etm_dummy.h oocd_trace.h target_request.h trace.h arm11.h mips32.h mips_m4k.h mips_ejtag.h mips32_pracc.h mips32_dmaacc.h
nobase_dist_pkglib_DATA = xscale/debug_handler.bin target/at91eb40a.cfg \
- event/at91r40008_reset.script event/sam7x256_reset.script \
target/at91r40008.cfg target/lpc2148.cfg target/lpc2148_rclk.cfg target/lpc2148_2mhz.cfg target/lpc2294.cfg \
target/sam7x256.cfg target/str710.cfg target/str912.cfg target/nslu2.cfg target/pxa255_sst.cfg \
- target/pxa255.cfg target/zy1000.cfg event/at91sam9260_reset.script target/at91sam9260.cfg \
- target/wi-9c.cfg event/wi-9c_reset.script event/pxa255_reset.script target/stm32.cfg target/xba_revA3.cfg event/xba_revA3.script \
+ target/pxa255.cfg target/zy1000.cfg target/at91sam9260.cfg \
+ target/wi-9c.cfg target/stm32.cfg target/xba_revA3.cfg \
ecos/at91eb40a.elf target/lm3s6965.cfg interface/parport.cfg \
- event/omap5912_reset.script interface/jtagkey-tiny.cfg interface/jtagkey.cfg interface/str9-comstick.cfg \
+ interface/jtagkey-tiny.cfg interface/jtagkey.cfg interface/str9-comstick.cfg \
target/epc9301.cfg target/ipx42x.cfg target/lpc2129.cfg target/netx500.cfg \
target/omap5912.cfg target/pxa270.cfg target/str750.cfg target/str9comstick.cfg \
- target/str730.cfg target/stm32stick.cfg event/str710_program.script \
+ target/str730.cfg target/stm32stick.cfg \
target/lm3s811.cfg interface/luminary.cfg interface/luminary-libftdi.cfg interface/luminary-lm3s811.cfg \
target/imx31.cfg target/lm3s3748.cfg \
interface/stm32-stick.cfg interface/calao-usb-a9260-c01.cfg interface/calao-usb-a9260-c02.cfg \
interface/calao-usb-a9260.cfg target/at91sam9260minimal.cfg \
interface/chameleon.cfg interface/at91rm9200.cfg interface/jlink.cfg interface/arm-usb-ocd.cfg \
- interface/signalyzer.cfg event/eir-sam7se512_reset.script target/eir-sam7se512.cfg \
- event/hammer_reset.script interface/flyswatter.cfg target/hammer.cfg \
- event/str730_program.script event/str750_program.script interface/olimex-jtag-tiny-a.cfg \
+ interface/signalyzer.cfg target/eir-sam7se512.cfg \
+ interface/flyswatter.cfg target/hammer.cfg \
+ interface/olimex-jtag-tiny-a.cfg \
target/pic32mx.cfg target/aduc702x.cfg interface/dummy.cfg interface/olimex-arm-usb-ocd.cfg target/s3c2440.cfg \
interface/openocd-usb.cfg target/test_syntax_error.cfg target/test_reset_syntax_error.cfg
+++ /dev/null
-sleep 10
-# Ethernut 3 remapping is required to access external flash memory.
-mww 0xffe00000 0x1000213d
-mww 0xffe00004 0x20003e3d
-mww 0xffe00020 0x00000001
+++ /dev/null
-mww 0xfffffd08 0xa5000501 # RSTC_MR : enable user reset
-mww 0xfffffd44 0x00008000 # WDT_MR : disable watchdog
-mww 0xfffffc20 0x00004001 # CKGR_MOR : enable the main oscillator
-sleep 20 # wait 20 ms
-mww 0xfffffc30 0x00000001 # PMC_MCKR : switch to main oscillator
-sleep 10 # wait 10 ms
-mww 0xfffffc28 0x2060bf09 # CKGR_PLLAR: Set PLLA Register for 198,656MHz
-sleep 20 # wait 20 ms
-mww 0xfffffc30 0x00000101 # PMC_MCKR : Select prescaler
-sleep 10 # wait 10 ms
-mww 0xfffffc30 0x00000102 # PMC_MCKR : Clock from PLLA is selected
-sleep 10 # wait 10 ms
-jtag_speed 0 # Increase JTAG Speed to 6 MHz
-arm7_9 dcc_downloads enable # Enable faster DCC downloads
-mww 0xffffec00 0x01020102 # SMC_SETUP0 : Setup SMC for Intel NOR Flash JS28F128P30T85 128MBit
-mww 0xffffec04 0x09070806 # SMC_PULSE0
-mww 0xffffec08 0x000d000b # SMC_CYCLE0
-mww 0xffffec0c 0x00001003 # SMC_MODE0
-flash probe 0 # Identify flash bank 0
-mww 0xfffff870 0xffff0000 # PIO_ASR : Select peripheral function for D15..D31
-mww 0xfffff804 0xffff0000 # PIO_PDR : Disable PIO function for D15..D31
-mww 0xffffef1c 0x2 # EBI_CSA : Assign EBI Chip Select 1 to SDRAM
-#mww 0xffffea08 0x85227259 # SDRAMC_CR : Configure SDRAM (2 x Samsung K4S561632H-UC75 : 4M x 16Bit x 4 Banks)
-mww 0xffffea08 0x85227254 # SDRAMC_CR : Configure SDRAM (2 x Samsung K4S641632H-UC75 : 1M x 16Bit x 4 Banks)
-mww 0xffffea00 0x1 # SDRAMC_MR : issue a NOP command
-mww 0x20000000 0
-mww 0xffffea00 0x2 # SDRAMC_MR : issue an 'All Banks Precharge' command
-mww 0x20000000 0
-mww 0xffffea00 0x4 # SDRAMC_MR : issue 8 x 'Auto-Refresh' Command
-mww 0x20000000 0
-mww 0xffffea00 0x4
-mww 0x20000000 0
-mww 0xffffea00 0x4
-mww 0x20000000 0
-mww 0xffffea00 0x4
-mww 0x20000000 0
-mww 0xffffea00 0x4
-mww 0x20000000 0
-mww 0xffffea00 0x4
-mww 0x20000000 0
-mww 0xffffea00 0x4
-mww 0x20000000 0
-mww 0xffffea00 0x4
-mww 0x20000000 0
-mww 0xffffea00 0x3 # SDRAMC_MR : issue a 'Load Mode Register' command
-mww 0x20000000 0
-mww 0xffffea00 0x0 # SDRAMC_MR : normal mode
-mww 0x20000000 0
-mww 0xffffea04 0x5d2 # SDRAMC_TR : Set refresh timer count to 15us
+++ /dev/null
-# WDT_MR, disable watchdog
-mww 0xFFFFFD44 0x00008000
-# RSTC_MR, enable user reset
-mww 0xfffffd08 0xa5000001
-mww 0xFFFFFC20 0x00000601
-sleep 10
-mww 0xFFFFFC2C 0x00481c0e
-sleep 10
-mww 0xFFFFFC30 0x00000007
-sleep 10
-mww 0xFFFFFF60 0x00480100
-# Enable SDRAM interface.
-# Enable SDRAM control at PIO A.
-mww 0xfffff474 0x3f800000 # PIO_BSR_OFF
-mww 0xfffff404 0x3f800000 # PIO_PDR_OFF
-# Enable address bus (A0, A2-A11, A13-A17) at PIO B
-mww 0xfffff674 0x0003effd # PIO_BSR_OFF
-mww 0xfffff604 0x0003effd # PIO_PDR_OFF
-# Enable 16 bit data bus at PIO C
-mww 0xfffff870 0x0000ffff # PIO_ASR_OFF
-mww 0xfffff804 0x0000ffff # PIO_PDR_OFF
-# Enable SDRAM chip select
-mww 0xffffff80 0x00000002 # EBI_CSA_OFF
-# Set SDRAM characteristics in configuration register.
-# Hard coded values for MT48LC32M16A2 with 48MHz CPU.
-mww 0xffffffb8 0x2192215a # SDRAMC_CR_OFF
-sleep 10
-# Issue 16 bit SDRAM command: NOP
-mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000011 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
-mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
-# Issue 16 bit SDRAM command: Precharge all
-mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000012 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
-mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
-# Issue 8 auto-refresh cycles
-mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000014 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
-mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
-mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000014 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
-mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
-mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000014 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
-mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
-mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000014 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
-mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
-mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000014 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
-mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
-mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000014 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
-mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
-mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000014 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
-mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
-mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000014 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
-mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
-# Issue 16 bit SDRAM command: Set mode register
-mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000013 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
-mww 0x20000014 0xcafedede
-# Set refresh rate count ???
-mww 0xffffffb4 0x00000013 # SDRAMC_TR_OFF
-# Issue 16 bit SDRAM command: Normal mode
-mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000010 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
-mww 0x20000000 0x00000180
-# Enable external reset key.
-mww 0xfffffd08 0xa5000001
+++ /dev/null
-# Reset Script for the TinCanTools S3C2410 Based Hammer Module
-# Setup primary clocks and initialize the SDRAM
-mww 0x53000000 0x00000000
-mww 0x4a000008 0xffffffff
-mww 0x4a00000c 0x000007ff
-mww 0x4c000000 0x00ffffff
-mww 0x4c000014 0x00000003
-mww 0x4c000004 0x000a1031
-mww 0x48000000 0x11111122
-mww 0x48000004 0x00000700
-mww 0x48000008 0x00000700
-mww 0x4800000c 0x00000700
-mww 0x48000010 0x00000700
-mww 0x48000014 0x00000700
-mww 0x48000018 0x00000700
-mww 0x4800001c 0x00018005
-mww 0x48000020 0x00018005
-mww 0x48000024 0x009c0459
-mww 0x48000028 0x000000b2
-mww 0x4800002c 0x00000030
-mww 0x48000030 0x00000030
-flash probe 0
+++ /dev/null
-# halt target
-sleep 1
-# disable wdt
-mww 0xfffec808 0x000000f5
-mww 0xfffec808 0x000000a0
-mww 0xfffeb048 0x0000aaaa
-sleep 500
-mww 0xfffeb048 0x00005555
-sleep 500
-# detect flash
-flash probe 0
+++ /dev/null
-#configuration file for PXA250 Evaluation Board
-# -----------------------------------------------------
-xscale cp15 15 0x00002001 #Enable CP0 and CP13 access
-# setup GPIO
-mww 0x40E00018 0x00008000 #CPSR0
-sleep 20
-mww 0x40E0001C 0x00000002 #GPSR1
-sleep 20
-mww 0x40E00020 0x00000008 #GPSR2
-sleep 20
-mww 0x40E0000C 0x00008000 #GPDR0
-sleep 20
-mww 0x40E00054 0x80000000 #GAFR0_L
-sleep 20
-mww 0x40E00058 0x00188010 #GAFR0_H
-sleep 20
-mww 0x40E0005C 0x60908018 #GAFR1_L
-sleep 20
-mww 0x40E0000C 0x0280E000 #GPDR0
-sleep 20
-mww 0x40E00010 0x821C88B2 #GPDR1
-sleep 20
-mww 0x40E00014 0x000F03DB #GPDR2
-sleep 20
-mww 0x40E00000 0x000F03DB #GPLR0
-sleep 20
-mww 0x40F00004 0x00000020 #PSSR
-sleep 20
-# setup memory controller
-mww 0x48000008 0x01111998 #MSC0
-sleep 20
-mww 0x48000010 0x00047ff0 #MSC2
-sleep 20
-mww 0x48000014 0x00000000 #MECR
-sleep 20
-mww 0x48000028 0x00010504 #MCMEM0
-sleep 20
-mww 0x4800002C 0x00010504 #MCMEM1
-sleep 20
-mww 0x48000030 0x00010504 #MCATT0
-sleep 20
-mww 0x48000034 0x00010504 #MCATT1
-sleep 20
-mww 0x48000038 0x00004715 #MCIO0
-sleep 20
-mww 0x4800003C 0x00004715 #MCIO1
-sleep 20
-mww 0x48000004 0x03CA4018 #MDREF
-sleep 20
-mww 0x48000004 0x004B4018 #MDREF
-sleep 20
-mww 0x48000004 0x000B4018 #MDREF
-sleep 20
-mww 0x48000004 0x000BC018 #MDREF
-sleep 20
-mww 0x48000000 0x00001AC8 #MDCNFG
-sleep 20
-sleep 20
-mww 0x48000000 0x00001AC9 #MDCNFG
-sleep 20
-mww 0x48000040 0x00000000 #MDMRS
-sleep 20
+++ /dev/null
-# Init - taken form the script openocd_at91sam7_ecr.script
-# I take this script from the following page:
-# disable watchdog
-mww 0xfffffd44 0x00008000
-# enable user reset
-mww 0xfffffd08 0xa5000001
-# CKGR_MOR : enable the main oscillator
-mww 0xfffffc20 0x00000601
-sleep 10
-# CKGR_PLLR: 96.1097 MHz
-mww 0xfffffc2c 0x00481c0e
-sleep 10
-# PMC_MCKR : MCK = PLL / 2 ~= 48 MHz
-mww 0xfffffc30 0x00000007
-sleep 10
-# MC_FMR: flash mode (FWS=1,FMCN=60)
-mww 0xffffff60 0x003c0100
-sleep 100
+++ /dev/null
-flash protect 0 0 7 off
-flash protect 1 0 1 off
+++ /dev/null
-flash protect 0 0 7 off
+++ /dev/null
-flash protect 0 0 7 off
-flash protect 1 0 1 off
+++ /dev/null
-mww 0x90600104 0x33313333
-mww 0xA0700000 0x00000001 # Enable the memory controller.
-mww 0xA0700024 0x00000006 # Set the refresh counter 6
-mww 0xA0700028 0x00000001 #
-mww 0xA0700030 0x00000001 # Set the precharge period
-mww 0xA0700034 0x00000004 # Active to precharge command period is 16 clock cycles
-mww 0xA070003C 0x00000001 # tAPR
-mww 0xA0700040 0x00000005 # tDAL
-mww 0xA0700044 0x00000001 # tWR
-mww 0xA0700048 0x00000006 # tRC 32 clock cycles
-mww 0xA070004C 0x00000006 # tRFC 32 clock cycles
-mww 0xA0700054 0x00000001 # tRRD
-mww 0xA0700058 0x00000001 # tMRD
-mww 0xA0700100 0x00004280 # Dynamic Config 0 (cs4)
-mww 0xA0700120 0x00004280 # Dynamic Config 1 (cs5)
-mww 0xA0700140 0x00004280 # Dynamic Config 2 (cs6)
-mww 0xA0700160 0x00004280 # Dynamic Config 3 (cs7)
-mww 0xA0700104 0x00000203 # CAS latency is 2 at 100 MHz
-mww 0xA0700124 0x00000203 # CAS latency is 2 at 100 MHz
-mww 0xA0700144 0x00000203 # CAS latency is 2 at 100 MHz
-mww 0xA0700164 0x00000203 # CAS latency is 2 at 100 MHz
-mww 0xA0700020 0x00000103 # issue SDRAM PALL command
-mww 0xA0700024 0x00000001 # Set the refresh counter to be as small as possible
-# Add some dummy writes to give the SDRAM time to settle, it needs two
-# AHB clock cycles, here we poke in the debugger flag, this lets
-# the software know that we are in the debugger
-mww 0xA0900000 0x00000002
-mww 0xA0900000 0x00000002
-mww 0xA0900000 0x00000002
-mww 0xA0900000 0x00000002
-mww 0xA0900000 0x00000002
-mdw 0xA0900000
-mdw 0xA0900000
-mdw 0xA0900000
-mdw 0xA0900000
-mdw 0xA0900000
-mww 0xA0700024 0x00000030 # Set the refresh counter to 30
-mww 0xA0700020 0x00000083 # Issue SDRAM MODE command
-# Next we perform a read of RAM.
-# mw = move word.
-mdw 0x00022000
-# mw 0x00022000:P, r3 # 22000 for cas2 latency, 32000 for cas 3
-mww 0xA0700020 0x00000003 # issue SDRAM NORMAL command
-mww 0xA0700100 0x00084280 # Enable buffer access
-mww 0xA0700120 0x00084280 # Enable buffer access
-mww 0xA0700140 0x00084280 # Enable buffer access
-mww 0xA0700160 0x00084280 # Enable buffer access
-#Set byte lane state (static mem 1)"
-mww 0xA0700220, 0x00000082
-#Flash Start
-mww 0xA09001F8, 0x50000000
-#Flash Mask Reg
-mww 0xA09001FC, 0xFF000001
-mww 0xA0700028, 0x00000001
-# RAMAddr = 0x00020000
-# RAMSize = 0x00004000
-# Set the processor mode
-reg cpsr 0xd3
+++ /dev/null
-#Written by: Michael Schwingen <>
-# setup expansion bus CS, disable external wdt
-mww 0xc4000000 0xbd113842 #CS0 : Flash, write enabled @0x50000000
-mww 0xc4000004 0x94d10013 #CS1
-mww 0xc4000008 0x95960003 #CS2
-mww 0xc400000c 0x00000000 #CS3
-mww 0xc4000010 0x80900003 #CS4
-mww 0xc4000014 0x9d520003 #CS5
-mww 0xc4000018 0x81860001 #CS6
-mww 0xc400001c 0x80900003 #CS7
-# init SDRAM controller: 16MB, one bank, CL3
-mww 0xCC000000 0x2A # SDRAM_CFG: 64MBit, CL3
-mww 0xCC000004 0 # disable refresh
-mww 0xCC000008 3 # NOP
-sleep 100
-mww 0xCC000004 2100 # set refresh counter
-mww 0xCC000008 2 # Precharge All Banks
-sleep 100
-mww 0xCC000008 4 # Auto Refresh
-mww 0xCC000008 4 # Auto Refresh
-mww 0xCC000008 4 # Auto Refresh
-mww 0xCC000008 4 # Auto Refresh
-mww 0xCC000008 4 # Auto Refresh
-mww 0xCC000008 4 # Auto Refresh
-mww 0xCC000008 4 # Auto Refresh
-mww 0xCC000008 4 # Auto Refresh
-mww 0xCC000008 1 # Mode Select CL3
-#mww 0xc4000020 0xffffee # CFG0: remove expansion bus boot flash
-#mirror at 0x00000000
-#big endian
-# detect flash
-flash probe 0
target create target0 arm7tdmi -endian little -chain-position 0 -variant arm7tdmi
-[new_target_name] configure -event old-gdb_program_config { script event/at91r40008_reset.script }
+[new_target_name] configure -event gdb-flash-erase-start {
+ wait_halt
+ sleep 10
+ poll
+ # Ethernut 3 remapping is required to access external flash memory.
+ mww 0xffe00000 0x1000213d
+ mww 0xffe00004 0x20003e3d
+ mww 0xffe00020 0x00000001
[new_target_name] configure -work-area-virt 0 -work-area-phys 0x3C000 -work-area-size 0x4000 -work-area-backup 0
target create target0 arm926ejs -endian little -chain-position 0 -variant arm926ejs
-[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init { script event/at91sam9260_reset.script }
+[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init {
+ mww 0xfffffd08 0xa5000501 # RSTC_MR : enable user reset
+ mww 0xfffffd44 0x00008000 # WDT_MR : disable watchdog
+ mww 0xfffffc20 0x00004001 # CKGR_MOR : enable the main oscillator
+ sleep 20 # wait 20 ms
+ mww 0xfffffc30 0x00000001 # PMC_MCKR : switch to main oscillator
+ sleep 10 # wait 10 ms
+ mww 0xfffffc28 0x2060bf09 # CKGR_PLLAR: Set PLLA Register for 198,656MHz
+ sleep 20 # wait 20 ms
+ mww 0xfffffc30 0x00000101 # PMC_MCKR : Select prescaler
+ sleep 10 # wait 10 ms
+ mww 0xfffffc30 0x00000102 # PMC_MCKR : Clock from PLLA is selected
+ sleep 10 # wait 10 ms
+ jtag_speed 0 # Increase JTAG Speed to 6 MHz
+ arm7_9 dcc_downloads enable # Enable faster DCC downloads
+ mww 0xffffec00 0x01020102 # SMC_SETUP0 : Setup SMC for Intel NOR Flash JS28F128P30T85 128MBit
+ mww 0xffffec04 0x09070806 # SMC_PULSE0
+ mww 0xffffec08 0x000d000b # SMC_CYCLE0
+ mww 0xffffec0c 0x00001003 # SMC_MODE0
+ flash probe 0 # Identify flash bank 0
+ mww 0xfffff870 0xffff0000 # PIO_ASR : Select peripheral function for D15..D31
+ mww 0xfffff804 0xffff0000 # PIO_PDR : Disable PIO function for D15..D31
+ mww 0xffffef1c 0x2 # EBI_CSA : Assign EBI Chip Select 1 to SDRAM
+ #mww 0xffffea08 0x85227259 # SDRAMC_CR : Configure SDRAM (2 x Samsung K4S561632H-UC75 : 4M x 16Bit x 4 Banks)
+ mww 0xffffea08 0x85227254 # SDRAMC_CR : Configure SDRAM (2 x Samsung K4S641632H-UC75 : 1M x 16Bit x 4 Banks)
+ mww 0xffffea00 0x1 # SDRAMC_MR : issue a NOP command
+ mww 0x20000000 0
+ mww 0xffffea00 0x2 # SDRAMC_MR : issue an 'All Banks Precharge' command
+ mww 0x20000000 0
+ mww 0xffffea00 0x4 # SDRAMC_MR : issue 8 x 'Auto-Refresh' Command
+ mww 0x20000000 0
+ mww 0xffffea00 0x4
+ mww 0x20000000 0
+ mww 0xffffea00 0x4
+ mww 0x20000000 0
+ mww 0xffffea00 0x4
+ mww 0x20000000 0
+ mww 0xffffea00 0x4
+ mww 0x20000000 0
+ mww 0xffffea00 0x4
+ mww 0x20000000 0
+ mww 0xffffea00 0x4
+ mww 0x20000000 0
+ mww 0xffffea00 0x4
+ mww 0x20000000 0
+ mww 0xffffea00 0x3 # SDRAMC_MR : issue a 'Load Mode Register' command
+ mww 0x20000000 0
+ mww 0xffffea00 0x0 # SDRAMC_MR : normal mode
+ mww 0x20000000 0
+ mww 0xffffea04 0x5d2 # SDRAMC_TR : Set refresh timer count to 15us
[new_target_name] configure -work-area-virt 0 -work-area-phys 0x00300000 -work-area-size 0x1000 -work-area-backup 1
target create target0 arm7tdmi -endian little -chain-position 0 -variant arm7tdmi
-[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init { script event/eir-sam7se512_reset.script }
+[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init {
+ # WDT_MR, disable watchdog
+ mww 0xFFFFFD44 0x00008000
+ # RSTC_MR, enable user reset
+ mww 0xfffffd08 0xa5000001
+ mww 0xFFFFFC20 0x00000601
+ sleep 10
+ mww 0xFFFFFC2C 0x00481c0e
+ sleep 10
+ mww 0xFFFFFC30 0x00000007
+ sleep 10
+ mww 0xFFFFFF60 0x00480100
+ #
+ # Enable SDRAM interface.
+ #
+ # Enable SDRAM control at PIO A.
+ mww 0xfffff474 0x3f800000 # PIO_BSR_OFF
+ mww 0xfffff404 0x3f800000 # PIO_PDR_OFF
+ # Enable address bus (A0, A2-A11, A13-A17) at PIO B
+ mww 0xfffff674 0x0003effd # PIO_BSR_OFF
+ mww 0xfffff604 0x0003effd # PIO_PDR_OFF
+ # Enable 16 bit data bus at PIO C
+ mww 0xfffff870 0x0000ffff # PIO_ASR_OFF
+ mww 0xfffff804 0x0000ffff # PIO_PDR_OFF
+ # Enable SDRAM chip select
+ mww 0xffffff80 0x00000002 # EBI_CSA_OFF
+ # Set SDRAM characteristics in configuration register.
+ # Hard coded values for MT48LC32M16A2 with 48MHz CPU.
+ mww 0xffffffb8 0x2192215a # SDRAMC_CR_OFF
+ sleep 10
+ # Issue 16 bit SDRAM command: NOP
+ mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000011 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
+ mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
+ # Issue 16 bit SDRAM command: Precharge all
+ mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000012 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
+ mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
+ # Issue 8 auto-refresh cycles
+ mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000014 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
+ mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
+ mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000014 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
+ mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
+ mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000014 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
+ mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
+ mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000014 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
+ mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
+ mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000014 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
+ mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
+ mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000014 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
+ mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
+ mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000014 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
+ mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
+ mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000014 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
+ mww 0x20000000 0x00000000
+ # Issue 16 bit SDRAM command: Set mode register
+ mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000013 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
+ mww 0x20000014 0xcafedede
+ # Set refresh rate count ???
+ mww 0xffffffb4 0x00000013 # SDRAMC_TR_OFF
+ # Issue 16 bit SDRAM command: Normal mode
+ mww 0xffffffb0 0x00000010 # SDRAMC_MR_OFF
+ mww 0x20000000 0x00000180
+ #
+ # Enable external reset key.
+ #
+ mww 0xfffffd08 0xa5000001
[new_target_name] configure -work-area-virt 0 -work-area-phys 0x00200000 -work-area-size 0x4000 -work-area-backup 0
target create target0 arm920t -endian little -chain-position 0 -variant arm920t
[new_target_name] configure -work-area-virt 0 -work-area-phys 0x40800000 -work-area-size 0x20000 -work-area-backup 0
-[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init { script event/hammer_reset.script }
+[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init {
+ # Reset Script for the TinCanTools S3C2410 Based Hammer Module
+ #
+ #
+ # Setup primary clocks and initialize the SDRAM
+ mww 0x53000000 0x00000000
+ mww 0x4a000008 0xffffffff
+ mww 0x4a00000c 0x000007ff
+ mww 0x4c000000 0x00ffffff
+ mww 0x4c000014 0x00000003
+ mww 0x4c000004 0x000a1031
+ mww 0x48000000 0x11111122
+ mww 0x48000004 0x00000700
+ mww 0x48000008 0x00000700
+ mww 0x4800000c 0x00000700
+ mww 0x48000010 0x00000700
+ mww 0x48000014 0x00000700
+ mww 0x48000018 0x00000700
+ mww 0x4800001c 0x00018005
+ mww 0x48000020 0x00018005
+ mww 0x48000024 0x009c0459
+ mww 0x48000028 0x000000b2
+ mww 0x4800002c 0x00000030
+ mww 0x48000030 0x00000030
+ flash probe 0
# speed up memory downloads
arm7 fast_memory_access enable
jtag_device 8 0x0 0x0 0x0
target create target0 arm926ejs -endian little -chain-position 1 -variant arm926ejs
-[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init { script event/omap5912_reset.script }
+[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init {
+ #
+ # halt target
+ #
+ poll
+ sleep 1
+ halt
+ wait_halt
+ #
+ # disable wdt
+ #
+ mww 0xfffec808 0x000000f5
+ mww 0xfffec808 0x000000a0
+ mww 0xfffeb048 0x0000aaaa
+ sleep 500
+ mww 0xfffeb048 0x00005555
+ sleep 500
+ #
+ # detect flash
+ #
+ flash probe 0
# omap5912 lcd frame buffer as working area
[new_target_name] configure -work-area-virt 0 -work-area-phys 0x20000000 -work-area-size 0x3e800 -work-area-backup 0
jtag_ntrst_delay 200
target create target0 xscale -endian little -chain-position 0 -variant pxa255
-[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init { script event/pxa255_reset.script }
+[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init {
+ xscale cp15 15 0x00002001 #Enable CP0 and CP13 access
+ #
+ # setup GPIO
+ #
+ mww 0x40E00018 0x00008000 #CPSR0
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x40E0001C 0x00000002 #GPSR1
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x40E00020 0x00000008 #GPSR2
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x40E0000C 0x00008000 #GPDR0
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x40E00054 0x80000000 #GAFR0_L
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x40E00058 0x00188010 #GAFR0_H
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x40E0005C 0x60908018 #GAFR1_L
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x40E0000C 0x0280E000 #GPDR0
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x40E00010 0x821C88B2 #GPDR1
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x40E00014 0x000F03DB #GPDR2
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x40E00000 0x000F03DB #GPLR0
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x40F00004 0x00000020 #PSSR
+ sleep 20
+ #
+ # setup memory controller
+ #
+ mww 0x48000008 0x01111998 #MSC0
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x48000010 0x00047ff0 #MSC2
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x48000014 0x00000000 #MECR
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x48000028 0x00010504 #MCMEM0
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x4800002C 0x00010504 #MCMEM1
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x48000030 0x00010504 #MCATT0
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x48000034 0x00010504 #MCATT1
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x48000038 0x00004715 #MCIO0
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x4800003C 0x00004715 #MCIO1
+ sleep 20
+ #
+ mww 0x48000004 0x03CA4018 #MDREF
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x48000004 0x004B4018 #MDREF
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x48000004 0x000B4018 #MDREF
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x48000004 0x000BC018 #MDREF
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x48000000 0x00001AC8 #MDCNFG
+ sleep 20
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x48000000 0x00001AC9 #MDCNFG
+ sleep 20
+ mww 0x48000040 0x00000000 #MDMRS
+ sleep 20
reset_config trst_and_srst
jtag_device 4 0x1 0xf 0xe
target create target0 arm7tdmi -endian little -chain-position 0 -variant arm7tdmi
-[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init { script event/sam7x256_reset.script }
+[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init {
+ # disable watchdog
+ mww 0xfffffd44 0x00008000
+ # enable user reset
+ mww 0xfffffd08 0xa5000001
+ # CKGR_MOR : enable the main oscillator
+ mww 0xfffffc20 0x00000601
+ sleep 10
+ # CKGR_PLLR: 96.1097 MHz
+ mww 0xfffffc2c 0x00481c0e
+ sleep 10
+ # PMC_MCKR : MCK = PLL / 2 ~= 48 MHz
+ mww 0xfffffc30 0x00000007
+ sleep 10
+ # MC_FMR: flash mode (FWS=1,FMCN=60)
+ mww 0xffffff60 0x003c0100
+ sleep 100
[new_target_name] configure -work-area-virt 0 -work-area-phys 0x00200000 -work-area-size 0x4000 -work-area-backup 0
target create target0 arm7tdmi -endian little -chain-position 0 -variant arm7tdmi
[new_target_name] configure -event reset-start { jtag_khz 10 }
[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init { jtag_khz 6000 }
-[new_target_name] configure -event old-gdb_program_config { script event/str710_program.script }
+[new_target_name] configure -event gdb-flash-erase-start {
+ flash protect 0 0 7 off
+ flash protect 1 0 1 off
[new_target_name] configure -work-area-virt 0 -work-area-phys 0x2000C000 -work-area-size 0x4000 -work-area-backup 0
#flash bank str7x <base> <size> 0 0 <target#> <variant>
target create target0 arm7tdmi -endian little -chain-position 0 -variant arm7tdmi
[new_target_name] configure -event reset-start { jtag_khz 10 }
[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init { jtag_khz 3000 }
-[new_target_name] configure -event old-gdb_program_config { script event/str730_program.script }
+[new_target_name] configure -event gdb-¿ash-erase-start {
+ flash protect 0 0 7 off
[new_target_name] configure -work-area-virt 0 -work-area-phys 0x40000000 -work-area-size 0x4000 -work-area-backup 0
#flash bank <driver> <base> <size> <chip_width> <bus_width>
[new_target_name] configure -event reset-start { jtag_khz 10 }
[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init { jtag_khz 3000 }
-[new_target_name] configure -event old-gdb_program_config { script event/str750_program.script }
+[new_target_name] configure -event gdb-¿ash-erase-start {
+ flash protect 0 0 7 off
+ flash protect 1 0 1 off
[new_target_name] configure -work-area-virt 0 -work-area-phys 0x40000000 -work-area-size 0x4000 -work-area-backup 0
#flash bank <driver> <base> <size> <chip_width> <bus_width>
target create target0 arm926ejs -endian big -chain-position 0 -variant arm926ejs
-[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init { script event/wi-9c_reset.script }
+[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init {
+ mww 0x90600104 0x33313333
+ mww 0xA0700000 0x00000001 # Enable the memory controller.
+ mww 0xA0700024 0x00000006 # Set the refresh counter 6
+ mww 0xA0700028 0x00000001 #
+ mww 0xA0700030 0x00000001 # Set the precharge period
+ mww 0xA0700034 0x00000004 # Active to precharge command period is 16 clock cycles
+ mww 0xA070003C 0x00000001 # tAPR
+ mww 0xA0700040 0x00000005 # tDAL
+ mww 0xA0700044 0x00000001 # tWR
+ mww 0xA0700048 0x00000006 # tRC 32 clock cycles
+ mww 0xA070004C 0x00000006 # tRFC 32 clock cycles
+ mww 0xA0700054 0x00000001 # tRRD
+ mww 0xA0700058 0x00000001 # tMRD
+ mww 0xA0700100 0x00004280 # Dynamic Config 0 (cs4)
+ mww 0xA0700120 0x00004280 # Dynamic Config 1 (cs5)
+ mww 0xA0700140 0x00004280 # Dynamic Config 2 (cs6)
+ mww 0xA0700160 0x00004280 # Dynamic Config 3 (cs7)
+ #
+ mww 0xA0700104 0x00000203 # CAS latency is 2 at 100 MHz
+ mww 0xA0700124 0x00000203 # CAS latency is 2 at 100 MHz
+ mww 0xA0700144 0x00000203 # CAS latency is 2 at 100 MHz
+ mww 0xA0700164 0x00000203 # CAS latency is 2 at 100 MHz
+ #
+ mww 0xA0700020 0x00000103 # issue SDRAM PALL command
+ #
+ mww 0xA0700024 0x00000001 # Set the refresh counter to be as small as possible
+ #
+ # Add some dummy writes to give the SDRAM time to settle, it needs two
+ # AHB clock cycles, here we poke in the debugger flag, this lets
+ # the software know that we are in the debugger
+ mww 0xA0900000 0x00000002
+ mww 0xA0900000 0x00000002
+ mww 0xA0900000 0x00000002
+ mww 0xA0900000 0x00000002
+ mww 0xA0900000 0x00000002
+ #
+ mdw 0xA0900000
+ mdw 0xA0900000
+ mdw 0xA0900000
+ mdw 0xA0900000
+ mdw 0xA0900000
+ #
+ mww 0xA0700024 0x00000030 # Set the refresh counter to 30
+ mww 0xA0700020 0x00000083 # Issue SDRAM MODE command
+ #
+ # Next we perform a read of RAM.
+ # mw = move word.
+ mdw 0x00022000
+ # mw 0x00022000:P, r3 # 22000 for cas2 latency, 32000 for cas 3
+ #
+ mww 0xA0700020 0x00000003 # issue SDRAM NORMAL command
+ mww 0xA0700100 0x00084280 # Enable buffer access
+ mww 0xA0700120 0x00084280 # Enable buffer access
+ mww 0xA0700140 0x00084280 # Enable buffer access
+ mww 0xA0700160 0x00084280 # Enable buffer access
+ #Set byte lane state (static mem 1)"
+ mww 0xA0700220, 0x00000082
+ #Flash Start
+ mww 0xA09001F8, 0x50000000
+ #Flash Mask Reg
+ mww 0xA09001FC, 0xFF000001
+ mww 0xA0700028, 0x00000001
+ # RAMAddr = 0x00020000
+ # RAMSize = 0x00004000
+ # Set the processor mode
+ reg cpsr 0xd3
[new_target_name] configure -work-area-virt 0 -work-area-phys 0x00000000 -work-area-size 0x1000 -work-area-backup 1
jtag_device 7 0x1 0x7f 0x7e
target create target0 xscale -endian big -chain-position 0 -variant ixp42x
-[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init { script event/xba_revA3.script }
+[new_target_name] configure -event reset-init {
+ #############################################################################
+ # setup expansion bus CS, disable external wdt
+ #############################################################################
+ mww 0xc4000000 0xbd113842 #CS0 : Flash, write enabled @0x50000000
+ mww 0xc4000004 0x94d10013 #CS1
+ mww 0xc4000008 0x95960003 #CS2
+ mww 0xc400000c 0x00000000 #CS3
+ mww 0xc4000010 0x80900003 #CS4
+ mww 0xc4000014 0x9d520003 #CS5
+ mww 0xc4000018 0x81860001 #CS6
+ mww 0xc400001c 0x80900003 #CS7
+ #############################################################################
+ # init SDRAM controller: 16MB, one bank, CL3
+ #############################################################################
+ mww 0xCC000000 0x2A # SDRAM_CFG: 64MBit, CL3
+ mww 0xCC000004 0 # disable refresh
+ mww 0xCC000008 3 # NOP
+ sleep 100
+ mww 0xCC000004 2100 # set refresh counter
+ mww 0xCC000008 2 # Precharge All Banks
+ sleep 100
+ mww 0xCC000008 4 # Auto Refresh
+ mww 0xCC000008 4 # Auto Refresh
+ mww 0xCC000008 4 # Auto Refresh
+ mww 0xCC000008 4 # Auto Refresh
+ mww 0xCC000008 4 # Auto Refresh
+ mww 0xCC000008 4 # Auto Refresh
+ mww 0xCC000008 4 # Auto Refresh
+ mww 0xCC000008 4 # Auto Refresh
+ mww 0xCC000008 1 # Mode Select CL3
+ #mww 0xc4000020 0xffffee # CFG0: remove expansion bus boot flash
+ #mirror at 0x00000000
+ #big endian
+ reg XSCALE_CTRL 0xF8
+ #
+ # detect flash
+ #
+ flash probe 0
[new_target_name] configure -work-area-virt 0 -work-area-phys 0x20010000 -work-area-size 0x8060 -work-area-backup 0