Set the default for the CPU type. The option takes a parameter, which
may be one of
- 6502, 65SC02, 65C02, 65816 and sunplus
+ 6502, 65SC02, 65C02, 65816, sunplus, sweet16
- The last one (sunplus) is not available in the freeware version, because the
- instruction set of the sunplus CPU is "proprietary and confidential".
+ The sunplus cpu is not available in the freeware version, because the
+ instruction set is "proprietary and confidential".
<label id="option--feature">
+<sect1>sweet16 mode<label id="sweet16-mode"><p>
+SWEET 16 is an interpreter for a pseudo 16 bit CPU written by Steve Wozniak
+for the Apple ][ machines. It is available in the Apple ][ ROM. ca65 can
+generate code for this pseudo CPU when switched into sweet16 mode. The
+following is special in sweet16 mode:
+<item>The '@' character denotes indirect addressing and is no longer available
+for cheap local labels. If you need cheap local labels, you will have to
+switch to another lead character using the <tt/<ref id=".LOCALCHAR"
+name=".LOCALCHAR">/ command.
+<item>Registers are specified using <tt/R0/ .. <tt/R15/. In sweet16 mode,
+these identifiers are reserved words.
+Please note that the assembler does neither supply the interpreter needed for
+SWEET 16 code, nor the zero page locations needed for the SWEET 16 registers,
+nor does it call the interpreter. All this must be done by your program. Apple
+][ programmers do probably know how to use sweet16 mode.
+For more information about SWEET 16, see
+<htmlurl url=""
<sect1>Number format<p>
For literal values, the assembler accepts the widely used number formats: