; Kern Sibbald April 2009
; Correct some Win64 install problems
-; Version $Id: winbacula.nsi 7074 2008-05-31 18:43:21Z kerns $
+; It is mind boggling how many lines of this insane scripting language
+; have been written with absolutely no comments
; Command line options:
StrCpy $ConfigMonitorName "$HostName-mon"
;StrCpy $ConfigMonitorPassword
+; PLUGINSDIR refers to temporary helper programs and not Bacula plugins!
File "/oname=$PLUGINSDIR\openssl.exe" "${SRC_DIR}\openssl.exe"
File "/oname=$PLUGINSDIR\ssleay32-0.9.8.dll" "${SRC_DIR}\ssleay32-0.9.8.dll"
SetPluginUnload alwaysoff
+; Set client password
nsExec::Exec '"$PLUGINSDIR\openssl.exe" rand -base64 -out $PLUGINSDIR\pw.txt 33'
pop $R0
${If} $R0 = 0
SetPluginUnload manual
+; Set monitor password
nsExec::Exec '"$PLUGINSDIR\openssl.exe" rand -base64 -out $PLUGINSDIR\pw.txt 33'
pop $R0
${If} $R0 = 0
File "..\..\..\LICENSE"
Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\License.txt"
+; Output a series of SED commands to configure the .conf file(s)
FileOpen $R1 $PLUGINSDIR\config.sed w
FileWrite $R1 "s;@VERSION@;${VERSION};g$\r$\n"
FileWrite $R1 "s;@DATE@;${__DATE__};g$\r$\n"
File "${SRC_DIR}\bacula-fd.exe"
- File "/oname=$PLUGINSDIR\bacula-fd.conf" "bacula-fd.conf.in"
+ File "/oname=$PLUGINSDIR\bacula-fd.conf" "bacula-fd.conf.in"
- StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR"
- StrCpy $1 bacula-fd.conf
- Call ConfigEditAndCopy
+ StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR"
+ StrCpy $1 bacula-fd.conf
+ Call ConfigEditAndCopy
StrCpy $0 bacula-fd
StrCpy $1 "File Service"
+; Essentially deleted because wxconsole is not implemented on Win64
Section "Graphical Console" SecWxConsole
SectionIn 1 2 3
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
-; Call InstallCommonFiles
-;!if "${BUILD_TOOLS}" == "MinGW64"
-; File "${SRC_DIR}\wxbase28_gcc_bacula.dll"
-; File "${SRC_DIR}\wxmsw28_core_gcc_bacula.dll"
-; File "${SRC_DIR}\bwx-console.exe"
-; File "/oname=$PLUGINSDIR\bwx-console.conf" "bwx-console.conf.in"
-; StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR"
-; StrCpy $1 bwx-console.conf
-; Call ConfigEditAndCopy
- ; Create Start Menu entry
-; CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Bacula\bwx-console.lnk" "$INSTDIR\bwx-console.exe" '-c "$INSTDIR\bwx-console.conf"' "$INSTDIR\bwx-console.exe" 0
-; CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Bacula\Configuration\Edit Graphical Console Configuration.lnk" "write.exe" '"$INSTDIR\bwx-console.conf"'
LangString DESC_SecFileDaemon ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Install Bacula File Daemon on this system."
LangString DESC_SecConsole ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Install command console program on this system."
-;LangString DESC_SecWxConsole ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Install graphical console program on this system."
-;LangString DESC_SecDocPdf ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Install documentation in Acrobat format on this system."
-;LangString DESC_SecDocHtml ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Install documentation in HTML format on this system."
LangString TITLE_ConfigPage1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Configuration"
LangString SUBTITLE_ConfigPage1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Set installation configuration."
!InsertMacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecFileDaemon} $(DESC_SecFileDaemon)
!InsertMacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecConsole} $(DESC_SecConsole)
-; !InsertMacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecWxConsole} $(DESC_SecWxConsole)
-; !InsertMacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecDocPdf} $(DESC_SecDocPdf)
-; !InsertMacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecDocHtml} $(DESC_SecDocHtml)
; Uninstall section
${If} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SecConsole}
IntOp $R0 $R0 | ${ComponentTextConsole}
-; ${If} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SecWxConsole}
-; IntOp $R0 $R0 | ${ComponentGUIConsole}
-; ${EndIf}
-; ${If} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SecDocPdf}
-; IntOp $R0 $R0 | ${ComponentPDFDocs}
-; ${EndIf}
-; ${If} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SecDocHtml}
-; IntOp $R0 $R0 | ${ComponentHTMLDocs}
-; ${EndIf}
Exch $R0
WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\WriteTemplates.ini" "Field 2" State 1
DeleteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\WriteTemplates.ini" "Field 2" Flags
WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\WriteTemplates.ini" "Field 3" State "C:\$ConfigClientName.conf"
-; WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\WriteTemplates.ini" "Field 5" Flags REQ_SAVE|FILE_EXPLORER|WARN_IF_EXIST
!InsertMacro UnselectSection ${SecConsole}
!InsertMacro ClearSectionFlag ${SecConsole} ${SF_RO}
-; IntOp $R1 $PreviousComponents & ${ComponentGUIConsole}
-; ${If} $R1 <> 0
-; !InsertMacro SelectSection ${SecWxConsole}
-; !InsertMacro SetSectionFlag ${SecWxConsole} ${SF_RO}
-; ${Else}
-; !InsertMacro UnselectSection ${SecWxConsole}
-; !InsertMacro ClearSectionFlag ${SecWxConsole} ${SF_RO}
-; ${EndIf}
-; IntOp $R1 $PreviousComponents & ${ComponentPDFDocs}
-; ${If} $R1 <> 0
-; !InsertMacro SelectSection ${SecDocPdf}
-; !InsertMacro SetSectionFlag ${SecDocPdf} ${SF_RO}
-; ${Else}
-; !InsertMacro UnselectSection ${SecDocPdf}
-; !InsertMacro ClearSectionFlag ${SecDocPdf} ${SF_RO}
-; ${EndIf}
-; IntOp $R1 $PreviousComponents & ${ComponentHTMLDocs}
-; ${If} $R1 <> 0
-; !InsertMacro SelectSection ${SecDocHtml}
-; !InsertMacro SetSectionFlag ${SecDocHtml} ${SF_RO}
-; ${Else}
-; !InsertMacro UnselectSection ${SecDocHtml}
-; !InsertMacro ClearSectionFlag ${SecDocHtml} ${SF_RO}
-; ${EndIf}
!InsertMacro ClearSectionFlag ${SecConsole} ${SF_BOLD}
-; IntOp $R1 $NewComponents & ${ComponentGUIConsole}
-; ${If} $R1 <> 0
-; !InsertMacro SetSectionFlag ${SecWxConsole} ${SF_BOLD}
-; ${Else}
-; !InsertMacro ClearSectionFlag ${SecWxConsole} ${SF_BOLD}
-; ${EndIf}
-; IntOp $R1 $NewComponents & ${ComponentPDFDocs}
-; ${If} $R1 <> 0
-; !InsertMacro SetSectionFlag ${SecDocPdf} ${SF_BOLD}
-; ${Else}
-; !InsertMacro ClearSectionFlag ${SecDocPdf} ${SF_BOLD}
-; ${EndIf}
-; IntOp $R1 $NewComponents & ${ComponentHTMLDocs}
-; ${If} $R1 <> 0
-; !InsertMacro SetSectionFlag ${SecDocHtml} ${SF_BOLD}
-; ${Else}
-; !InsertMacro ClearSectionFlag ${SecDocHtml} ${SF_BOLD}
-; ${EndIf}
GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1