.include "c64.inc"
+ .macpack generic
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
stx OldPotX
stx OldPotY
stx XMin
- stx XMin+1
- stx YMin
- stx YMin+1
- stx YMax+1
+ stx XMin+1 ; XMin = 0
+ lda #29
+ sta YMin
+ stx YMin+1 ; YMin = 29
+ lda #250
+ sta YMax
+ stx YMax+1 ; YMax = 250
inx ; X = 1
stx Visible ; Mouse *not* visible
- stx XMax+1 ; >320
- ldx #<320
- stx XMax
- ldx #200
- stx YMax
+ lda #<344
+ sta XMax
+ stx XMax+1 ; XMax = 344
; Remember the old IRQ vector
beq @L1 ; Jump if yes
dec Visible ; Get the flag
bne @L1 ; Jump if still invisible
- ldx MouseSprite ; Sprite defined?
+ ldx MouseSprite ; Sprite defined?
beq @L1 ; Jump if no
sei ; Disable interrupts
; Calculate the new X coordinate (--> a/y)
- clc
- adc XPos
+ add XPos
tay ; Remember low byte
adc XPos+1
; Calculate the new Y coordinate (--> a/y)
- clc
- adc YPos
- tay ; Remember low byte
- txa
- adc YPos+1
+ sta OldValue
+ lda YPos
+ sub OldValue
+ tay
+ stx OldValue
+ lda YPos+1
+ sbc OldValue
+ tax
cpy YMin
sbc YMin+1
sta NewValue
ldx #$00
- sec ; a = mod64 (new - old)
- sbc OldValue
+ sub OldValue ; a = mod64 (new - old)
and #%01111111
cmp #%01000000 ; if (a > 0)
bcs @L1 ;
beq @L2
ror a ; a /= 2
- ldx #$FF ; high byte = -1
+ dex ; high byte = -1 (X = $FF)
ldy NewValue
-@L2: lda #0
+@L2: txa ; A = $00
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NewValue: .res 1 ; Temp for MoveCheck routine
Visible: .res 1 ; Is the mouse visible?
-OldPotX: .res 1 ; Old hw counter values
+OldPotX: .res 1 ; Old hw counter values
OldPotY: .res 1
XPos: .res 2 ; Current mouse position, X