-<sect1>Command line options in detail<p>
+<sect1>Command line options in detail<label id="cmdline-opt-detail"><p>
Here is a description of all the command line options:
- Dump the scope (lexical level) information contained in the object file.
+ Dump the scope (lexical level) information contained in the object file.
<tag><tt>-S, --dump-segsize</tt></tag>
The converter will read one or more object files per invocation and write the
contents in readable format to standard output. Please note that you need to
-specify and of the <tt/--dump/ options listed above, otherwise no useful
-output will be generated.
+specify any of the <tt/--dump/ options listed <ref id="cmdline-opt-detail"
+name="above">, otherwise no useful output will be generated.
Example output for the command