noinst_HEADERS = binarybuffer.h configuration.h types.h log.h command.h \
time_support.h replacements.h fileio.h jim.h
-noinst_PROGRAMS = bin2char
-bin2char_SOURCES = bin2char.c
# Convert .tcl to cfile
-startup_tcl.c: startup.tcl bin2char$(EXEEXT)
- ./bin2char$(EXEEXT) startup_tcl < $(srcdir)/$< > $@
+# Fix!!! how do we make this more automake friendly?
+startup_tcl.c: startup.tcl
+ gcc -o bin2char $(srcdir)/bin2char.c
+ ./bin2char startup_tcl < $(srcdir)/startup.tcl > $@
# add startup_tcl.c to make clean list
CLEANFILES = startup_tcl.c
/* Integrate the JIM TCL interpretor into the command processing. */
#include <stdarg.h>
-#ifdef __ECOS
/* Jim is provied by eCos */
#include <cyg/jimtcl/jim.h>