* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
-/* This code uses information contained in the MPSSE specification which was
+ * @file
+ * JTAG adapters based on the FT2232 full and high speed USB parts are
+ * popular low cost JTAG debug solutions. Many FT2232 based JTAG adapters
+ * are discrete, but development boards may integrate them as alternatives
+ * to more capable (and expensive) third party JTAG pods. Since JTAG uses
+ * only one of the two parts on these devices, on integrated boards the
+ * second port often serves as a USB-to-serial adapter for the target's
+ * console UART even when the JTAG port is not in use. (Systems which
+ * support ARM's SWD in addition to JTAG, or instead of it, may use that
+ * second port for reading SWV trace data.)
+ *
+ * FT2232 based JTAG adapters are "dumb" not "smart", because most JTAG
+ * request/response interactions involve round trips over the USB link.
+ * A "smart" JTAG adapter has intelligence close to the scan chain, so it
+ * can for example poll quickly for a status change (usually taking on the
+ * order of microseconds not milliseconds) before beginning a queued
+ * transaction which require the previous one to have completed.
+ *
+ * There are dozens of adapters of this type, differing in details which
+ * this driver needs to understand. Those "layout" details are required
+ * as part of FT2232 driver configuration.
+ *
+ * This code uses information contained in the MPSSE specification which was
* found here:
* http://www.ftdichip.com/Documents/AppNotes/AN2232C-01_MPSSE_Cmnd.pdf
* Hereafter this is called the "MPSSE Spec".
* The datasheet for the ftdichip.com's FT2232D part is here:
* http://www.ftdichip.com/Documents/DataSheets/DS_FT2232D.pdf
+ *
+ * Also note the issue with code 0x4b (clock data to TMS) noted in
+ * http://developer.intra2net.com/mailarchive/html/libftdi/2009/msg00292.html
+ * which can affect longer JTAG state paths.
/* project specific includes */
#include <jtag/interface.h>
-#include <jtag/commands.h>
#include <helper/time_support.h>
#if IS_CYGWIN == 1
.handler = &ft2232_handle_device_desc_command,
.help = "set the USB device description of the FTDI FT2232 device",
- .usage = "<description>",
+ .usage = "description_string",
.name = "ft2232_serial",
.handler = &ft2232_handle_serial_command,
.help = "set the serial number of the FTDI FT2232 device",
- .usage = "<serial#>",
+ .usage = "serial_string",
.name = "ft2232_layout",
.help = "set the layout of the FT2232 GPIO signals used "
"to control output-enables and reset signals",
- .usage = "<layout>",
+ .usage = "layout_name",
.name = "ft2232_vid_pid",
.handler = &ft2232_handle_vid_pid_command,
.help = "the vendor ID and product ID of the FTDI FT2232 device",
- .usage = "<vid> <pid> [...]",
+ .usage = "(vid pid)* ",
.name = "ft2232_latency",
.handler = &ft2232_handle_latency_command,
.help = "set the FT2232 latency timer to a new value",
- .usage = "<vid> <pid> [...]",
+ .usage = "value",