+++ /dev/null
-; ANTIC Address Equates
-; Read Addresses
-VCOUNT = ANTIC + $0B ;vertical line counter
-PENH = ANTIC + $0C ;light pen horizontal position
-PENV = ANTIC + $0D ;light pen vertical position
-NMIST = ANTIC + $0F ;NMI interrupt status
-; Write Addresses
-DMACTL = ANTIC + $00 ;DMA control
-CHACTL = ANTIC + $01 ;character control
-DLISTL = ANTIC + $02 ;low display list address
-DLISTH = ANTIC + $03 ;high display list address
-HSCROL = ANTIC + $04 ;horizontal scroll
-VSCROL = ANTIC + $05 ;vertical scroll
-PMBASE = ANTIC + $07 ;player-missile base address
-CHBASE = ANTIC + $09 ;character base address
-WSYNC = ANTIC + $0A ;wait for HBLANK synchronization
-NMIEN = ANTIC + $0E ;NMI enable
-NMIRES = ANTIC + $0F ;NMI interrupt reset
-; Antic opcodes
-; usage example:
-; ScreenDL:
-; .byte DL_BLK8
-; .byte DL_BLK8
-; .byte DL_CHR40x8x1 + DL_LMS + DL_DLI
-; .word ScreenAlignment
-; .byte DL_BLK1 + DL_DLI
-; .byte DL_MAP320x1x1 + DL_LMS
-; .word Screen
-; .repeat 99
-; .byte DL_MAP320x1x1
-; .endrepeat
-; .byte DL_MAP320x1x1 + DL_LMS
-; .word Screen + 40 * 100 ; 100 lines a 40 byte, 'Screen' has to be aligned correctly!
-; .repeat 92
-; .byte DL_MAP320x1x1
-; .endrepeat
-; .byte DL_JVB
-; absolute instructions (non mode lines)
-DL_JMP = 1
-DL_JVB = 65
-DL_BLK1 = 0
-DL_BLK2 = 16
-DL_BLK3 = 32
-DL_BLK4 = 48
-DL_BLK5 = 64
-DL_BLK6 = 80
-DL_BLK7 = 96
-DL_BLK8 = 112
-; absolute instructions (mode lines)
-DL_CHR40x8x1 = 2 ; monochrome, 40 character & 8 scanlines per mode line (GR. 0)
-DL_CHR40x10x1 = 3 ; monochrome, 40 character & 10 scanlines per mode line
-DL_CHR40x8x4 = 4 ; colour, 40 character & 8 scanlines per mode line (GR. 12)
-DL_CHR40x16x4 = 5 ; colour, 40 character & 16 scanlines per mode line (GR. 13)
-DL_CHR20x8x2 = 6 ; colour (duochrome per character), 20 character & 8 scanlines per mode line (GR. 1)
-DL_CHR20x16x2 = 7 ; colour (duochrome per character), 20 character & 16 scanlines per mode line (GR. 2)
-DL_MAP40x8x4 = 8 ; colour, 40 pixel & 8 scanlines per mode line (GR. 3)
-DL_MAP80x4x2 = 9 ; 'duochrome', 80 pixel & 4 scanlines per mode line (GR.4)
-DL_MAP80x4x4 = 10 ; colour, 80 pixel & 4 scanlines per mode line (GR.5)
-DL_MAP160x2x2 = 11 ; 'duochrome', 160 pixel & 2 scanlines per mode line (GR.6)
-DL_MAP160x1x2 = 12 ; 'duochrome', 160 pixel & 1 scanline per mode line (GR.14)
-DL_MAP160x2x4 = 13 ; 4 colours, 160 pixel & 2 scanlines per mode line (GR.7)
-DL_MAP160x1x4 = 14 ; 4 colours, 160 pixel & 1 scanline per mode line (GR.15)
-DL_MAP320x1x1 = 15 ; monochrome, 320 pixel & 1 scanline per mode line (GR.8)
-; modifiers on mode lines...
-DL_LMS = 64
-; general modifier...
-DL_DLI = 128
+++ /dev/null
-; CTIA/GTIA Address Equates
-; Read/Write Addresses
-CONSOL = GTIA + $1F ;console switches and speaker control
-; Read Addresses
-M0PF = GTIA + $00 ;missile 0 and playfield collision
-M1PF = GTIA + $01 ;missile 1 and playfield collision
-M2PF = GTIA + $02 ;missile 2 and playfield collision
-M3PF = GTIA + $03 ;missile 3 and playfield collision
-P0PF = GTIA + $04 ;player 0 and playfield collision
-P1PF = GTIA + $05 ;player 1 and playfield collision
-P2PF = GTIA + $06 ;player 2 and playfield collision
-P3PF = GTIA + $07 ;player 3 and playfield collision
-M0PL = GTIA + $08 ;missile 0 and player collision
-M1PL = GTIA + $09 ;missile 1 and player collision
-M2PL = GTIA + $0A ;missile 2 and player collision
-M3PL = GTIA + $0B ;missile 3 and player collision
-P0PL = GTIA + $0C ;player 0 and player collision
-P1PL = GTIA + $0D ;player 1 and player collision
-P2PL = GTIA + $0E ;player 2 and player collision
-P3PL = GTIA + $0F ;player 3 and player collision
-TRIG0 = GTIA + $10 ;joystick trigger 0
-TRIG1 = GTIA + $11 ;joystick trigger 1
-TRIG2 = GTIA + $12 ;cartridge interlock
-TRIG3 = GTIA + $13 ;ACMI module interlock
-PAL = GTIA + $14 ;##rev2## PAL/NTSC indicator
-; Write Addresses
-HPOSP0 = GTIA + $00 ;player 0 horizontal position
-HPOSP1 = GTIA + $01 ;player 1 horizontal position
-HPOSP2 = GTIA + $02 ;player 2 horizontal position
-HPOSP3 = GTIA + $03 ;player 3 horizontal position
-HPOSM0 = GTIA + $04 ;missile 0 horizontal position
-HPOSM1 = GTIA + $05 ;missile 1 horizontal position
-HPOSM2 = GTIA + $06 ;missile 2 horizontal position
-HPOSM3 = GTIA + $07 ;missile 3 horizontal position
-SIZEP0 = GTIA + $08 ;player 0 size
-SIZEP1 = GTIA + $09 ;player 1 size
-SIZEP2 = GTIA + $0A ;player 2 size
-SIZEP3 = GTIA + $0B ;player 3 size
-SIZEM = GTIA + $0C ;missile sizes
-GRAFP0 = GTIA + $0D ;player 0 graphics
-GRAFP1 = GTIA + $0E ;player 1 graphics
-GRAFP2 = GTIA + $0F ;player 2 graphics
-GRAFP3 = GTIA + $10 ;player 3 graphics
-GRAFM = GTIA + $11 ;missile graphics
-COLPM0 = GTIA + $12 ;player-missile 0 color/luminance
-COLPM1 = GTIA + $13 ;player-missile 1 color/luminance
-COLPM2 = GTIA + $14 ;player-missile 2 color/luminance
-COLPM3 = GTIA + $15 ;player-missile 3 color/luminance
-COLPF0 = GTIA + $16 ;playfield 0 color/luminance
-COLPF1 = GTIA + $17 ;playfield 1 color/luminance
-COLPF2 = GTIA + $18 ;playfield 2 color/luminance
-COLPF3 = GTIA + $19 ;playfield 3 color/luminance
-COLBK = GTIA + $1A ;background color/luminance
-PRIOR = GTIA + $1B ;priority select
-VDELAY = GTIA + $1C ;vertical delay
-GRACTL = GTIA + $1D ;graphic control
-HITCLR = GTIA + $1E ;collision clear
+++ /dev/null
-; POKEY Address Equates
-; Read Addresses
-POT0 = POKEY + $00 ;potentiometer 0
-POT1 = POKEY + $01 ;potentiometer 1
-POT2 = POKEY + $02 ;potentiometer 2
-POT3 = POKEY + $03 ;potentiometer 3
-POT4 = POKEY + $04 ;potentiometer 4
-POT5 = POKEY + $05 ;potentiometer 5
-POT6 = POKEY + $06 ;potentiometer 6
-POT7 = POKEY + $07 ;potentiometer 7
-ALLPOT = POKEY + $08 ;potentiometer port status
-KBCODE = POKEY + $09 ;keyboard code
-RANDOM = POKEY + $0A ;random number generator
-SERIN = POKEY + $0D ;serial port input
-IRQST = POKEY + $0E ;IRQ interrupt status
-SKSTAT = POKEY + $0F ;serial port and keyboard status
-; Write Addresses
-AUDF1 = POKEY + $00 ;channel 1 audio frequency
-AUDC1 = POKEY + $01 ;channel 1 audio control
-AUDF2 = POKEY + $02 ;channel 2 audio frequency
-AUDC2 = POKEY + $03 ;channel 2 audio control
-AUDF3 = POKEY + $04 ;channel 3 audio frequency
-AUDC3 = POKEY + $05 ;channel 3 audio control
-AUDF4 = POKEY + $06 ;channel 4 audio frequency
-AUDC4 = POKEY + $07 ;channel 4 audio control
-AUDCTL = POKEY + $08 ;audio control
-STIMER = POKEY + $09 ;start timers
-SKRES = POKEY + $0A ;reset SKSTAT status
-POTGO = POKEY + $0B ;start potentiometer scan sequence
-SEROUT = POKEY + $0D ;serial port output
-IRQEN = POKEY + $0E ;IRQ interrupt enable
-SKCTL = POKEY + $0F ;serial port and keyboard control
GTIA = $D000 ;CTIA/GTIA area
-.include "_gtia.inc"
+.include "atari_gtia.inc"
; PBI Address Equates
POKEY = $D200 ;POKEY area
-.include "_pokey.inc"
+.include "atari_pokey.inc"
; ANTIC Address Equates
ANTIC = $D400 ;ANTIC area
-.include "_antic.inc"
+.include "atari_antic.inc"
; PBI RAM Address Equates
GTIA = $C000 ;CTIA/GTIA area
-.include "_gtia.inc"
+.include "atari_gtia.inc"
; ANTIC Address Equates
ANTIC = $D400 ;ANTIC area
-.include "_antic.inc"
+.include "atari_antic.inc"
; POKEY Address Equates
POKEY = $E800 ;POKEY area
-.include "_pokey.inc"
+.include "atari_pokey.inc"
--- /dev/null
+; ANTIC Address Equates
+; Read Addresses
+VCOUNT = ANTIC + $0B ;vertical line counter
+PENH = ANTIC + $0C ;light pen horizontal position
+PENV = ANTIC + $0D ;light pen vertical position
+NMIST = ANTIC + $0F ;NMI interrupt status
+; Write Addresses
+DMACTL = ANTIC + $00 ;DMA control
+CHACTL = ANTIC + $01 ;character control
+DLISTL = ANTIC + $02 ;low display list address
+DLISTH = ANTIC + $03 ;high display list address
+HSCROL = ANTIC + $04 ;horizontal scroll
+VSCROL = ANTIC + $05 ;vertical scroll
+PMBASE = ANTIC + $07 ;player-missile base address
+CHBASE = ANTIC + $09 ;character base address
+WSYNC = ANTIC + $0A ;wait for HBLANK synchronization
+NMIEN = ANTIC + $0E ;NMI enable
+NMIRES = ANTIC + $0F ;NMI interrupt reset
+; Antic opcodes
+; usage example:
+; ScreenDL:
+; .byte DL_BLK8
+; .byte DL_BLK8
+; .byte DL_CHR40x8x1 + DL_LMS + DL_DLI
+; .word ScreenAlignment
+; .byte DL_BLK1 + DL_DLI
+; .byte DL_MAP320x1x1 + DL_LMS
+; .word Screen
+; .repeat 99
+; .byte DL_MAP320x1x1
+; .endrepeat
+; .byte DL_MAP320x1x1 + DL_LMS
+; .word Screen + 40 * 100 ; 100 lines a 40 byte, 'Screen' has to be aligned correctly!
+; .repeat 92
+; .byte DL_MAP320x1x1
+; .endrepeat
+; .byte DL_JVB
+; absolute instructions (non mode lines)
+DL_JMP = 1
+DL_JVB = 65
+DL_BLK1 = 0
+DL_BLK2 = 16
+DL_BLK3 = 32
+DL_BLK4 = 48
+DL_BLK5 = 64
+DL_BLK6 = 80
+DL_BLK7 = 96
+DL_BLK8 = 112
+; absolute instructions (mode lines)
+DL_CHR40x8x1 = 2 ; monochrome, 40 character & 8 scanlines per mode line (GR. 0)
+DL_CHR40x10x1 = 3 ; monochrome, 40 character & 10 scanlines per mode line
+DL_CHR40x8x4 = 4 ; colour, 40 character & 8 scanlines per mode line (GR. 12)
+DL_CHR40x16x4 = 5 ; colour, 40 character & 16 scanlines per mode line (GR. 13)
+DL_CHR20x8x2 = 6 ; colour (duochrome per character), 20 character & 8 scanlines per mode line (GR. 1)
+DL_CHR20x16x2 = 7 ; colour (duochrome per character), 20 character & 16 scanlines per mode line (GR. 2)
+DL_MAP40x8x4 = 8 ; colour, 40 pixel & 8 scanlines per mode line (GR. 3)
+DL_MAP80x4x2 = 9 ; 'duochrome', 80 pixel & 4 scanlines per mode line (GR.4)
+DL_MAP80x4x4 = 10 ; colour, 80 pixel & 4 scanlines per mode line (GR.5)
+DL_MAP160x2x2 = 11 ; 'duochrome', 160 pixel & 2 scanlines per mode line (GR.6)
+DL_MAP160x1x2 = 12 ; 'duochrome', 160 pixel & 1 scanline per mode line (GR.14)
+DL_MAP160x2x4 = 13 ; 4 colours, 160 pixel & 2 scanlines per mode line (GR.7)
+DL_MAP160x1x4 = 14 ; 4 colours, 160 pixel & 1 scanline per mode line (GR.15)
+DL_MAP320x1x1 = 15 ; monochrome, 320 pixel & 1 scanline per mode line (GR.8)
+; modifiers on mode lines...
+DL_LMS = 64
+; general modifier...
+DL_DLI = 128
--- /dev/null
+; CTIA/GTIA Address Equates
+; Read/Write Addresses
+CONSOL = GTIA + $1F ;console switches and speaker control
+; Read Addresses
+M0PF = GTIA + $00 ;missile 0 and playfield collision
+M1PF = GTIA + $01 ;missile 1 and playfield collision
+M2PF = GTIA + $02 ;missile 2 and playfield collision
+M3PF = GTIA + $03 ;missile 3 and playfield collision
+P0PF = GTIA + $04 ;player 0 and playfield collision
+P1PF = GTIA + $05 ;player 1 and playfield collision
+P2PF = GTIA + $06 ;player 2 and playfield collision
+P3PF = GTIA + $07 ;player 3 and playfield collision
+M0PL = GTIA + $08 ;missile 0 and player collision
+M1PL = GTIA + $09 ;missile 1 and player collision
+M2PL = GTIA + $0A ;missile 2 and player collision
+M3PL = GTIA + $0B ;missile 3 and player collision
+P0PL = GTIA + $0C ;player 0 and player collision
+P1PL = GTIA + $0D ;player 1 and player collision
+P2PL = GTIA + $0E ;player 2 and player collision
+P3PL = GTIA + $0F ;player 3 and player collision
+TRIG0 = GTIA + $10 ;joystick trigger 0
+TRIG1 = GTIA + $11 ;joystick trigger 1
+TRIG2 = GTIA + $12 ;cartridge interlock
+TRIG3 = GTIA + $13 ;ACMI module interlock
+PAL = GTIA + $14 ;##rev2## PAL/NTSC indicator
+; Write Addresses
+HPOSP0 = GTIA + $00 ;player 0 horizontal position
+HPOSP1 = GTIA + $01 ;player 1 horizontal position
+HPOSP2 = GTIA + $02 ;player 2 horizontal position
+HPOSP3 = GTIA + $03 ;player 3 horizontal position
+HPOSM0 = GTIA + $04 ;missile 0 horizontal position
+HPOSM1 = GTIA + $05 ;missile 1 horizontal position
+HPOSM2 = GTIA + $06 ;missile 2 horizontal position
+HPOSM3 = GTIA + $07 ;missile 3 horizontal position
+SIZEP0 = GTIA + $08 ;player 0 size
+SIZEP1 = GTIA + $09 ;player 1 size
+SIZEP2 = GTIA + $0A ;player 2 size
+SIZEP3 = GTIA + $0B ;player 3 size
+SIZEM = GTIA + $0C ;missile sizes
+GRAFP0 = GTIA + $0D ;player 0 graphics
+GRAFP1 = GTIA + $0E ;player 1 graphics
+GRAFP2 = GTIA + $0F ;player 2 graphics
+GRAFP3 = GTIA + $10 ;player 3 graphics
+GRAFM = GTIA + $11 ;missile graphics
+COLPM0 = GTIA + $12 ;player-missile 0 color/luminance
+COLPM1 = GTIA + $13 ;player-missile 1 color/luminance
+COLPM2 = GTIA + $14 ;player-missile 2 color/luminance
+COLPM3 = GTIA + $15 ;player-missile 3 color/luminance
+COLPF0 = GTIA + $16 ;playfield 0 color/luminance
+COLPF1 = GTIA + $17 ;playfield 1 color/luminance
+COLPF2 = GTIA + $18 ;playfield 2 color/luminance
+COLPF3 = GTIA + $19 ;playfield 3 color/luminance
+COLBK = GTIA + $1A ;background color/luminance
+PRIOR = GTIA + $1B ;priority select
+VDELAY = GTIA + $1C ;vertical delay
+GRACTL = GTIA + $1D ;graphic control
+HITCLR = GTIA + $1E ;collision clear
--- /dev/null
+; POKEY Address Equates
+; Read Addresses
+POT0 = POKEY + $00 ;potentiometer 0
+POT1 = POKEY + $01 ;potentiometer 1
+POT2 = POKEY + $02 ;potentiometer 2
+POT3 = POKEY + $03 ;potentiometer 3
+POT4 = POKEY + $04 ;potentiometer 4
+POT5 = POKEY + $05 ;potentiometer 5
+POT6 = POKEY + $06 ;potentiometer 6
+POT7 = POKEY + $07 ;potentiometer 7
+ALLPOT = POKEY + $08 ;potentiometer port status
+KBCODE = POKEY + $09 ;keyboard code
+RANDOM = POKEY + $0A ;random number generator
+SERIN = POKEY + $0D ;serial port input
+IRQST = POKEY + $0E ;IRQ interrupt status
+SKSTAT = POKEY + $0F ;serial port and keyboard status
+; Write Addresses
+AUDF1 = POKEY + $00 ;channel 1 audio frequency
+AUDC1 = POKEY + $01 ;channel 1 audio control
+AUDF2 = POKEY + $02 ;channel 2 audio frequency
+AUDC2 = POKEY + $03 ;channel 2 audio control
+AUDF3 = POKEY + $04 ;channel 3 audio frequency
+AUDC3 = POKEY + $05 ;channel 3 audio control
+AUDF4 = POKEY + $06 ;channel 4 audio frequency
+AUDC4 = POKEY + $07 ;channel 4 audio control
+AUDCTL = POKEY + $08 ;audio control
+STIMER = POKEY + $09 ;start timers
+SKRES = POKEY + $0A ;reset SKSTAT status
+POTGO = POKEY + $0B ;start potentiometer scan sequence
+SEROUT = POKEY + $0D ;serial port output
+IRQEN = POKEY + $0E ;IRQ interrupt enable
+SKCTL = POKEY + $0F ;serial port and keyboard control