
- addi r14, r14, 8\r
- swi r14, r1, 76\r
- /* Switch to use the ISR stack. */\r
- lwi r1, r0, pulISRStack\r
- /* Select the next task to execute. */\r
- bralid r15, vTaskSwitchContext\r
- or r0, r0, r0\r
- /* Restore the context of the next task scheduled to execute. */\r
- \r
- \r