currentMode $2e $2e $021c Byte Holds the current text drawing node.
curSetWidth $27 $27 $0219 Word Holds the card width in pixels for the current font.
curType $88c6 $88c6 n/a Byte Holds the current disk type.
-curXpos0 n/a $1303 $d954 16 Bytes The current X positions of the C128 ami Apple soft sprites.
+curXpos0 n/a $1303 $d954 16 Bytes The current X positions of the C128 ami Apple soft sprites.
curYpos0 n/a $1313 $d964 8 Bytes The current Y positions for the C128 and Apple soft sprites.
dataDiskName $8453 $8453 $02b4 18 | 16 Bytes Holds the disk name that an application's data file is on.
dataFileName $8442 $8442 $02a4 17 | 16 Bytes This is the name of a data file to open.