The welcome message is displayed using xmessage(1), not using your
terminal. Thus, it makes no sense to have this option anymore. Also,
the new lex/yacc parser cannot correctly handle the situation:
normal variables are expanded before parsing the file. As a replacement,
you can use:
set $terminal /usr/bin/urxvt
=== General configuration
- Specifies the terminal emulator program you prefer. It will be started
- by default when you press Mod1+Enter, but you can overwrite this. Refer
- to it as +$terminal+ to keep things modular.
Specifies the default font you want i3 to use. Use an X core font
descriptor here, like
# This configuration uses Mod1 and Mod3. Make sure they are mapped properly using xev(1)
# and xmodmap(1). Usually, Mod1 is Alt (Alt_L) and Mod3 is Windows (Super_L)
-# Tell i3 about your preferred terminal. You can refer to this as $terminal
-# later. It is recommended to set this option to allow i3 to open a terminal
-# containing the introduction on first start.
-terminal /usr/bin/urxvt
# ISO 10646 = Unicode
font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
- config.terminal = sstrdup($<string>3);
- printf("terminal %s\n", config.terminal);
+ LOG("The terminal option is DEPRECATED and has no effect. "
+ "Please remove it from your configuration file.");
- REQUIRED_OPTION(terminal);
/* Set an empty name for every workspace which got no name */