minutes after every commit. To use it, run the following commands:
-# echo 'deb http://build.i3wm.org/ubuntu/precise precise main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
+# echo 'deb http://build.i3wm.org/ubuntu/quantal quantal main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
# apt-get update
# apt-get --allow-unauthenticated install i3-autobuild-keyring
# apt-get update
Development versions are only available for the latest version of Ubuntu, which
-is precise at the moment.
+is quantal at the moment.
== Debian repository
minutes after every commit. To use it, run the following commands:</p></div>\r
<div class="listingblock">\r
<div class="content">\r
-<pre><tt># echo 'deb http://build.i3wm.org/ubuntu/precise precise main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list\r
+<pre><tt># echo 'deb http://build.i3wm.org/ubuntu/quantal quantal main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list\r
# apt-get update\r
# apt-get --allow-unauthenticated install i3-autobuild-keyring\r
# apt-get update\r
# apt-get install i3</tt></pre>\r
<div class="paragraph"><p>Development versions are only available for the latest version of Ubuntu, which\r
-is precise at the moment.</p></div>\r
+is quantal at the moment.</p></div>\r