--- /dev/null
+; Stefan Haubenthal, 2004-10-07
+; Based on code from Pu-239
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ get_tv (void);
+; /* Return the video mode the machine is using */
+ .export _get_tv
+ .include "vic20.inc"
+; _get_tv
+.proc _get_tv
+ ; detect the system
+ lda #0
+ tax
+@L0: ldy VIC_HLINE
+ cpy #1
+ bne @L0 ; wait for line 1
+@L1: ldy VIC_HLINE
+ beq @L2 ; line 0 reached -> NTSC
+ cpy #NTSC_LINES/2+2
+ bne @L1
+ lda #1
+@L2: rts ; system detected: 0 for NTSC, 1 for PAL