# (necessary for further tests)
use Test::More tests => 2;
-use List::MoreUtils qw(all none);
-use Data::Dumper;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
+use i3test;
use AnyEvent::I3;
-use File::Temp qw(tmpnam);
use v5.10;
my $i3 = i3("/tmp/nestedcons");
-sub get_workspace_names {
- my $tree = $i3->get_workspaces->recv;
- my @workspaces = map { @{$_->{nodes}} } @{$tree->{nodes}};
- [ map { $_->{name} } @workspaces ]
sub workspace_exists {
my ($name) = @_;
($name ~~ @{get_workspace_names()})
-sub get_unused_workspace {
- my @names = get_workspace_names();
- my $tmp;
- do { $tmp = tmpnam() } while ($tmp ~~ @names);
- $tmp
my $tmp = get_unused_workspace();
diag("Temporary workspace name: $tmp\n");
$i3->command("workspace $tmp")->recv;
ok(workspace_exists($tmp), 'workspace created');
+# if the workspace could not be created, we cannot run any other test
+# (every test starts by creating its workspace)
+if (!workspace_exists($tmp)) {
+ BAIL_OUT('Cannot create workspace, further tests make no sense');
my $otmp = get_unused_workspace();
diag("Other temporary workspace name: $otmp\n");
# Tests whether opening an empty container and killing it again works
use Test::More tests => 3;
-use Data::Dumper;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
+use i3test;
use AnyEvent::I3;
-use File::Temp qw(tmpnam);
use v5.10;
my $i3 = i3("/tmp/nestedcons");
-sub get_workspace_names {
- my $tree = $i3->get_workspaces->recv;
- my @workspaces = map { @{$_->{nodes}} } @{$tree->{nodes}};
- [ map { $_->{name} } @workspaces ]
-sub get_unused_workspace {
- my @names = get_workspace_names();
- my $tmp;
- do { $tmp = tmpnam() } while ($tmp ~~ @names);
- $tmp
-sub get_ws_content {
- my ($name) = @_;
- my $tree = $i3->get_workspaces->recv;
- my @ws = map { @{$_->{nodes}} } @{$tree->{nodes}};
- my @cons = map { $_->{nodes} } grep { $_->{name} eq $name } @ws;
- return $cons[0];
my $tmp = get_unused_workspace();
$i3->command("workspace $tmp")->recv;
package i3test;
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+use File::Temp qw(tmpnam);
use X11::XCB::Rect;
use X11::XCB::Window;
use X11::XCB qw(:all);
+use AnyEvent::I3;
+use Exporter qw(import);
+use base 'Exporter';
+our @EXPORT = qw(get_workspace_names get_unused_workspace get_ws_content);
my $window_count = 0;
+sub get_workspace_names {
+ my $i3 = i3("/tmp/nestedcons");
+ # TODO: use correct command as soon as AnyEvent::i3 is updated
+ my $tree = $i3->get_workspaces->recv;
+ my @workspaces = map { @{$_->{nodes}} } @{$tree->{nodes}};
+ [ map { $_->{name} } @workspaces ]
+sub get_unused_workspace {
+ my @names = get_workspace_names();
+ my $tmp;
+ do { $tmp = tmpnam() } while ($tmp ~~ @names);
+ $tmp
+# returns the content (== tree, starting from the node of a workspace)
+# of a workspace
+sub get_ws_content {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ my $i3 = i3("/tmp/nestedcons");
+ my $tree = $i3->get_workspaces->recv;
+ my @ws = map { @{$_->{nodes}} } @{$tree->{nodes}};
+ my @cons = map { $_->{nodes} } grep { $_->{name} eq $name } @ws;
+ # as there can only be one workspace with this name, we can safely
+ # return the first entry
+ return $cons[0];