memset(&cr, 0, sizeof(cr));
- memset(&del, 0, sizeof(del));
bstrncpy(cr.Name, client->name(), sizeof(cr.Name));
if (!db_create_client_record(ua->jcr, ua->db, &cr)) {
goto bail_out;
+ edit_utime(period, ed1, sizeof(ed1));
+ Jmsg(ua->jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Begin pruning Jobs older than %s.\n"), ed1);
+ edit_int64(now - period, ed1); /* Jobs older than ed1 are good candidates */
+ edit_int64(cr.ClientId, ed2);
+ memset(&del, 0, sizeof(del));
+ del.max_ids = 100;
+ del.JobId = (JobId_t *)malloc(sizeof(JobId_t) * del.max_ids);
+ del.PurgedFiles = (char *)malloc(del.max_ids);
+ /* Prune garbage jobs (JobStatus not successful) */
+ Mmsg(query,
+ "SELECT JobId, PurgedFiles FROM Job "
+ "WHERE ( JobFiles=0 "
+ "OR JobStatus NOT IN ('T', 'W') "
+ ") "
+ "AND JobTDate < %s "
+ "AND ClientId = %s ",
+ ed1, ed2);
+ Dmsg1(150, "Query=%s\n", query.c_str());
+ if (!db_sql_query(ua->db, query.c_str(), job_delete_handler, (void *)&del)) {
+ ua->error_msg("%s", db_strerror(ua->db));
+ }
+ /* Prune Admin, Restore, Copy and Migration jobs */
+ Mmsg(query,
+ "SELECT JobId, PurgedFiles FROM Job "
+ "WHERE JobType IN ('D', 'R', 'c', 'm') "
+ "AND JobTDate < %s "
+ "AND ClientId = %s ",
+ ed1, ed2);
+ Dmsg1(150, "Query=%s\n", query.c_str());
+ if (!db_sql_query(ua->db, query.c_str(), job_delete_handler, (void *)&del)) {
+ ua->error_msg("%s", db_strerror(ua->db));
+ }
+ /* Select all backups that can be used */
+ /* need to check by fileset name */
+ /* need to check unused base jobs */
+ /* how we do with old fileset.... */
+ /* did we check only for defined jobs ? */
+ Mmsg(query,
+ "SELECT JobId, FileSet, PurgedFiles FROM Job "
+ "WHERE JobType IN = 'B' "
+ "AND JobTDate < %s "
+ "AND ClientId = %s ",
+ ed1, ed2);
+ Dmsg1(150, "Query=%s\n", query.c_str());
+ if (!db_sql_query(ua->db, query.c_str(), job_delete_handler, (void *)&del)) {
+ ua->error_msg("%s", db_strerror(ua->db));
+ }
* Select all files that are older than the JobRetention period
* and stuff them into the "DeletionCandidates" table.
- edit_utime(period, ed1, sizeof(ed1));
- Jmsg(ua->jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Begin pruning Jobs older than %s.\n"), ed1);
- edit_int64(now - period, ed1);
Mmsg(query, insert_delcand, (char)JobType, ed1,
edit_int64(cr.ClientId, ed2));
if (!db_sql_query(ua->db, query.c_str(), NULL, (void *)NULL)) {
goto bail_out;
- del.max_ids = 100;
- del.JobId = (JobId_t *)malloc(sizeof(JobId_t) * del.max_ids);
- del.PurgedFiles = (char *)malloc(del.max_ids);
- /* ed1 = JobTDate */
- edit_int64(cr.ClientId, ed2);
switch (JobType) {
Mmsg(query, select_backup_del, ed1, ed2);