-; Piotr Fusik, 21.09.2003
+; 2003-09-21, Piotr Fusik
+; 2016-07-19, Greg King
; unsigned __fastcall__ inflatemem (char* dest, const char* source);
; Pointer to the compressed data.
-inputPointer = ptr1 ; 2 bytes
+inputPointer := ptr1 ; 2 bytes
; Pointer to the uncompressed data.
-outputPointer = ptr2 ; 2 bytes
+outputPointer := ptr2 ; 2 bytes
; Local variables.
; As far as there is no conflict, same memory locations are used
; for different variables.
-inflateDynamicBlock_cnt = ptr3 ; 1 byte
-inflateCodes_src = ptr3 ; 2 bytes
-buildHuffmanTree_src = ptr3 ; 2 bytes
-getNextLength_last = ptr3 ; 1 byte
-getNextLength_index = ptr3+1 ; 1 byte
+inflateDynamicBlock_cnt := ptr3 ; 1 byte
+inflateCodes_src := ptr3 ; 2 bytes
+buildHuffmanTree_src := ptr3 ; 2 bytes
+getNextLength_last := ptr3 ; 1 byte
+getNextLength_index := ptr3+1 ; 1 byte
-buildHuffmanTree_ptr = ptr4 ; 2 bytes
-fetchCode_ptr = ptr4 ; 2 bytes
-getBits_tmp = ptr4 ; 1 byte
+buildHuffmanTree_ptr := ptr4 ; 2 bytes
+fetchCode_ptr := ptr4 ; 2 bytes
+getBits_tmp := ptr4 ; 1 byte
-moveBlock_len = sreg ; 2 bytes
-inflateDynamicBlock_np = sreg ; 1 byte
-inflateDynamicBlock_nd = sreg+1 ; 1 byte
+moveBlock_len := sreg ; 2 bytes
+inflateDynamicBlock_np := sreg ; 1 byte
+inflateDynamicBlock_nd := sreg+1 ; 1 byte
-getBit_hold = tmp1 ; 1 byte
+getBit_hold := tmp1 ; 1 byte
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ldy #1
sty getBit_hold
; Get 16-bit length
- ldx #inputPointer
- lda (0,x)
+ ldx #0
+ lda (inputPointer,x)
sta moveBlock_len
lda (inputPointer),y
sta moveBlock_len+1
inc moveBlock_len+1
- lda (0,x)
+ lda (inputPointer,x)
.if (.cpu & CPU_ISET_65SC02)
sta (outputPointer)
sta (outputPointer),y
- inc 0,x
+ inc inputPointer
bne moveBlock_2
- inc 1,x
+ inc inputPointer+1
inc outputPointer
bne moveBlock_3