* compile-time.
-#ifndef _ALL_H
-#define _ALL_H
+#ifndef I3_ALL_H
+#define I3_ALL_H
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
* assignments.c: Assignments for specific windows (for_window).
* Checks the list of assignments for the given window and runs all matching
* click.c: Button press (mouse click) events.
-#ifndef _CLICK_H
-#define _CLICK_H
+#ifndef I3_CLICK_H
+#define I3_CLICK_H
* The button press X callback. This function determines whether the floating
* cmdparse.y: the parser for commands you send to i3 (or bind on keys)
-#ifndef _CMDPARSE_H
-#define _CMDPARSE_H
+#ifndef I3_CMDPARSE_H
+#define I3_CMDPARSE_H
char *parse_cmd(const char *new);
* commands.c: all command functions (see commands_parser.c)
-#ifndef _COMMANDS_H
-#define _COMMANDS_H
+#ifndef I3_COMMANDS_H
+#define I3_COMMANDS_H
#include "commands_parser.h"
* commands.c: all command functions (see commands_parser.c)
#include <yajl/yajl_gen.h>
* …).
-#ifndef _CON_H
-#define _CON_H
+#ifndef I3_CON_H
+#define I3_CON_H
* Create a new container (and attach it to the given parent, if not NULL).
* mode).
-#ifndef _CONFIG_H
-#define _CONFIG_H
+#ifndef I3_CONFIG_H
+#define I3_CONFIG_H
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "queue.h"
* include/data.h: This file defines all data structures used by i3
-#ifndef _DATA_H
-#define _DATA_H
+#ifndef I3_DATA_H
+#define I3_DATA_H
#include <libsn/sn-launcher.h>
* events. This code is from xcb-util.
-#ifndef _DEBUG_H
-#define _DEBUG_H
+#ifndef I3_DEBUG_H
+#define I3_DEBUG_H
int handle_event(void *ignored, xcb_connection_t *c, xcb_generic_event_t *e);
* display_version.c: displays the running i3 version, runs as part of
* i3 --moreversion.
* Connects to i3 to find out the currently running version. Useful since it
* ewmh.c: Get/set certain EWMH properties easily.
-#ifndef _EWMH_C
-#define _EWMH_C
+#ifndef I3_EWMH_C
+#define I3_EWMH_C
* Updates _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP with the current desktop number.
* which don’t support multi-monitor in a useful way) and for our testsuite.
-#ifndef _FAKE_OUTPUTS_H
-#define _FAKE_OUTPUTS_H
+#ifndef I3_FAKE_OUTPUTS_H
+#define I3_FAKE_OUTPUTS_H
* Creates outputs according to the given specification.
* floating.c: Floating windows.
-#ifndef _FLOATING_H
-#define _FLOATING_H
+#ifndef I3_FLOATING_H
+#define I3_FLOATING_H
#include "tree.h"
* …).
-#ifndef _HANDLERS_H
-#define _HANDLERS_H
+#ifndef I3_HANDLERS_H
+#define I3_HANDLERS_H
#include <xcb/randr.h>
* i3.h: global variables that are used all over i3.
-#ifndef _I3_H
-#define _I3_H
+#ifndef I3_I3_H
+#define I3_I3_H
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
* for the IPC interface to i3 (see docs/ipc for more information).
-#ifndef _I3_IPC_H
-#define _I3_IPC_H
+#ifndef I3_I3_IPC_H
+#define I3_I3_IPC_H
* Messages from clients to i3
* ipc.c: UNIX domain socket IPC (initialization, client handling, protocol).
-#ifndef _IPC_H
-#define _IPC_H
+#ifndef I3_IPC_H
+#define I3_IPC_H
#include <ev.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
* key_press.c: key press handler
-#ifndef _KEY_PRESS_H
-#define _KEY_PRESS_H
+#ifndef I3_KEY_PRESS_H
+#define I3_KEY_PRESS_H
* There was a key press. We compare this key code with our bindings table and pass
* as i3-msg, i3-config-wizard, …
-#ifndef _LIBI3_H
-#define _LIBI3_H
+#ifndef I3_LIBI3_H
+#define I3_LIBI3_H
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
* restart.
-#ifndef _LOAD_LAYOUT_H
-#define _LOAD_LAYOUT_H
+#ifndef I3_LOAD_LAYOUT_H
+#define I3_LOAD_LAYOUT_H
void tree_append_json(const char *filename);
* log.c: Logging functions.
-#ifndef _LOG_H
-#define _LOG_H
+#ifndef I3_LOG_H
+#define I3_LOG_H
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
* manage.c: Initially managing new windows (or existing ones on restart).
-#ifndef _MANAGE_H
-#define _MANAGE_H
+#ifndef I3_MANAGE_H
+#define I3_MANAGE_H
#include "data.h"
* match_matches_window() to find the windows affected by this command.
-#ifndef _MATCH_H
-#define _MATCH_H
+#ifndef I3_MATCH_H
+#define I3_MATCH_H
* Initializes the Match data structure. This function is necessary because the
* move.c: Moving containers into some direction.
-#ifndef _MOVE_H
-#define _MOVE_H
+#ifndef I3_MOVE_H
+#define I3_MOVE_H
* Moves the current container in the given direction (TOK_LEFT, TOK_RIGHT,
* output.c: Output (monitor) related functions.
-#ifndef _OUTPUT_H
-#define _OUTPUT_H
+#ifndef I3_OUTPUT_H
+#define I3_OUTPUT_H
* Returns the output container below the given output container.
* (take your time to read it completely, it answers all questions).
-#ifndef _RANDR_H
-#define _RANDR_H
+#ifndef I3_RANDR_H
+#define I3_RANDR_H
#include "data.h"
#include <xcb/randr.h>
* regex.c: Interface to libPCRE (perl compatible regular expressions).
-#ifndef _REGEX_H
-#define _REGEX_H
+#ifndef I3_REGEX_H
+#define I3_REGEX_H
* Creates a new 'regex' struct containing the given pattern and a PCRE
* various rects. Needs to be pushed to X11 (see x.c) to be visible.
-#ifndef _RENDER_H
-#define _RENDER_H
+#ifndef I3_RENDER_H
+#define I3_RENDER_H
* "Renders" the given container (and its children), meaning that all rects are
* resize.c: Interactive resizing.
-#ifndef _RESIZE_H
-#define _RESIZE_H
+#ifndef I3_RESIZE_H
+#define I3_RESIZE_H
int resize_graphical_handler(Con *first, Con *second, orientation_t orientation, const xcb_button_press_event_t *event);
* scratchpad.c: Scratchpad functions (TODO: more description)
-#ifndef _SCRATCHPAD_H
-#define _SCRATCHPAD_H
+#ifndef I3_SCRATCHPAD_H
+#define I3_SCRATCHPAD_H
* Moves the specified window to the __i3_scratch workspace, making it floating
* default (ringbuffer for storing the debug log).
-#ifndef _I3_SHMLOG_H
-#define _I3_SHMLOG_H
+#ifndef I3_I3_SHMLOG_H
+#define I3_I3_SHMLOG_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <pthread.h>
* to restart inplace).
-#ifndef _SIGHANDLER_H
-#define _SIGHANDLER_H
+#ifndef I3_SIGHANDLER_H
+#define I3_SIGHANDLER_H
* Setup signal handlers to safely handle SIGSEGV and SIGFPE
* the appropriate workspace.
-#ifndef _STARTUP_H
-#define _STARTUP_H
+#ifndef I3_STARTUP_H
+#define I3_STARTUP_H
#include <libsn/sn-monitor.h>
* tree.c: Everything that primarily modifies the layout tree data structure.
-#ifndef _TREE_H
-#define _TREE_H
+#ifndef I3_TREE_H
+#define I3_TREE_H
extern Con *croot;
/* TODO: i am not sure yet how much access to the focused container should
* also libi3).
-#ifndef _UTIL_H
-#define _UTIL_H
+#ifndef I3_UTIL_H
+#define I3_UTIL_H
#include <err.h>
* window.c: Updates window attributes (X11 hints/properties).
-#ifndef _WINDOW_H
-#define _WINDOW_H
+#ifndef I3_WINDOW_H
+#define I3_WINDOW_H
* Updates the WM_CLASS (consisting of the class and instance) for the
* workspaces.
-#ifndef _WORKSPACE_H
-#define _WORKSPACE_H
+#ifndef I3_WORKSPACE_H
+#define I3_WORKSPACE_H
#include "data.h"
#include "tree.h"
* render.c). Basically a big state machine.
-#ifndef _X_H
-#define _X_H
+#ifndef I3_X_H
+#define I3_X_H
/** Stores the X11 window ID of the currently focused window */
extern xcb_window_t focused_id;
* xcb.c: Helper functions for easier usage of XCB
-#ifndef _XCB_H
-#define _XCB_H
+#ifndef I3_XCB_H
+#define I3_XCB_H
#include "data.h"
#include "xcursor.h"
* older versions.
-#ifndef _XCB_COMPAT_H
-#define _XCB_COMPAT_H
+#ifndef I3_XCB_COMPAT_H
+#define I3_XCB_COMPAT_H
#define xcb_icccm_get_wm_protocols_reply_t xcb_get_wm_protocols_reply_t
#define xcb_icccm_get_wm_protocols xcb_get_wm_protocols
* xcursor.c: libXcursor support for themed cursors.
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
* driver which does not support RandR in 2011 *sigh*.
-#ifndef _XINERAMA_H
-#define _XINERAMA_H
+#ifndef I3_XINERAMA_H
+#define I3_XINERAMA_H
#include "data.h"