; Zero page stuff
-WNDLFT := $20 ; Text window left
-WNDWDTH := $21 ; Text window width
-WNDTOP := $22 ; Text window top
-WNDBTM := $23 ; Text window bottom+1
-CH := $24 ; Cursor horizontal position
-CV := $25 ; Cursor vertical position
-BASL := $28 ; Text base address low
-BASH := $29 ; Text base address high
-INVFLG := $32 ; Normal/inverse(/flash)
-PROMPT := $33 ; Used by GETLN
-RNDL := $4E ; Random counter low
-RNDH := $4F ; Random counter high
-HIMEM := $73 ; Highest available memory address+1
+WNDLFT := $20 ; Text window left
+WNDWDTH := $21 ; Text window width
+WNDTOP := $22 ; Text window top
+WNDBTM := $23 ; Text window bottom+1
+CH := $24 ; Cursor horizontal position
+CV := $25 ; Cursor vertical position
+BASL := $28 ; Text base address low
+BASH := $29 ; Text base address high
+INVFLG := $32 ; Normal/inverse(/flash)
+PROMPT := $33 ; Used by GETLN
+RNDL := $4E ; Random counter low
+RNDH := $4F ; Random counter high
+HIMEM := $73 ; Highest available memory address+1
; Vectors
-DOSWARM := $03D0 ; DOS warmstart vector
-BRKVec := $03F0 ; Break vector
-SOFTEV := $03F2 ; Vector for warm start
-PWREDUP := $03F4 ; This must be = EOR #$A5 of SOFTEV+1
+DOSWARM := $03D0 ; DOS warmstart vector
+BRKVec := $03F0 ; Break vector
+SOFTEV := $03F2 ; Vector for warm start
+PWREDUP := $03F4 ; This must be = EOR #$A5 of SOFTEV+1
; Hardware
; Keyboard input
-KBD := $C000 ; Read keyboard
-KBDSTRB := $C010 ; Clear keyboard strobe
+KBD := $C000 ; Read keyboard
+KBDSTRB := $C010 ; Clear keyboard strobe
; 80 column card switches
-CLRALTCHAR := $C00E ; Normal Apple II char set
-SETALTCHAR := $C00F ; Norm/inv LC, no flash
-ALTCHARSET := $C01E ; >127 if alt charset switched in
-RD80VID := $C01F ; >127 if 80 column video enabled
+CLR80COL:= $C000 ; Disable 80 column store
+SET80COL:= $C001 ; Enable 80 column store
+CLRALTCHAR := $C00E ; Normal Apple II char set
+SETALTCHAR := $C00F ; Norm/inv LC, no flash
+ALTCHARSET := $C01E ; >127 if alt charset switched in
+RD80VID := $C01F ; >127 if 80 column video enabled
; Video soft switches
-MIXCLR := $C052 ; Disable 4 lines of text
-MIXSET := $C053 ; Enable 4 lines of text
-LOWSCR := $C054 ; Page 1
-HISCR := $C055 ; Page 2
+MIXCLR := $C052 ; Disable 4 lines of text
+MIXSET := $C053 ; Enable 4 lines of text
+LOWSCR := $C054 ; Page 1
+HISCR := $C055 ; Page 2
+LORES := $C056 ; Lores graphics
+HIRES := $C057 ; Hires graphics
; Game controller
-BUTN0 := $C061 ; Open-Apple Key
-BUTN1 := $C062 ; Closed-Apple Key
+BUTN0 := $C061 ; Open-Apple Key
+BUTN1 := $C062 ; Closed-Apple Key
.export _cputcxy, _cputc
.export cputdirect, newline, putchar
- .import popa, _gotoxy, VTABZ
+ .import popa, _gotoxy, VTABZ
.include "apple2.inc"
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
- sta SETALTCHAR ; Switch in alternate charset
+ sta SETALTCHAR ; Switch in alternate charset
+ bit LORES ; Limit SET80COL-HISCR to text
pha ; Save C
- jsr popa ; Get Y
+ jsr popa ; Get Y
jsr _gotoxy
pla ; Restore C
- cmp #$0D ; Test for \r = carrage return
+ cmp #$0D ; Test for \r = carrage return
beq left
- cmp #$0A ; Test for \n = line feed
+ cmp #$0A ; Test for \n = line feed
beq newline
- ora #$80 ; Turn on high bit
+ ora #$80 ; Turn on high bit
.ifndef __APPLE2ENH__
- cmp #$E0 ; Test for lowercase
+ cmp #$E0 ; Test for lowercase
bcc cputdirect
- and #$DF ; Convert to uppercase
+ and #$DF ; Convert to uppercase
jsr putchar
- inc CH ; Bump to next column
+ inc CH ; Bump to next column
lda CH
bcc :+
-left: lda #$00 ; Goto left edge of screen
+left: lda #$00 ; Goto left edge of screen
sta CH
: rts
- inc CV ; Bump to next line
+ inc CV ; Bump to next line
lda CV
bcc :+
- lda WNDTOP ; Goto top of screen
+ lda WNDTOP ; Goto top of screen
sta CV
: jmp VTABZ
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
- cpy #$FF ; Normal character display mode?
+ cpy #$FF ; Normal character display mode?
beq put
- cmp #$E0 ; Lowercase?
+ cmp #$E0 ; Lowercase?
bcc mask
- and #$7F ; Inverse lowercase
+ and #$7F ; Inverse lowercase
bra put
-mask: and INVFLG ; Apply normal, inverse, flash
+mask: and INVFLG ; Apply normal, inverse, flash
put: ldy CH
.ifdef __APPLE2ENH__
- bit RD80VID ; In 80 column mode?
- bpl col40 ; No, in 40 cols
+ bit RD80VID ; In 80 column mode?
+ bpl col40 ; No, in 40 cols
lsr ; Div by 2
- bcs col40 ; Odd cols go in 40 col memory
- bit HISCR
+ bcs col40 ; Odd cols go in 40 col memory
+ bit HISCR ; Assume SET80COL
sta (BASL),Y
- bit LOWSCR
+ bit LOWSCR ; Assume SET80COL
col40: sta (BASL),Y