\subsection{pluginIO(bpContext *ctx, struct io\_pkt *io)}
Called to do the input (backup) or output (restore) of data from or to a
+file. These routines simulate the Unix read(), write(), open(), close(),
+and lseek() I/O calls, and the arguments are passed in the packet and
+the return values are also placed in the packet. In addition for Win32
+systems the plugin must return two additional values (described below).
enum {
int32_t func; /* Function code */
int32_t count; /* read/write count */
mode_t mode; /* permissions for created files */
- int32_t flags; /* open flags (e.g. O_WRONLY ...) */
+ int32_t flags; /* Open flags */
char *buf; /* read/write buffer */
+ const char *fname; /* open filename */
int32_t status; /* return status */
int32_t io_errno; /* errno code */
- int32_t whence;
- boffset_t offset;
+ int32_t lerror; /* Win32 error code */
+ int32_t whence; /* lseek argument */
+ boffset_t offset; /* lseek argument */
+ bool win32; /* Win32 GetLastError returned */
+The particular Unix function being simulated is indicated by the {\bf func},
+which will have one of the IO\_OPEN, IO\_READ, ... codes listed above.
+The status code that would be returned from a Unix call is returned in
+{\bf status} for IO\_OPEN, IO\_CLOSE, IO\_READ, and IO\_WRITE. The return value for
+IO\_SEEK is returned in {\bf offset} which in general is a 64 bit value.
+When there is an error on Unix systems, you must always set io\_error, and
+on a Win32 system, you must always set win32, and the returned value from
+the OS call GetLastError() in lerror.
+For all except IO\_SEEK, {\bf status} is the return result. In general it is
+a positive integer unless there is an error in which case it is -1.
+The following describes each call and what you get and what you
+should return:
+ \item [IO\_OPEN]
+ You will be passed fname, mode, and flags.
+ You must set on return: status, and if there is a Unix error
+ io\_errno must be set to the errno value, and if there is a
+ Win32 error win32 and lerror.
+ \item [IO\_READ]
+ You will be passed: count, and buf (buffer of size count).
+ You must set on return: status to the number of bytes
+ read into the buffer (buf) or -1 on an error,
+ and if there is a Unix error
+ io\_errno must be set to the errno value, and if there is a
+ Win32 error, win32 and lerror must be set.
+ \item [IO\_WRITE]
+ You will be passed: count, and buf (buffer of size count).
+ You must set on return: status to the number of bytes
+ written from the buffer (buf) or -1 on an error,
+ and if there is a Unix error
+ io\_errno must be set to the errno value, and if there is a
+ Win32 error, win32 and lerror must be set.
+ \item [IO\_CLOSE]
+ Nothing will be passed to you. On return you must set
+ status to 0 on success and -1 on failure. If there is a Unix error
+ io\_errno must be set to the errno value, and if there is a
+ Win32 error, win32 and lerror must be set.
+ \item [IO\_LSEEK]
+ You will be passed: offset, and whence. offset is a 64 bit value
+ and is the position to seek to relative to whence. whence is one
+ of the following SEEK\_SET, SEEK\_CUR, or SEEK\_END indicating to
+ either to seek to an absolute possition, relative to the current
+ position or relative to the end of the file.
+ You must pass back in offset the absolute location to which you
+ seeked. If there is an error, offset should be set to -1.
+ If there is a Unix error
+ io\_errno must be set to the errno value, and if there is a
+ Win32 error, win32 and lerror must be set.
+ Note: Bacula will call IO\_SEEK only when writing a sparse file.
\subsection{createFile(bpContext *ctx, struct restore\_pkt *rp)}
Called to create a file during a Restore job before restoring the data. The data in the