static int sig_handle_key_press(void *ignored, xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_key_press_event_t *event) {
- xcb_keysym_t sym = xcb_key_press_lookup_keysym(keysyms, event, event->state);
+ uint16_t state = event->state;
+ /* Apparantly, after activating numlock once, the numlock modifier
+ * stays turned on (use xev(1) to verify). So, to resolve useful
+ * keysyms, we remove the numlock flag from the event state */
+ state &= ~xcb_numlock_mask;
+ xcb_keysym_t sym = xcb_key_press_lookup_keysym(keysyms, event, state);
if (sym == 'e') {
DLOG("User issued exit-command, raising error again.\n");