GtkIconFactory *factory;
static GtkStockItem items[] = {
- { GL_STOCK_ARROW, "Arrow", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_TEXT, "Text", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_LINE, "Line", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_BOX, "Box", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_ELLIPSE, "Ellipse", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_IMAGE, "Image", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_BARCODE, "Barcode", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_MERGE, "Merge", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_ORDER_TOP, "OrderTop", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_ORDER_BOTTOM, "OrderBottom", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_ROTATE_LEFT, "RotateLeft", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_ROTATE_RIGHT, "RotateRight", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_FLIP_HORIZ, "FlipHoriz", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_FLIP_VERT, "FlipVert", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_ALIGN_LEFT, "AlignLeft", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_ALIGN_RIGHT, "AlignRight", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_ALIGN_HCENTER, "AlignHCenter", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_ALIGN_TOP, "AlignTop", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_ALIGN_BOTTOM, "AlignBottom", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_ALIGN_VCENTER, "AlignVCenter", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_CENTER_HORIZ, "CenterHoriz", 0, 0, NULL },
- { GL_STOCK_CENTER_VERT, "CenterVert", 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_ARROW, N_("_Select Mode"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_TEXT, N_("_Text"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_LINE, N_("_Line"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_BOX, N_("_Box"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_ELLIPSE, N_("_Ellipse"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_IMAGE, N_("_Image"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_BARCODE, N_("Bar_code"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_MERGE, N_("_Merge Properties"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_PROPERTIES, N_("Object _Properties"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_ORDER_TOP, N_("Bring to _Front"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_ORDER_BOTTOM, N_("Send to _Back"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_ROTATE_LEFT, N_("Rotate _Left"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_ROTATE_RIGHT, N_("Rotate _Right"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_FLIP_HORIZ, N_("Flip _Horizontally"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_FLIP_VERT, N_("Flip _Vertically"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_ALIGN_LEFT, N_("_Lefts"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_ALIGN_RIGHT, N_("_Rights"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_ALIGN_HCENTER, N_("_Centers"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_ALIGN_TOP, N_("_Tops"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_ALIGN_BOTTOM, N_("Bottoms"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_ALIGN_VCENTER, N_("Centers"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_CENTER_HORIZ, N_("Label Ce_nter"), 0, 0, NULL },
+ { GL_STOCK_CENTER_VERT, N_("Label Ce_nter"), 0, 0, NULL },
gtk_stock_add (items, G_N_ELEMENTS (items));
add_icons (factory, GL_STOCK_BARCODE, stock_barcode_24, stock_barcode_16);
add_icons (factory, GL_STOCK_MERGE, stock_merge_24, stock_merge_16);
+ add_icons (factory, GL_STOCK_PROPERTIES, NULL, stock_properties_16);
add_icons (factory, GL_STOCK_ORDER_TOP, NULL, stock_order_top_16);
add_icons (factory, GL_STOCK_ORDER_BOTTOM, NULL, stock_order_bottom_16);
add_icons (factory, GL_STOCK_ROTATE_LEFT, NULL, stock_rotate_left_16);