lda #0
sta ptr2 ; access from page start, y contains low byte
stx ptr2+1
bne findEndOfDest
- sty ptr2 ; advance pointer to last y position
+ sty ptr2 ; advance pointer to last y position
ldy #0 ; reset new y-offset
lda #0
sta ptr1 ; access from page start, y contains low byte
Loop: lda (ptr1),y ; Get next char
beq EOS ; Jump on end of string
bne Loop
inc ptr1+1
- bne Loop ; Branch always
+ bne Loop ; Branch always
; End of string. Check if we're searching for the terminating zero
check: cpy tmp1 ; compare with length of test character string
beq endOfTestChars
cmp (ptr1),y ; found matching char?
- bne checkNext
+ bne checkNext
leave: txa ; restore position of finding
ldx tmp2 ; and return
bne loadChar
inc tmp2
- bne loadChar ; like bra...
+ bne loadChar ; like bra...
L7: lda ptr3
ldx ptr3+1
check: cpy tmp1 ; compare with length of test character string
beq leave
cmp (ptr1),y ; found matching char?
- bne checkNext
+ bne checkNext
bne loadChar
inc tmp2
- bne loadChar ; like bra...
+ bne loadChar ; like bra...
leave: txa ; restore position of finding
ldx tmp2 ; and return
\ No newline at end of file