# # $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { }
+TEXFILES=$(wildcard *tex)
+WEBFILESTOLINK=$(DOCDIR)/latex2html-init.pl $(DOCDIR)/bacula.sty $(DOCDIR)/translate_images.pl
first_rule: all
-all: tex pdflatex mini-clean
+all: tex pdflatex web mini-clean
.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
@echo "Done."
- @../../update_version
+ @$(MANUALSDIR)/update_version
@echo "Making version `cat version.tex`"
@echo -n "Linking shared files..."
@(for L in $(LICENCES); do ln -sf $$L .; done)
pdflatex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
pdflatex -interaction=batchmode ${DOC}.tex
- @echo " "
- @echo "Making html"
-# @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
-# @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- latex2html -white -no_subdir -split 0 -toc_stars -white -notransparent \
- -init_file latex2html-init.pl ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- (cd ${DOC}; for i in *.png ; do cp -fp ../${IMAGES}/$${i} .; done)
- @echo "Done making html"
+web: clean
@echo "Making web"
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
- latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Console and Operators Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl \
- -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
- -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- @cp -f ${DOC}/${MAINDOC} ${DOC}/index.html
+ @rm -rf $(WWWDIR)
+ @mkdir -p $(WWWDIR)
+ @echo -"Creating tex files..."
+ @(for F in $(TEXFILES) ;\
+ do \
+ cat $$F | sed -e 's/lstlisting/verbatim/g;s/lstinline/verb/g;s/\\lstset.*//g;s/bsysimage.{\(.*\)}{.*}{.*}/includegraphics{\1}/g;s/\\input{head.*//g;s/bsysmanual/book/g;s/bsysitemize/itemize/g;s/\\listoffigures//g;s/\\listoftables//g' > $(WWWDIR)/$$F ;\
+ done)
+ @ln -sf $(DOCDIR)/Makefile.web $(WWWDIR)/Makefile
+ @(for F in $(WEBFILESTOLINK);\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F $(WWWDIR)/;\
+ done)
+ (cd $(WWWDIR) ; make)
@echo "Done making web"
@rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
@rm -rf ${DOC}
+ @rm -rf $(WWWDIR)
-distclean: clean
+distclean: webclean clean
@rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
@rm -f Makefile version.tex
--- /dev/null
+LICENCES=$(wildcard $(LICENSESDIR)/*.tex)
+.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
+first_rule: all
+all: web clean
+ @echo "PNG images"
+ @echo -n "Generating PNG images..."
+ @(cd ${IMAGES}/svg ; make png)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo -n "Linking png images..."
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/*.png ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/png/*.png ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo "PNG done."
+ @echo "EPS images"
+ @echo -n "Generating EPS images..."
+ @(cd ${IMAGES}/svg ; make eps)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo -n "Linking eps images..."
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/*.eps ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/eps/*.eps ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo "EPS done."
+ @echo -n "Cleaning..."
+ @find . -type l -iname "*.eps" -exec rm {} \;
+ @find . -type l -iname "*.png" -exec rm {} \;
+ @echo "Done."
+ @(for F in $(LICENCES) ;\
+ do \
+ cat $$F | sed -e 's/lstlisting/verbatim/g;s/lstinline/verb/g;s/\\lstset.*//g;s/bsysimage.{\(.*\)}{.*}{.*}/includegraphics{\1}/g;s/\\input{head.*//g;s/bsysmanual/book/g;s/Aenumerate/enumerate/g;s/\\raisebox{0.1ex}{\\textsuperscript\\textregistered}/\\textregistered/g;s/\[0.3\\linewidth\]/\[5cm\]/g;s/bsysitemize/itemize/g' > ./`basename $$F` ;\
+ done)
+ cp $(MANUALSDIR)/bsys-web-mode.tex ./bsys-compiler-mode.tex
+ @echo "Done"
+web: commonfiles epsimages pngimages
+ @echo "Making web"
+ @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
+ latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Console and Operators Guide" -long_titles 4 \
+ -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl \
+ -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
+ -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
+ @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
+ ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names $(MAINDOC).html; \
+ fi)
+ @cp -f ${DOC}/${MAINDOC} ${DOC}/index.html
+ @echo "Done making web"
+TEXFILES=$(wildcard *tex)
+WEBFILESTOLINK=$(DOCDIR)/latex2html-init.pl $(DOCDIR)/bacula.sty $(DOCDIR)/translate_images.pl
first_rule: all
-all: tex pdflatex mini-clean
+all: tex pdflatex web mini-clean
.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
(cd ${DOC}; for i in *.png ; do cp -fp ../${IMAGES}/$${i} . 2>/dev/null; done)
@rm -f *.eps *.gif *.jpg *.old
- @echo "Making ${DOC} web"
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*
-# @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @(if [ -f ${DOC}/imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Developer*Guide.html; \
- fi)
- @rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
- latex2html -split 4 -local_icons -t "Developer's Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl \
- -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
- -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- @cp -f ${DOC}/Bacula_Developer_Notes.html ${DOC}/index.html
- @rm -f *.eps *.gif *.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps *.old
- @rm -f ${DOC}/idle.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/win32-*.png ${DOC}/wx-console*.png ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.pl ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.idx
- @rm -f ${DOC}/*.out WARNINGS
+web: clean
+ @echo "Making web"
+ @rm -rf $(WWWDIR)
+ @mkdir -p $(WWWDIR)
+ @echo -"Creating tex files..."
+ @(for F in $(TEXFILES) ;\
+ do \
+ cat $$F | sed -e 's/lstlisting/verbatim/g;s/lstinline/verb/g;s/\\lstset.*//g;s/bsysimage.{\(.*\)}{.*}{.*}/includegraphics{\1}/g;s/\\input{head.*//g;s/bsysmanual/book/g;s/bsysitemize/itemize/g;s/\\listoffigures//g;s/\\listoftables//g' > $(WWWDIR)/$$F ;\
+ done)
+ @ln -sf $(DOCDIR)/Makefile.web $(WWWDIR)/Makefile
+ @(for F in $(WEBFILESTOLINK);\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F $(WWWDIR)/;\
+ done)
+ (cd $(WWWDIR) ; make )
+ @echo "Done making web"
+# web:
+# @echo "Making ${DOC} web"
+# @rm -rf ${DOC}
+# @mkdir -p ${DOC}
+# @rm -f ${DOC}/*
+# # @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
+# @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
+# @(if [ -f ${DOC}/imagename_translations ] ; then \
+# ./translate_images.pl --to_meaningful_names ${DOC}/Developer*Guide.html; \
+# fi)
+# @rm -rf ${DOC}/*.html
+# latex2html -split 4 -local_icons -t "Developer's Guide" -long_titles 4 \
+# -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl \
+# -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
+# -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
+# @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
+# ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
+# fi)
+# @cp -f ${DOC}/Bacula_Developer_Notes.html ${DOC}/index.html
+# @rm -f *.eps *.gif *.jpg ${DOC}/*.eps *.old
+# @rm -f ${DOC}/idle.png
+# @rm -f ${DOC}/win32-*.png ${DOC}/wx-console*.png ${DOC}/xp-*.png
+# @rm -f ${DOC}/*.pl ${DOC}/*.log ${DOC}/*.aux ${DOC}/*.idx
+# @rm -f ${DOC}/*.out WARNINGS
./check_tex.pl ${DOC}.tex
@rm -f ${DOC}/WARNINGS
- @find . -type f -name ${DOC}.mtc* -exec rm {} \;
+ @find . -type f -name "${DOC}.mtc*" -exec rm {} \;
@find . -type l -name "*.tex" -exec rm {} \;
@rm -f 1 2 3
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@rm -f images.tex ${DOC}i.tex
@rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
+ @rm -rf $(WWWDIR)
-distclean: clean
+distclean: webclean clean
@rm -f ${DOC}.html ${DOC}.pdf
@rm -f Makefile version.tex
--- /dev/null
+LICENCES=$(wildcard $(LICENSESDIR)/*.tex)
+.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
+first_rule: all
+all: web clean
+ @echo "PNG images"
+ @echo -n "Generating PNG images..."
+ @(cd ${IMAGES}/svg ; make png)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo -n "Linking png images..."
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/*.png ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/png/*.png ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo "PNG done."
+ @echo "EPS images"
+ @echo -n "Generating EPS images..."
+ @(cd ${IMAGES}/svg ; make eps)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo -n "Linking eps images..."
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/*.eps ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/eps/*.eps ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo "EPS done."
+ @echo -n "Cleaning..."
+ @find . -type l -iname "*.eps" -exec rm {} \;
+ @find . -type l -iname "*.png" -exec rm {} \;
+ @echo "Done."
+ @(for F in $(LICENCES) ;\
+ do \
+ cat $$F | sed -e 's/lstlisting/verbatim/g;s/lstinline/verb/g;s/\\lstset.*//g;s/bsysimage.{\(.*\)}{.*}{.*}/includegraphics{\1}/g;s/\\input{head.*//g;s/bsysmanual/book/g;s/Aenumerate/enumerate/g;s/\\raisebox{0.1ex}{\\textsuperscript\\textregistered}/\\textregistered/g;s/\[0.3\\linewidth\]/\[5cm\]/g;s/bsysitemize/itemize/g' > ./`basename $$F` ;\
+ done)
+ cp $(MANUALSDIR)/bsys-web-mode.tex ./bsys-compiler-mode.tex
+ @echo "Done"
+web: commonfiles epsimages pngimages
+ @echo "Making web"
+ @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
+ latex2html -split 4 -local_icons -t "Developer's Guide" -long_titles 4 \
+ -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl \
+ -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
+ -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
+ @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
+ ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names $(MAINDOC).html; \
+ fi)
+ @cp -f ${DOC}/${MAINDOC} ${DOC}/index.html
+ @echo "Done making web"
+TEXFILES=$(wildcard *.tex)
+WEBFILESTOLINK=$(DOCDIR)/latex2html-init.pl $(DOCDIR)/bacula.sty $(DOCDIR)/translate_images.pl
first_rule: all
-all: tex pdflatex mini-clean
+all: tex pdflatex web mini-clean
.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
(cd ${DOC}; for i in *.png ; do cp -fp ../${IMAGES}/$${i} . 2>/dev/null; done)
@echo "Done making html"
+web: clean
@echo "Making web"
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Main Reference" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl \
- -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
- -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- @cp -f ${DOC}/${MAINDOC} ${DOC}/index.html
+ @rm -rf $(WWWDIR)
+ @mkdir -p $(WWWDIR)
+ @echo -"Creating tex files..."
+ @(for F in $(TEXFILES) ;\
+ do \
+ cat $$F | sed -e 's/lstlisting/verbatim/g;s/lstinline/verb/g;s/\\lstset.*//g;s/bsysimage.{\(.*\)}{.*}{.*}/includegraphics{\1}/g;s/\\input{head.*//g;s/bsysmanual/book/g;s/bsysitemize/itemize/g;s/\\listoffigures//g;s/\\listoftables//g' > $(WWWDIR)/$$F ;\
+ done)
+ @ln -sf $(DOCDIR)/Makefile.web $(WWWDIR)/Makefile
+ @(for F in $(WEBFILESTOLINK);\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F $(WWWDIR)/;\
+ done)
+ (cd $(WWWDIR) ; make )
@echo "Done making web"
+# web:
+# @echo "Making web"
+# @rm -rf ${DOC}
+# @mkdir -p ${DOC}
+# @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
+# @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
+# latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Main Reference" -long_titles 4 \
+# -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl \
+# -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
+# -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
+# @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
+# ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
+# fi)
+# @cp -f ${DOC}/${MAINDOC} ${DOC}/index.html
+# @echo "Done making web"
xdvi ${DOC}
- @find . -type f -name ${DOC}.mtc* -exec rm {} \;
+ @find . -type f -name "${DOC}.mtc*" -exec rm {} \;
@find . -type l -name "*.tex" -exec rm {} \;
@rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
@rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
@rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
@rm -rf ${DOC}
+ @rm -rf $(WWWDIR)
-distclean: clean
+distclean: webclean clean
@rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
@rm -f Makefile version.tex
--- /dev/null
+LICENCES=$(wildcard $(LICENSESDIR)/*.tex)
+.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
+first_rule: all
+all: web clean
+ @echo "PNG images"
+ @echo -n "Generating PNG images..."
+ @(cd ${IMAGES}/svg ; make png)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo -n "Linking png images..."
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/*.png ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/png/*.png ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo "PNG done."
+ @echo "EPS images"
+ @echo -n "Generating EPS images..."
+ @(cd ${IMAGES}/svg ; make eps)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo -n "Linking eps images..."
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/*.eps ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/eps/*.eps ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo "EPS done."
+ @echo -n "Cleaning..."
+ @find . -type l -iname "*.eps" -exec rm {} \;
+ @find . -type l -iname "*.png" -exec rm {} \;
+ @echo "Done."
+ @(for F in $(LICENCES) ;\
+ do \
+ cat $$F | sed -e 's/lstlisting/verbatim/g;s/lstinline/verb/g;s/\\lstset.*//g;s/bsysimage.{\(.*\)}{.*}{.*}/includegraphics{\1}/g;s/\\input{head.*//g;s/bsysmanual/book/g;s/Aenumerate/enumerate/g;s/\\raisebox{0.1ex}{\\textsuperscript\\textregistered}/\\textregistered/g;s/\[0.3\\linewidth\]/\[5cm\]/g;s/bsysitemize/itemize/g' > ./`basename $$F` ;\
+ done)
+ cp $(MANUALSDIR)/bsys-web-mode.tex ./bsys-compiler-mode.tex
+ @echo "Done"
+web: commonfiles epsimages pngimages
+ @echo "Making web"
+ @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
+ @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
+ latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Main Reference" -long_titles 4 \
+ -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl \
+ -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
+ -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
+ @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
+ ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names $(MAINDOC).html; \
+ fi)
+ @cp -f ${DOC}/${MAINDOC} ${DOC}/index.html
+ @echo "Done making web"
+TEXFILES=$(wildcard *.tex)
+WEBFILESTOLINK=$(DOCDIR)/latex2html-init.pl $(DOCDIR)/bacula.sty $(DOCDIR)/translate_images.pl
first_rule: all
-all: tex pdflatex mini-clean
+all: tex pdflatex web mini-clean
.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
(cd ${DOC}; for i in *.png ; do cp -fp ../${IMAGES}/$${i} . 2>/dev/null; done)
@echo "Done making html"
+web: clean
@echo "Making web"
- @rm -rf ${DOC}
- @mkdir -p ${DOC}
- @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
- @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
- @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
- latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Miscellaneous Guide" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl \
- -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
- -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
- @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}/${MAINDOC}; \
- fi)
- @cp -f ${DOC}/${MAINDOC} ${DOC}/index.html
+ @rm -rf $(WWWDIR)
+ @mkdir -p $(WWWDIR)
+ @echo -"Creating tex files..."
+ @(for F in $(TEXFILES) ;\
+ do \
+ cat $$F | sed -e 's/lstlisting/verbatim/g;s/lstinline/verb/g;s/\\lstset.*//g;s/bsysimage.{\(.*\)}{.*}{.*}/includegraphics{\1}/g;s/\\input{head.*//g;s/bsysmanual/book/g;s/bsysitemize/itemize/g;s/\\listoffigures//g;s/\\listoftables//g' > $(WWWDIR)/$$F ;\
+ done)
+ @ln -sf $(DOCDIR)/Makefile.web $(WWWDIR)/Makefile
+ @(for F in $(WEBFILESTOLINK);\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F $(WWWDIR)/;\
+ done)
+ (cd $(WWWDIR) ; make )
@echo "Done making web"
+# web:
+# @echo "Making web"
+# @rm -rf ${DOC}
+# @mkdir -p ${DOC}
+# @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
+# @rm -f next.eps next.png prev.eps prev.png up.eps up.png
+# @rm -f ${DOC}/xp-*.png
+# @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
+# latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Miscellaneous Guide" -long_titles 4 \
+# -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl \
+# -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
+# -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
+# @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
+# ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}/${MAINDOC}; \
+# fi)
+# @cp -f ${DOC}/${MAINDOC} ${DOC}/index.html
+# @echo "Done making web"
xdvi ${DOC}
- @find . -type f -name ${DOC}.mtc* -exec rm {} \;
+ @find . -type f -name "${DOC}.mtc*" -exec rm {} \;
@find . -type l -name "*.tex" -exec rm {} \;
@rm -f 1 2 3 *.tex~
@rm -f *.png *.gif *.jpg *.eps
@rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
@rm -rf ${DOC}
+ @rm -rf $(WWWDIR)
-distclean: clean
+distclean: webclean clean
@rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
@rm -f Makefile version.tex
--- /dev/null
+LICENCES=$(wildcard $(LICENSESDIR)/*.tex)
+.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
+first_rule: all
+all: web clean
+ @echo "PNG images"
+ @echo -n "Generating PNG images..."
+ @(cd ${IMAGES}/svg ; make png)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo -n "Linking png images..."
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/*.png ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/png/*.png ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo "PNG done."
+ @echo "EPS images"
+ @echo -n "Generating EPS images..."
+ @(cd ${IMAGES}/svg ; make eps)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo -n "Linking eps images..."
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/*.eps ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/eps/*.eps ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo "EPS done."
+ @echo -n "Cleaning..."
+ @find . -type l -iname "*.eps" -exec rm {} \;
+ @find . -type l -iname "*.png" -exec rm {} \;
+ @echo "Done."
+ @(for F in $(LICENCES) ;\
+ do \
+ cat $$F | sed -e 's/lstlisting/verbatim/g;s/lstinline/verb/g;s/\\lstset.*//g;s/bsysimage.{\(.*\)}{.*}{.*}/includegraphics{\1}/g;s/\\input{head.*//g;s/bsysmanual/book/g;s/Aenumerate/enumerate/g;s/\\raisebox{0.1ex}{\\textsuperscript\\textregistered}/\\textregistered/g;s/\[0.3\\linewidth\]/\[5cm\]/g;s/bsysitemize/itemize/g' > ./`basename $$F` ;\
+ done)
+ cp $(MANUALSDIR)/bsys-web-mode.tex ./bsys-compiler-mode.tex
+ @echo "Done"
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+ -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
+ -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
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+ ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names $(MAINDOC).html; \
+ fi)
+ @cp -f ${DOC}/${MAINDOC} ${DOC}/index.html
+ @echo "Done making web"
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+WEBFILESTOLINK=$(DOCDIR)/latex2html-init.pl $(DOCDIR)/bacula.sty $(DOCDIR)/translate_images.pl
first_rule: all
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(cd ${DOC}; for i in *.png ; do cp -fp ../${IMAGES}/$${i} . 2>/dev/null; done)
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+web: clean
@echo "Making web"
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- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl \
- -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
- -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
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- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
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+ done)
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+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F $(WWWDIR)/;\
+ done)
+ (cd $(WWWDIR) ; make )
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+# latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Problem Resolution Guide" -long_titles 4 \
+# -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl \
+# -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
+# -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
+# @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
+# ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
+# fi)
+# @cp -f ${DOC}/${MAINDOC} ${DOC}/index.html
+# @echo "Done making web"
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-distclean: clean
+distclean: webclean clean
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@rm -f Makefile version.tex
--- /dev/null
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+first_rule: all
+all: web clean
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+ @echo "Done."
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+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/png/*.png ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo "PNG done."
+ @echo "EPS images"
+ @echo -n "Generating EPS images..."
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+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo -n "Linking eps images..."
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+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/eps/*.eps ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo "EPS done."
+ @echo -n "Cleaning..."
+ @find . -type l -iname "*.eps" -exec rm {} \;
+ @find . -type l -iname "*.png" -exec rm {} \;
+ @echo "Done."
+ @(for F in $(LICENCES) ;\
+ do \
+ cat $$F | sed -e 's/lstlisting/verbatim/g;s/lstinline/verb/g;s/\\lstset.*//g;s/bsysimage.{\(.*\)}{.*}{.*}/includegraphics{\1}/g;s/\\input{head.*//g;s/bsysmanual/book/g;s/Aenumerate/enumerate/g;s/\\raisebox{0.1ex}{\\textsuperscript\\textregistered}/\\textregistered/g;s/\[0.3\\linewidth\]/\[5cm\]/g;s/bsysitemize/itemize/g' > ./`basename $$F` ;\
+ done)
+ cp $(MANUALSDIR)/bsys-web-mode.tex ./bsys-compiler-mode.tex
+ @echo "Done"
+web: commonfiles epsimages pngimages
+ @echo "Making web"
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+ latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Problem Resolution Guide" -long_titles 4 \
+ -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl \
+ -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
+ -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
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+ ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names $(MAINDOC).html; \
+ fi)
+ @cp -f ${DOC}/${MAINDOC} ${DOC}/index.html
+ @echo "Done making web"
+TEXFILES=$(wildcard *.tex)
+WEBFILESTOLINK=$(DOCDIR)/latex2html-init.pl $(DOCDIR)/bacula.sty $(DOCDIR)/translate_images.pl
first_rule: all
-all: tex pdflatex mini-clean
+all: tex pdflatex web mini-clean
.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
(cd ${DOC}; for i in *.png ; do cp -fp ../${IMAGES}/$${i} . 2>/dev/null; done)
@echo "Done making html"
+web: clean
@echo "Making web"
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- latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Utility Programs" -long_titles 4 \
- -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl \
- -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
- -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
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- ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
- fi)
- @cp -f ${DOC}/${MAINDOC} ${DOC}/index.html
+ @rm -rf $(WWWDIR)
+ @mkdir -p $(WWWDIR)
+ @echo -"Creating tex files..."
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+ do \
+ cat $$F | sed -e 's/lstlisting/verbatim/g;s/lstinline/verb/g;s/\\lstset.*//g;s/bsysimage.{\(.*\)}{.*}{.*}/includegraphics{\1}/g;s/\\input{head.*//g;s/bsysmanual/book/g;s/bsysitemize/itemize/g;s/\\listoffigures//g;s/\\listoftables//g' > $(WWWDIR)/$$F ;\
+ done)
+ @ln -sf $(DOCDIR)/Makefile.web $(WWWDIR)/Makefile
+ @(for F in $(WEBFILESTOLINK);\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F $(WWWDIR)/;\
+ done)
+ (cd $(WWWDIR) ; make )
@echo "Done making web"
+# web:
+# @echo "Making web"
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+# @mkdir -p ${DOC}
+# @cp -fp ${IMAGES}/*.eps .
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+# latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Utility Programs" -long_titles 4 \
+# -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl \
+# -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
+# -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
+# @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
+# ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names ${DOC}.html; \
+# fi)
+# @cp -f ${DOC}/${MAINDOC} ${DOC}/index.html
+# @echo "Done making web"
xdvi ${DOC}
- @find . -type f -name ${DOC}.mtc* -exec rm {} \;
+ @find . -type f -name "${DOC}.mtc*" -exec rm {} \;
@find . -type l -name "*.tex" -exec rm {} \;
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@rm -f ${DOC}i-*.tex
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-distclean: clean
+distclean: webclean clean
@rm -f images.pl labels.pl internals.pl
@rm -f Makefile version.tex
--- /dev/null
+LICENCES=$(wildcard $(LICENSESDIR)/*.tex)
+.SUFFIXES: .tex .html
+first_rule: all
+all: web clean
+ @echo "PNG images"
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+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo -n "Linking png images..."
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/*.png ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/png/*.png ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo "PNG done."
+ @echo "EPS images"
+ @echo -n "Generating EPS images..."
+ @(cd ${IMAGES}/svg ; make eps)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo -n "Linking eps images..."
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/*.eps ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @(for F in $(IMAGES)/eps/*.eps ;\
+ do \
+ ln -sf $$F ./`basename $$F`; \
+ done)
+ @echo "Done."
+ @echo "EPS done."
+ @echo -n "Cleaning..."
+ @find . -type l -iname "*.eps" -exec rm {} \;
+ @find . -type l -iname "*.png" -exec rm {} \;
+ @echo "Done."
+ @(for F in $(LICENCES) ;\
+ do \
+ cat $$F | sed -e 's/lstlisting/verbatim/g;s/lstinline/verb/g;s/\\lstset.*//g;s/bsysimage.{\(.*\)}{.*}{.*}/includegraphics{\1}/g;s/\\input{head.*//g;s/bsysmanual/book/g;s/Aenumerate/enumerate/g;s/\\raisebox{0.1ex}{\\textsuperscript\\textregistered}/\\textregistered/g;s/\[0.3\\linewidth\]/\[5cm\]/g;s/bsysitemize/itemize/g' > ./`basename $$F` ;\
+ done)
+ cp $(MANUALSDIR)/bsys-web-mode.tex ./bsys-compiler-mode.tex
+ @echo "Done"
+web: commonfiles epsimages pngimages
+ @echo "Making web"
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+ @rm -f ${DOC}/next.eps ${DOC}/next.png ${DOC}/prev.eps ${DOC}/prev.png ${DOC}/up.eps ${DOC}/up.png
+ latex2html -split 3 -local_icons -t "Bacula Utility Programs" -long_titles 4 \
+ -toc_stars -contents_in_nav -init_file latex2html-init.pl \
+ -no_antialias -no_antialias_text \
+ -white -notransparent ${DOC} >tex.out 2>&1
+ @(if [ -f imagename_translations ] ; then \
+ ./translate_images.pl --from_meaningful_names $(MAINDOC).html; \
+ fi)
+ @cp -f ${DOC}/${MAINDOC} ${DOC}/index.html
+ @echo "Done making web"
A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU Free Documentation License''.
-%%% --- Header and footer
-\fancyhead[LE,RO]{\small{\textit{Enterprise \bsystitle{}}}}%
-\fancyhead[RE,LO]{\small{\textit{\textcolor{bsysredtwo}{\leftmark}}}}%Bacula Console and Opertors Guide}}}}%
-- \textit{Enterprise \bsystitle}}}% -- DRAFT}}}
-%%% --- Header and footer
--- /dev/null
+%%% --- Header and footer
+\fancyhead[LE,RO]{\small{\textit{Enterprise \bsystitle{}}}}%
+\fancyhead[RE,LO]{\small{\textit{\textcolor{bsysredtwo}{\leftmark}}}}%Bacula Console and Opertors Guide}}}}%
+- \textit{Enterprise \bsystitle}}}% -- DRAFT}}}
+%%% --- Header and footer