XZAP = $46
XSHOOT = $47
XMKDIR = $4B ; create a folder. Only available in telemon 3.x
-XSOUT = $67 ; send A register to RS232, available in telemon 2.4 & 3.x
+XRM = $4D ; remove a folder or a file. Only available in telemon 3.x
+XSOUT = $67 ; send accumulator value (A) to RS232, available in telemon 2.4 & 3.x : if RS232 buffer is full, the Oric Telestrat freezes
XHRSSE = $8C ; set hires position cursor
XDRAWA = $8D ; draw a line
XDRAWR = $8E ; draw a line
--- /dev/null
+; 2018-04-13, Jede (jede@oric.org)
+; void cputc (char c);
+ .export _cputc
+ .include "telestrat.inc"
+.proc _cputc
+ BRK_TELEMON XWR0 ; macro send char to screen (channel 0 in telemon terms)
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; Jede, 10.11.2017
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ _sysremove (const char* name);
+ .export __sysremove
+ .include "zeropage.inc"
+ .include "telestrat.inc"
+ ; Push name
+ rts