; (is the above true? I can't remember if interlace skips lines or takes them from two
; different places (same offset, different base))
-; X-axis resolution can be changed on the fly by manipulating xres header field so
-; any resolution 8..708 is possible only with gfx-mode initialization changed.
+; X-axis resolution can be changed by manipulating xres header field so
+; any resolution 8..708 is possible only with gfx-mode initialization and CALC changed.
-; With special initialization we can get 320x200 double-pixel mode (set 1 bit in one VDC reg)
+; With special initialization and CALC we can get 320x200 double-pixel mode.
; Color translation values for BROWN and GRAY3 are obviously wrong, they could
; be replaced by equiv. of ORANGE and GRAY2 but this would give only 14 of 16 colors available.
-; Register 25 ($19) is said to require different value on VDC v1, but I couldn't find what
+; Register 25 ($19) is said to require different value for VDC v1, but I couldn't find what
; it should be.
.include "zeropage.inc"
lda #0
sta ERR
sta ERR+1
- ; for (count=nk;count>0;--count) {
+ ; for (count=nx;count>0;--count) {
lda NX
ldx NX+1