-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 09.06.1998
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 15.09.2000
; int memcmp (const void* p1, const void* p2, size_t count);
.importzp ptr1, ptr2, ptr3
- sta ptr3 ; Save count
- sta ptr3+1
- jsr popax ; get p2
+; Calculate (-count-1) and store it into ptr3. This is some overhead here but
+; saves time in the compare loop
+ eor #$FF
+ sta ptr3
+ txa
+ eor #$FF
+ sta ptr3+1
+; Get the pointer parameters
+ jsr popax ; Get p2
sta ptr2
stx ptr2+1
- jsr popax ; get p1
+ jsr popax ; Get p1
sta ptr1
stx ptr1+1
- ldy #0
- ldx ptr3 ; use X as low counter byte
- beq L3
-L1: lda (ptr1),y
- cmp (ptr2),y
- bne L5
- iny
- bne L2
- inc ptr1+1
- inc ptr2+1
-L2: txa
- beq L3
- dex
- jmp L1
-L3: lda ptr3+1 ; check high byte
- beq L4
- dec ptr3+1
- dex ; X = $FF
- bne L1 ; branch always
-; Memory areas are equal
-L4: jmp return0
+; Loop initialization
+ ldx ptr3 ; Load low counter byte into X
+ ldy #$00 ; Initialize pointer
+; Head of compare loop: Test for the end condition
+Loop: inx ; Bump low byte of (-count-1)
+ beq BumpHiCnt ; Jump on overflow
+; Do the compare
+Comp: lda (ptr1),y
+ cmp (ptr2),y
+ bne NotEqual ; Jump if bytes not equal
+; Bump the pointers
+ iny ; Increment pointer
+ bne Loop
+ inc ptr1+1 ; Increment high bytes
+ inc ptr2+1
+ bne Loop ; Branch always (pointer wrap is illegal)
+; Entry on low counter byte overflow
+ inc ptr3+1 ; Bump high byte of (-count-1)
+ bne Comp ; Jump if not done
+ jmp return0 ; Count is zero, areas are identical
; Not equal, check which one is greater
-L5: bcs L6
- ldx #$FF
+ bcs Greater
+ ldx #$FF ; Make result negative
-L6: ldx #$01
+ ldx #$01 ; Make result positive