return candidate;
-#if 0
- * Initializes the specified output, assigning the specified workspace to it.
- *
- */
-void initialize_output(xcb_connection_t *conn, Output *output, Workspace *workspace) {
- i3Font *font = load_font(conn, config.font);
- workspace->output = output;
- output->current_workspace = workspace;
- /* Copy rect for the workspace */
- memcpy(&(workspace->rect), &(output->rect), sizeof(Rect));
- /* Map clients on the workspace, if any */
- workspace_map_clients(conn, workspace);
- /* Create a bar window on each output */
- if (!config.disable_workspace_bar) {
- Rect bar_rect = {output->rect.x,
- output->rect.y + output->rect.height - (font->height + 6),
- output->rect.x + output->rect.width,
- font->height + 6};
- output->bar = create_window(conn, bar_rect, XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT, XCB_CURSOR_LEFT_PTR, true, mask, values);
- output->bargc = xcb_generate_id(conn);
- xcb_create_gc(conn, output->bargc, output->bar, 0, 0);
- }
- SLIST_INIT(&(output->dock_clients));
- ipc_send_event("workspace", I3_IPC_EVENT_WORKSPACE, "{\"change\":\"init\"}");
- DLOG("initialized output at (%d, %d) with %d x %d\n",
- output->rect.x, output->rect.y, output->rect.width, output->rect.height);
- DLOG("assigning configured workspaces to this output...\n");
- Workspace *ws;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(ws, workspaces, workspaces) {
- if (ws == workspace)
- continue;
- if (ws->preferred_output == NULL ||
- get_output_by_name(ws->preferred_output) != output)
- continue;
- DLOG("assigning ws %d\n", ws->num + 1);
- workspace_assign_to(ws, output, true);
- }
* Disables RandR support by creating exactly one output with the size of the
* X11 screen.
-#if 0
- Rect bar_rect = {output->rect.x,
- output->rect.y + output->rect.height - (font->height + 6),
- output->rect.x + output->rect.width,
- font->height + 6};
- xcb_set_window_rect(conn, output->bar, bar_rect);
- /* go through all workspaces and set force_reconfigure */
- TAILQ_FOREACH(ws, workspaces, workspaces) {
- if (ws->output != output)
- continue;
- SLIST_FOREACH(client, &(ws->focus_stack), focus_clients) {
- client->force_reconfigure = true;
- if (!client_is_floating(client))
- continue;
- /* For floating clients we need to translate the
- * coordinates (old workspace to new workspace) */
- DLOG("old: (%x, %x)\n", client->rect.x, client->rect.y);
- client->rect.x -= ws->rect.x;
- client->rect.y -= ws->rect.y;
- client->rect.x += ws->output->rect.x;
- client->rect.y += ws->output->rect.y;
- DLOG("new: (%x, %x)\n", client->rect.x, client->rect.y);
- }
- /* Update dimensions from output */
- memcpy(&(ws->rect), &(ws->output->rect), sizeof(Rect));
- /* Update the dimensions of a fullscreen client, if any */
- if (ws->fullscreen_client != NULL) {
- DLOG("Updating fullscreen client size\n");
- client = ws->fullscreen_client;
- Rect r = ws->rect;
- xcb_set_window_rect(conn, client->frame, r);
- r.x = 0;
- r.y = 0;
- xcb_set_window_rect(conn, client->child, r);
- }
- }
return workspace;
-#if 0
- * Sets the name (or just its number) for the given workspace. This has to
- * be called for every workspace as the rendering function
- * (render_internal_bar) relies on workspace->name and workspace->name_len
- * being ready-to-use.
- *
- */
-void workspace_set_name(Workspace *ws, const char *name) {
- char *label;
- int ret;
- if (name != NULL)
- ret = asprintf(&label, "%d: %s", ws->num + 1, name);
- else ret = asprintf(&label, "%d", ws->num + 1);
- if (ret == -1)
- errx(1, "asprintf() failed");
- FREE(ws->name);
- FREE(ws->utf8_name);
- ws->name = convert_utf8_to_ucs2(label, &(ws->name_len));
- if (config.font != NULL)
- ws->text_width = predict_text_width(global_conn, config.font, ws->name, ws->name_len);
- else ws->text_width = 0;
- ws->utf8_name = label;
* Returns true if the workspace is currently visible. Especially important for
* multi-monitor environments, as they can have multiple currenlty active
ipc_send_event("workspace", I3_IPC_EVENT_WORKSPACE, "{\"change\":\"focus\"}");
-#if 0
- /* Check if the workspace has not been used yet */
- workspace_initialize(t_ws, c_ws->output, false);
- if (c_ws->output != t_ws->output) {
- /* We need to switch to the other output first */
- DLOG("moving over to other output.\n");
- /* Store the old client */
- Client *old_client = CUR_CELL->currently_focused;
- c_ws = t_ws->output->current_workspace;
- current_col = c_ws->current_col;
- current_row = c_ws->current_row;
- if (CUR_CELL->currently_focused != NULL)
- need_warp = true;
- else {
- Rect *dims = &(c_ws->output->rect);
- xcb_warp_pointer(conn, XCB_NONE, root, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- dims->x + (dims->width / 2), dims->y + (dims->height / 2));
- }
- /* Re-decorate the old client, it’s not focused anymore */
- if ((old_client != NULL) && !old_client->dock)
- redecorate_window(conn, old_client);
- else xcb_flush(conn);
- /* We need to check if a global fullscreen-client is blocking
- * the t_ws and if necessary switch that to local fullscreen */
- Client* client = c_ws->fullscreen_client;
- if (client != NULL && client->workspace != c_ws) {
- if (c_ws->fullscreen_client->workspace != c_ws)
- c_ws->fullscreen_client = NULL;
- client_enter_fullscreen(conn, client, false);
- }
- }
- /* Check if we need to change something or if we’re already there */
- if (c_ws->output->current_workspace->num == (workspace-1)) {
- Client *last_focused = SLIST_FIRST(&(c_ws->focus_stack));
- if (last_focused != SLIST_END(&(c_ws->focus_stack)))
- set_focus(conn, last_focused, true);
- if (need_warp) {
- client_warp_pointer_into(conn, last_focused);
- xcb_flush(conn);
- }
- ipc_send_event("workspace", I3_IPC_EVENT_WORKSPACE, "{\"change\":\"focus\"}");
- return;
- }
- Workspace *old_workspace = c_ws;
- c_ws = t_ws->output->current_workspace = workspace_get(workspace-1);
- /* Unmap all clients of the old workspace */
- workspace_unmap_clients(conn, old_workspace);
- current_row = c_ws->current_row;
- current_col = c_ws->current_col;
- DLOG("new current row = %d, current col = %d\n", current_row, current_col);
- ipc_send_event("workspace", I3_IPC_EVENT_WORKSPACE, "{\"change\":\"focus\"}");
- workspace_map_clients(conn, c_ws);
- /* POTENTIAL TO IMPROVE HERE: due to the call to _map_clients first and
- * render_layout afterwards, there is a short flickering on the source
- * workspace (assign ws 3 to output 0, ws 4 to output 1, create single
- * client on ws 4, move it to ws 3, switch to ws 3, you’ll see the
- * flickering). */
- /* Restore focus on the new workspace */
- Client *last_focused = SLIST_FIRST(&(c_ws->focus_stack));
- if (last_focused != SLIST_END(&(c_ws->focus_stack)))
- set_focus(conn, last_focused, true);
- else xcb_set_input_focus(conn, XCB_INPUT_FOCUS_POINTER_ROOT, root, XCB_CURRENT_TIME);
- render_layout(conn);
- /* We can warp the pointer only after the window has been
- * reconfigured in render_layout, otherwise the pointer will
- * be warped to the old position, which will not work when we
- * moved it to another output. */
- if (last_focused != SLIST_END(&(c_ws->focus_stack)) && need_warp) {
- client_warp_pointer_into(conn, last_focused);
- xcb_flush(conn);
- }
-#if 0
- * Assigns the given workspace to the given output by correctly updating its
- * state and reconfiguring all the clients on this workspace.
- *
- * This is called when initializing a output and when re-assigning it to a
- * different output which just got available (if you configured it to be on
- * output 1 and you just plugged in output 1).
- *
- */
-void workspace_assign_to(Workspace *ws, Output *output, bool hide_it) {
- Client *client;
- bool empty = true;
- bool visible = workspace_is_visible(ws);
- ws->output = output;
- /* Copy the dimensions from the virtual output */
- memcpy(&(ws->rect), &(ws->output->rect), sizeof(Rect));
- ewmh_update_workarea();
- /* Force reconfiguration for each client on that workspace */
- SLIST_FOREACH(client, &(ws->focus_stack), focus_clients) {
- client->force_reconfigure = true;
- empty = false;
- }
- if (empty)
- return;
- /* Render the workspace to reconfigure the clients. However, they will be visible now, so… */
- render_workspace(global_conn, output, ws);
- /* …unless we want to see them at the moment, we should hide that workspace */
- if (visible && !hide_it)
- return;
- /* however, if this is the current workspace, we only need to adjust
- * the output’s current_workspace pointer (and must not unmap the
- * windows) */
- if (c_ws == ws) {
- DLOG("Need to adjust output->current_workspace...\n");
- output->current_workspace = c_ws;
- ipc_send_event("workspace", I3_IPC_EVENT_WORKSPACE, "{\"change\":\"focus\"}");
- return;
- }
- workspace_unmap_clients(global_conn, ws);
- * Initializes the given workspace if it is not already initialized. The given
- * screen is to be understood as a fallback, if the workspace itself either
- * was not assigned to a particular screen or cannot be placed there because
- * the screen is not attached at the moment.
- *
- */
-void workspace_initialize(Workspace *ws, Output *output, bool recheck) {
- Output *old_output;
- if (ws->output != NULL && !recheck) {
- DLOG("Workspace already initialized\n");
- return;
- }
- old_output = ws->output;
- /* If this workspace has no preferred output or if the output it wants
- * to be on is not available at the moment, we initialize it with
- * the output which was given */
- if (ws->preferred_output == NULL ||
- (ws->output = get_output_by_name(ws->preferred_output)) == NULL)
- ws->output = output;
- DLOG("old_output = %p, ws->output = %p\n", old_output, ws->output);
- /* If the assignment did not change, we do not need to update anything */
- if (old_output != NULL && ws->output == old_output)
- return;
- workspace_assign_to(ws, ws->output, false);
- * Gets the first unused workspace for the given screen, taking into account
- * the preferred_output setting of every workspace (workspace assignments).
- *
- */
-Workspace *get_first_workspace_for_output(Output *output) {
- Workspace *result = NULL;
- Workspace *ws;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(ws, workspaces, workspaces) {
- if (ws->preferred_output == NULL ||
- get_output_by_name(ws->preferred_output) != output)
- continue;
- result = ws;
- break;
- }
- if (result == NULL) {
- /* No assignment found, returning first unused workspace */
- TAILQ_FOREACH(ws, workspaces, workspaces) {
- if (ws->output != NULL)
- continue;
- result = ws;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (result == NULL) {
- DLOG("No existing free workspace found to assign, creating a new one\n");
- int last_ws = 0;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(ws, workspaces, workspaces)
- last_ws = ws->num;
- result = workspace_get(last_ws + 1, NULL);
- }
- workspace_initialize(result, output, false);
- return result;
static bool get_urgency_flag(Con *con) {
Con *child;
TAILQ_FOREACH(child, &(con->nodes_head), nodes)