+\chapter{New Features in 5.1.x}
+This chapter presents the new features that have been added to the
+current version of Bacula that is under development. This version will be
+released at some later date, probably near the end of 2010.
+\section{Additions to the Plugin API}
+The bfuncs structure has been extended to include a number of
+new entrypoints.
+The bFuncs structure defines the callback entry points within Bacula
+that the plugin can use register events, get Bacula values, set
+Bacula values, and send messages to the Job output or debug output.
+The exact definition as of this writing is:
+typedef struct s_baculaFuncs {
+ uint32_t size;
+ uint32_t version;
+ bRC (*registerBaculaEvents)(bpContext *ctx, ...);
+ bRC (*getBaculaValue)(bpContext *ctx, bVariable var, void *value);
+ bRC (*setBaculaValue)(bpContext *ctx, bVariable var, void *value);
+ bRC (*JobMessage)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
+ int type, utime_t mtime, const char *fmt, ...);
+ bRC (*DebugMessage)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
+ int level, const char *fmt, ...);
+ void *(*baculaMalloc)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
+ size_t size);
+ void (*baculaFree)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line, void *mem);
+ /* New functions follow */
+ bRC (*AddExclude)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file);
+ bRC (*AddInclude)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file);
+ bRC (*AddIncludeOptions)(bpContext *ctx, const char *opts);
+ bRC (*AddRegexToInclude)(bpContext *ctx, const char *item, int type);
+ bRC (*AddWildToInclude)(bpContext *ctx, const char *item, int type);
+} bFuncs;
+\item [AddExclude] can be called to exclude a file. The file
+ string passed may include wildcards that will be interpreted by
+ the {\bf fnmatch} subroutine. This function can be called
+ multiple times, and each time the file specified will be added
+ to the list of files to be excluded. Note, this function only
+ permits adding excludes of specific file or directory names,
+ or files matched by the rather simple fnmatch mechanism.
+ See below for information on doing wild-card and regex excludes.
+\item [NewInclude] can be called to create a new Include block. This
+ block will be added before any user defined Include blocks. This
+ function can be called multiple times, but each time, it will create
+ a new Include section (not normally needed). This function should
+ be called only if you want to add an entirely new Include block.
+\item [AddInclude] can be called to add new files/directories to
+ be included. They are added to the current Include block. If
+ NewInclude has not been included, the current Include block is
+ the last one that the user created. This function
+ should be used only if you want to add totally new files/directories
+ to be included in the backup.
+\item [NewOptions] adds a new Options block to the current Include
+ in front of any other Options blocks. This permits the plugin to
+ add exclude directives (wild-cards and regexes) in front of the
+ user Options, and thus prevent certain files from being backed up.
+ This can be useful if the plugin backs up files, and they should
+ not be also backed up by the main Bacula code. This function
+ may be called multiple times, and each time, it creates a new
+ prepended Options block. Note: normally you want to call this
+ entry point prior to calling AddOptions, AddRegex, or AddWild.
+\item [AddOptions] allows the plugin it set options in
+ the current Options block, which is normally created with the
+ NewOptions call just prior to adding Include Options.
+ The permitted options are passed as a character string, where
+ each character has a specific meaning as defined below:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item [a] always replace files (default).
+ \item [e] exclude rather than include.
+ \item [h] no recursion into subdirectories.
+ \item [H] do not handle hard links.
+ \item [i] ignore case in wildcard and regex matches.
+ \item [M] compute an MD5 sum.
+ \item [p] use a portable data format on Windows (not recommended).
+ \item [R] backup resource forks and Findr Info.
+ \item [r] read from a fifo
+ \item [S1] compute an SHA1 sum.
+ \item [S2] compute an SHA256 sum.
+ \item [S3] comput an SHA512 sum.
+ \item [s] handle sparse files.
+ \item [m] use st\_mtime only for file differences.
+ \item [k] restore the st\_atime after accessing a file.
+ \item [A] enable ACL backup.
+ \item [Vxxx:] specify verify options. Must terminate with :
+ \item [Cxxx:] specify accurate options. Must terminate with :
+ \item [Jxxx:] specify base job Options. Must terminate with :
+ \item [Pnnn:] specify integer nnn paths to strip. Must terminate with :
+ \item [w] if newer
+ \item [Zn] specify gzip compression level n.
+ \item [K] do not use st\_atime in backup decision.
+ \item [c] check if file changed during backup.
+ \item [N] honor no dump flag.
+ \item [X] enable backup of extended attributes.
+ \end{description}
+\item [AddRegex] adds a regex expression to the current Options block.
+ The fillowing options are permitted:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item [ ] (a blank) regex applies to whole path and filename.
+ \item [F] regex applies only to the filename (directory or path stripped).
+ \item [D] regex applies only to the directory (path) part of the name.
+ \end{description}
+\item [AddWild] adds a wildcard expression to the current Options block.
+ The fillowing options are permitted:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item [ ] (a blank) regex applies to whole path and filename.
+ \item [F] regex applies only to the filename (directory or path stripped).
+ \item [D] regex applies only to the directory (path) part of the name.
+ \end{description}
+\subsection{Bacula events}
+The list of events has been extended to include:
+typedef enum {
+ bEventJobStart = 1,
+ bEventJobEnd = 2,
+ bEventStartBackupJob = 3,
+ bEventEndBackupJob = 4,
+ bEventStartRestoreJob = 5,
+ bEventEndRestoreJob = 6,
+ bEventStartVerifyJob = 7,
+ bEventEndVerifyJob = 8,
+ bEventBackupCommand = 9,
+ bEventRestoreCommand = 10,
+ bEventLevel = 11,
+ bEventSince = 12,
+ /* New events */
+ bEventCancelCommand = 13,
+ bEventVssBackupAddComponents = 14,
+ bEventVssRestoreLoadComponentMetadata = 15,
+ bEventVssRestoreSetComponentsSelected = 16,
+ bEventRestoreObject = 17,
+ bEventEndFileSet = 18
+} bEventType;
+\item [bEventCancelCommand] is called whenever the currently
+ running Job is cancelled */
+\item [bEventVssBackupAddComponents]
\chapter{New Features in 5.0.1}
This chapter presents the new features that are in the released Bacula version