+++ /dev/null
-\section*{Supported Systems and Hardware}
-\index[general]{Supported Systems and Hardware }
-\index[general]{Hardware!Supported Systems and }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Supported Systems and Hardware}
-\subsection*{System Requirements}
-\index[general]{System Requirements }
-\index[general]{Requirements!System }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{System Requirements}
-\item {\bf Bacula} has been compiled and run on Linux RedHat, FreeBSD, and
-Solaris systems.
-\item It requires GNU C++ version 2.95 or higher to compile. You can try with
-other compilers and older versions, but you are on your own. We have
-successfully compiled and used Bacula on RH8.0/RH9/RHEL 3.0/FC3 with GCC 3.4.
-Note, in general GNU C++ is a separate package (e.g. RPM) from GNU C, so you
-need them both loaded. On RedHat systems, the C++ compiler is part of the
-{\bf gcc-c++} rpm package.
-\item There are certain third party packages that Bacula needs. Except for
-MySQL and PostgreSQL, they can all be found in the {\bf depkgs} and {\bf
-depkgs1} releases.
-\item If you want to build the Win32 binaries, you will need a Microsoft
-Visual C++ compiler (or Visual Studio). Although all components build
-(console has some warnings), only the File daemon has been tested.
-\item {\bf Bacula} requires a good implementation of pthreads to work. This
-is not the case on some of the BSD systems.
-\item The source code has been written with portability in mind and is mostly
-POSIX compatible. Thus porting to any POSIX compatible operating system
-should be relatively easy.
-\item The GNOME Console program is developed and tested under GNOME 2.x. It
-also runs under GNOME 1.4 but this version is deprecated and thus no longer
-\item The wxWidgets Console program is developed and tested with the latest
-stable ANSI (not Unicode) version of
-\elink{wxWidgets}{http://www.wxwidgets.org/} (2.6.0) for Unix and Linux
-systems. On Win32, we use wxWidgets version 2.4.0 compiled with Unicode
-enable. It should also work on other platforms supported by wxWidgets.
-\item The Tray Monitor program is developed for GTK+-2.x. It needs Gnome less
-or equal to 2.2, KDE greater or equal to 3.1 or any window manager supporting
-\elink{ FreeDesktop system tray
-\item If you want to enable command line editing and history, you will need
-to have /usr/include/termcap.h and either the termcap or the ncurses library
-loaded (libtermcap-devel or ncurses-devel).
-\item If you want to use DVD as backup medium, you will need to download and
-install the
-\subsection*{Supported Operating Systems}
-\index[general]{Systems!Supported Operating }
-\index[general]{Supported Operating Systems }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Supported Operating Systems}
-\item Linux systems (built and tested on RedHat Fedora Core 3).
-\item If you have a recent Red Hat Linux system running the 2.4.x kernel and
-you have the directory {\bf /lib/tls} installed on your system (normally by
-default), bacula will {\bf NOT} run. This is the new pthreads library and it
-is defective. You must remove this directory prior to running Bacula, or you
-can simply change the name to {\bf /lib/tls-broken}) then you must reboot
-your machine (one of the few times Linux must be rebooted). If you are not
-able to remove/rename /lib/tls, an alternative is to set the environment
-variable "LD\_ASSUME\_KERNEL=2.4.19" prior to executing Bacula. For this
-option, you do not need to reboot, and all programs other than Bacula will
-continue to use /lib/tls.
-The feedback that we have for 2.6 kernels is that the same problem may
-exist. However, we have not been able to reproduce the above mentioned
-problem (bizarre hangs) on 2.6 kernels. If you do experience problems, we
-recommend using the environment variable override
-(LD\_ASSUME\_KERNEL=2.4.19) rather than removing /lib/tls, because TLS
-is designed to work with 2.6 kernels.
-\item Most flavors of Linux (Gentoo, SuSE, Mandrake, Debian, ...).
-\item Solaris various versions.
-\item FreeBSD (tape driver supported in 1.30 -- please see some {\bf
-important} considerations in the
-\ilink{ Tape Modes on FreeBSD}{tapetesting.tex#FreeBSDTapes} section of the
-Tape Testing chapter of this manual.)
-\item Windows (Win98/Me, WinNT/2K/XP) Client (File daemon) binaries.
-\item MacOS X/Darwin (see
-\elink{ http://fink.sourceforge.net/}{http://fink.sourceforge.net/} for
-obtaining the packages)
-\item OpenBSD Client (File daemon).
-\item Irix Client (File daemon).
-\item Tru64
-\item Bacula is said to work on other systems (AIX, BSDI, HPUX, ...) but we
-do not have first hand knowledge of these systems.
-\item See the Porting chapter of the Bacula Developer's Guide for information
-on porting to other systems.
-\subsection*{Supported Tape Drives}
-\index[general]{Drives!Supported Tape }
-\index[general]{Supported Tape Drives }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Supported Tape Drives}
-Even if your drive is on the list below, please check the
-\ilink{Tape Testing Chapter}{tapetesting.tex#btape} of this manual for
-procedures that you can use to verify if your tape drive will work with
-Bacula. If your drive is in fixed block mode, it may appear to work with
-Bacula until you attempt to do a restore and Bacula wants to position the
-tape. You can be sure only by following the procedures suggested above and
-It is very difficult to supply a list of supported tape drives, or drives that
-are known to work with Bacula because of limited feedback (so if you use
-Bacula on a different drive, please let us know). Based on user feedback, the
-following drives are known to work with Bacula. A dash in a column means
-\addcontentsline{lot}{table}{Supported Tape Drives}
- \hline
-\multicolumn{1}{|c| }{\bf OS } & \multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Man. } &
-\multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Media } & \multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Model } &
-\multicolumn{1}{c| }{\bf Capacity } \\
- \hline
-{- } & {ADIC } & {DLT } & {Adic Scalar 100 DLT } & {100GB } \\
- \hline
-{- } & {ADIC } & {DLT } & {Adic Fastor 22 DLT } & {- } \\
- \hline
-{- } & {- } & {DDS } & {Compaq DDS 2,3,4 } & {- } \\
- \hline
-{- } & {Exabyte } & {- } & {Exabyte drives less than 10 years old } & {- }
- \hline
-{- } & {Exabyte } & {- } & {Exabyte VXA drives } & {- } \\
- \hline
-{- } & {HP } & {Travan 4 } & {Colorado T4000S } & {- } \\
- \hline
-{- } & {HP } & {DLT } & {HP DLT drives } & {- } \\
- \hline
-{- } & {HP } & {LTO } & {HP LTO Ultrium drives } & {- } \\
- \hline
-{FreeBSD 4.10 RELEASE } & {HP } & {DAT } & {HP StorageWorks DAT72i } & {- }
- \hline
-{- } & {Overland } & {LTO } & {LoaderXpress LTO } & {- } \\
- \hline
-{- } & {Overland } & {- } & {Neo2000 } & {- } \\
- \hline
-{- } & {OnStream } & {- } & {OnStream drives (see below) } & {- } \\
- \hline
-{- } & {Quantum } & {DLT } & {DLT-8000 } & {40/80GB } \\
- \hline
-{Linux } & {Seagate } & {DDS-4 } & {Scorpio 40 } & {20/40GB } \\
- \hline
-{FreeBSD 4.9 STABLE } & {Seagate } & {DDS-4 } & {STA2401LW } & {20/40GB } \\
- \hline
-{FreeBSD 5.2.1 pthreads patched RELEASE } & {Seagate } & {AIT-1 } & {STA1701W
-} & {35/70GB } \\
- \hline
-{Linux } & {Sony } & {DDS-2,3,4 } & {- } & {4-40GB } \\
- \hline
-{Linux } & {Tandberg } & {- } & {Tandbert MLR3 } & {- } \\
- \hline
-{FreeBSD } & {Tandberg } & {- } & {Tandberg SLR6 } & {- } \\
- \hline
-{Solaris } & {Tandberg } & {- } & {Tandberg SLR75 } & {- }
-\\ \hline
-There is a list of
-\ilink{supported autochangers}{autochangers.tex#Models} models in the
-\ilink{autochangers chapter}{autochangers.tex#_ChapterStart} of this document,
-where you will find other tape drives that work with Bacula.
-\subsection*{Unsupported Tape Drives}
-\index[general]{Unsupported Tape Drives }
-\index[general]{Drives!Unsupported Tape }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Unsupported Tape Drives}
-Previously OnStream IDE-SCSI tape drives did not work with Bacula. As of
-Bacula version 1.33 and the osst kernel driver version 0.9.14 or later, they
-now work. Please see the testing chapter as you must set a fixed block size.
-QIC tapes are known to have a number of particularities (fixed block size, and
-one EOF rather than two to terminate the tape). As a consequence, you will
-need to take a lot of care in configuring them to make them work correctly
-with Bacula.
-\subsection*{FreeBSD Users Be Aware!!!}
-\index[general]{FreeBSD Users Be Aware }
-\index[general]{Aware!FreeBSD Users Be }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{FreeBSD Users Be Aware!!!}
-Unless you have patched the pthreads library on most FreeBSD systems, you will
-lose data when Bacula spans tapes. This is because the unpatched pthreads
-library fails to return a warning status to Bacula that the end of the tape is
-near. Please see the
-\ilink{Tape Testing Chapter}{tapetesting.tex#FreeBSDTapes} of this manual for
-{\bf important} information on how to configure your tape drive for
-compatibility with Bacula.
-\subsection*{Supported Autochangers}
-\index[general]{Autochangers!Supported }
-\index[general]{Supported Autochangers }
-\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Supported Autochangers}
-For information on supported autochangers, please see the
-\ilink{Autochangers Known to Work with Bacula}{autochangers.tex#Models}
-section of the Autochangers chapter of this manual.