Features description:
-=== Customized and restricted consoles ===
+1. Customized and restricted consoles
+2. Baculum users configuration file
+=== 1. Customized and restricted consoles ===
Baculum supports customized and restricted consoles for each logged in user.
For security reason there has been disabled access to Configuration Wizard
function for all users except administrator.
+=== 2. Baculum users configuration file for Lighttpd ===
+There is possible to manage Baculum administrator login and password directly
+in configuration wizard step titled "Step 5 - authorization params to Baculum".
+It means that Baculum administrator may change administrator auth params by
+configuration wizard.
+So far in Step 5 configuration wizard there were need to input admin auth params
+the same as in pre-defined file by "htpasswd" program.
+For getting possibility to change admin login and password on wizard level
+there is need to run Baculum on Lighttpd web server and create admin password
+file locatied in:
+where syntax is:
+Login and password are stored as plain text.
+Next in Lighttpd web server configuration file is need to define above file
+as authfile for access to Baculum, for example:
+auth.backend = "plain"
+auth.backend.plain.userfile = "/var/www/baculum/protected/Data/baculum.users"
+auth.require = ( "/" => (
+ "method" => "basic",
+ "realm" => "Baculum Auth",
+ "require" => "valid-user"
+Sample with whole Lighttpd configuration file you can find in directory:
+Due to Apache web server can use plain text password only for Windows,
+BEOS and Netware systems, described admin auth modification is not supported
+for Apache.
+Functionality has been tested with Lighttpd. It has not been tested with other
+web servers that supports plain text stored password.