Set the default for the CPU type. The option takes a parameter, which
may be one of
6502, 65SC02, 65C02, 65816, sunplus, sweet16, HuC6280
The sunplus cpu is not available in the freeware version, because the
<label id="option-t">
<tag><tt>-t sys, --target sys</tt></tag>
- Set the target system. This will enable translation of character strings
- and character constants into the character set of the target platform.
- The default for the target system is "none", which means that no translation
+ Set the target system. This will enable translation of character strings and
+ character constants into the character set of the target platform. The
+ default for the target system is "none", which means that no translation
will take place. The assembler supports the same target systems as the
compiler, see there for a list.
+ Depending on the target, the default CPU type is also set. This can be
+ overriden by using the <tt/<ref id="option--cpu" name="--cpu">/ option.
<label id="option-v">
<tag><tt>-v, --verbose</tt></tag>
.macpack longbranch ; Include macro package
cmp #$20 ; Set condition codes
jne Label ; Jump long on condition
using <tt/-Oi/ (<tt/-Oi/ is the same as <tt/-O --codesize 200/).
- <label id="option-cpu">
+ <label id="option--cpu">
<tag><tt>--cpu CPU</tt></tag>
- A new, still experimental option. You may specify "6502" or "65C02" as the
- CPU. 6502 is the default, so this will not change anything. Specifying 65C02
- will use a few 65C02 instructions when generating code. Don't expect too
- much from this option: It is still new (and may have bugs), and the
- additional instructions for the 65C02 are not that overwhelming.
+ Set the CPU, the compiler generates code for. You may specify "6502" or
+ "65C02" as the CPU. The default depends on the selected target (see option
+ <tt/<ref id="option-t" name="-t">/). It is the 6502 CPU for most targets or
+ if no target has been set. Specifying 65C02 will use a few 65C02
+ instructions when generating code. Don't expect too much from this option:
+ In most cases the difference in size and speed is just 1-2%.
<label id="option-create-dep">
will. c99 mode is actually c89 mode with a few selected C99 extensions.
- <label id="option-standard">
+ <label id="option-t">
<tag><tt>-t target, --target target</tt></tag>
- This option is used to set the target system. The target system
- determines things like the character set that is used for strings and
- character constants. The following target systems are supported:
+ This option is used to set the target system. The target system determines
+ the character set that is used for strings and character constants and the
+ default CPU. The CPU setting can be overriden by use of the <tt/<ref
+ id="option--cpu" name="--cpu">/ option.
+ The following target systems are supported: