* Internal include file, do not use directly.
* Written by Ullrich von Bassewitz. Based on code by Groepaz.
+/* Code */
+unsigned char __fastcall__ _dirskip (unsigned char count, struct DIR* dir);
+/* Skip bytes from the directory and make sure, errno is set if this isn't
+ * possible. Return true if anything is ok and false otherwise. For
+ * simplicity we assume that read will never return less than count if there
+ * is no error and end-of-file is not reached.
+ * Note: count must not be more than 254.
+ */
/* End of dir.h */
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2012-06-01
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ _dirskip (unsigned char count, struct DIR* dir);
+; /* Skip bytes from the directory and make sure, errno is set if this isn't
+; * possible. Return true if anything is ok and false otherwise. For
+; * simplicity we assume that read will never return less than count if there
+; * is no error and end-of-file is not reached.
+; * Note: count must not be more than 254.
+; */
+ .include "dir.inc"
+ .include "errno.inc"
+ .include "zeropage.inc"
+ .import _read
+ .import pushax, pushptr1idx
+ .import subysp, addysp1
+.proc __dirskip
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1 ; Save dir
+; Get count and allocate space on the stack
+ ldy #0
+ lda (sp),y
+ pha
+ tay
+ jsr subysp
+; Save current value of sp
+ lda sp
+ pha
+ lda sp+1
+ pha
+; Push dir->fd
+ ldy #DIR::fd+1
+ jsr pushptr1idx
+; Push pointer to buffer
+ pla
+ tax
+ pla
+ jsr pushax
+; Load count and call read
+ pla
+ pha
+ ldx #0
+ jsr _read
+; Check for errors. In case of errors, errno is already set.
+ cpx #$FF
+ bne L2
+; read() returned an error
+ pla ; Count
+ tay
+ lda #0
+ tax
+L1: jmp addysp1 ; Drop buffer plus count
+; read() was successful, check number of bytes read. We assume that read will
+; not return more than count, so X is zero if we come here.
+L2: sta tmp1
+ pla ; count
+ tay
+ cmp tmp1
+ beq L1 ; Drop variables, return count
+; Didn't read enough bytes. This is an error for us, but errno is not set
+ lda #<EIO
+ sta __errno
+ stx __errno+1
+ txa ; A=X=0
+ beq L1 ; Branch always
+ * Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2012-05-30. Based on code by Groepaz.
+ */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>
DIR* __fastcall__ opendir (const char*)
- unsigned char buffer[8+16+1+7];
- int count;
- DIR d;
DIR* dir = 0;
+ DIR d;
/* Setup file name and offset */
d.name[0] = '$';
if (d.fd >= 0) {
/* Skip the disk header */
- count = read (d.fd, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
- if (count == sizeof (buffer)) {
+ if (_dirskip (32, &d)) {
/* Allocate memory for the DIR structure returned */
dir = malloc (sizeof (*dir));
/* Set an appropriate error code */
errno = ENOMEM;
- } else if (count >= 0) {
- /* Short read - need to set an error code */
- errno = EIO;