Bweb::Sched() - Bweb package that parse show schedule ouput
- new Bweb::Sched(format => '%Y-%m-%d');
+ new Bweb::Sched(format => '%Y-%m-%d', year => 2008);
=head2 USAGE
# we get all values (0 1 4 9)
$elt->{$k}=[split (/\s/,$v)];
- # we make a bitmap for this kind of data (0 0 1 0 0 0 1) for a quick access
+ # we make a bitmap for this kind of data (0 0 1 0 0 0 1) for a quick access
elsif ($ligne =~ /(wday|wom|woy)=(.+)/) {
my ($k,$v) = ($1,$2);
foreach my $e (split (/\s/,$v)) {
my ($self, $s,$format) = @_;
my $year = $self->{year} || ((localtime)[5] + 1900);
$format = $format || '%u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u';
my @ret;
foreach my $m (@{$s->{month}}) # mois de l'annee
print "<br>You can follow job (jobid=$jobid) execution <a href='?action=dsp_cur_job;client=$arg->{client};jobid=$jobid'> here </a><script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'>setTimeout(function() { window.location='?action=dsp_cur_job;client=$arg->{client};jobid=$jobid'},2000);</script>";
+sub display_next_job
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $arg = $self->get_form(qw/job/);
+ if (!$arg->{job}) {
+ return $self->error("Can't get job name");
+ }
+ my $b = $self->get_bconsole();
+ my $job = $b->send_cmd("show job=\"$arg->{job}\"");
+ if ($job !~ /Schedule: name=([\w\d\-]+)/s) {
+ return $self->error("Can't get $arg->{job} schedule");
+ }
+ my $jsched = $1;
+ my $out = $b->send_cmd("show schedule=\"$jsched\"");
+ my $sched = new Bweb::Sched();
+ $sched->parse_scheds(split(/\r?\n/, $out));
+ my $ss = $sched->get_scheds($jsched);
+ foreach my $s (@$ss) {
+ my $level = $sched->get_level($s);
+ my $pool = $sched->get_pool($s);
+ my $evt = $sched->get_event($s);
+ print "$level on $pool <pre>", Data::Dumper::Dumper($evt), "</pre><br>";
+ }