; Atari 8-bit mouse routines -- 05/07/2000 Freddy Offenga
-; Some changes by Christian Groessler
+; Some changes by Christian Groessler, Ullrich von Bassewitz
; The following devices are supported:
; - Atari trak-ball
; drawn in player 0 during the vertical blank
- .export _mouse_init, _mouse_done, _mouse_box
- .export _mouse_show, _mouse_hide, _mouse_move
- .export _mouse_buttons
+ .export _mouse_init, _mouse_done, _mouse_box
+ .export _mouse_show, _mouse_hide, _mouse_move
+ .export _mouse_buttons, _mouse_pos, _mouse_info
.constructor initmouse,27
- .import popa,popax
+ .import popa,popax
+ .importzp ptr1
.include "atari.inc"
stx APPMHI+1
; Initialize mouse routines
; void mouse_show(void)
- lda #1
- sta mouse_on
+ inc mouse_on
; void mouse_hide(void)
- lda #0
- sta mouse_on
- rts
+ lda mouse_on
+ beq @L1
+ dec mouse_on
+@L1: rts
; Ask mouse button
; unsigned char mouse_buttons(void)
- ldx port_nr
- lda STRIG0,x
- bne nobut
-; lda #14
+ ldx port_nr
+ lda STRIG0,x
+ bne nobut
+; lda #14
;??? sta COLOR1
- ldx #0
- lda #1
- rts
+ ldx #0
+ lda #1
+ rts
nobut: ldx #0
- txa
- rts
+ txa
+ rts
+; Get the mouse position
+; void mouse_pos (struct mouse_pos* pos);
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1 ; Store argument pointer
+ ldy #0
+ lda mousex ; X position
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ lda #0
+ iny
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ lda mousey ; Y position
+ iny
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ lda #0
+ iny
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ rts
+; Get the mouse position and button information
+; void mouse_info (struct mouse_info* info);
+; We're cheating here to keep the code smaller: The first fields of the
+; mouse_info struct are identical to the mouse_pos struct, so we will just
+; call _mouse_pos to initialize the struct pointer and fill the position
+; fields.
+ jsr _mouse_pos
+; Fill in the button state
+ jsr _mouse_buttons ; Will not touch ptr1
+ ldy #4
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ rts
; Atari trak-ball check, A,Y = 4-bit port value
- eor oldval
- and #%00001000
- beq horiz
+ eor oldval
+ and #%00001000
+ beq horiz
- tya
- and #%00000100
+ tya
+ and #%00000100
beq mmup
inc mousey
sta mpatch1+2
sta mpatch2+2
sta mpatch3+2
ldx #0