--- /dev/null
+; Graphics driver for the lores 64x56x2 mode on the NES
+; Stefan Haubenthal, 2009-03-10
+; Based on Maciej Witkowiak's line routine.
+ .include "zeropage.inc"
+ .include "tgi-kernel.inc"
+ .include "tgi-error.inc"
+ .include "nes.inc"
+ .include "get_tv.inc"
+ .import _clrscr, setcursor, putchar
+ .import paldata
+ .macpack generic
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Header. Includes jump table and constants.
+.segment "JUMPTABLE"
+; First part of the header is a structure that has a magic and defines the
+; capabilities of the driver
+ .byte $74, $67, $69 ; "tgi"
+ .byte TGI_API_VERSION ; TGI API version number
+xres: .word charsperline*2 ; Max X resolution
+yres: .word 56 ; Max Y resolution
+ .byte 2 ; Number of drawing colors
+ .byte 1 ; Number of screens available
+ .byte 2 ; System font X size
+ .byte 2 ; System font Y size
+ .word $100 ; Aspect ratio
+; Next comes the jump table. Currently all entries must be valid and may point
+; to an RTS for test versions (function not implemented).
+ .addr INSTALL
+ .addr INIT
+ .addr DONE
+ .addr GETERROR
+ .addr CONTROL
+ .addr CLEAR
+ .addr SETCOLOR
+ .addr SETPIXEL
+ .addr GETPIXEL
+ .addr LINE
+ .addr BAR
+ .addr OUTTEXT
+ .addr 0 ; IRQ entry is unused
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Data.
+; Variables mapped to the zero page segment variables. Some of these are
+; used for passing parameters to the driver.
+X1 = ptr1
+Y1 = ptr2
+X2 = ptr3
+Y2 = ptr4
+RADIUS = tmp1
+ADDR = tmp1
+TEMP = tmp3
+TEMP2 = tmp4
+TEMP3 = sreg
+TEMP4 = sreg+1
+; Line routine stuff (must be on zpage)
+PB = ptr3 ; (2) LINE
+UB = ptr4 ; (2) LINE
+ERR = regsave ; (2) LINE
+NX = regsave+2 ; (2) LINE
+; Absolute variables used in the code
+MEM: .res charsperline*2*56/4
+ERROR: .res 1 ; Error code
+COLOR: .res 1 ; Current color
+PALETTE: .res 2 ; The current palette
+; Line routine stuff
+COUNT: .res 2
+NY: .res 2
+DX: .res 1
+DY: .res 1
+AY: .res 1
+; Constants and tables
+DEFPALETTE: .byte $0, $1
+OFFSET: .byte 8, 4, 2, 1
+; 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01
+; 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11
+CODE: .byte 32, 29, 26, 25, 28, 24+128, 31+128, 30+128
+; 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11
+; 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11
+ .byte 30, 31, 24, 28+128, 25+128, 26+128, 29+128, 32+128
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; INSTALL routine. Is called after the driver is loaded into memory. May
+; initialize anything that has to be done just once. Is probably empty
+; most of the time.
+; Must set an error code: NO
+ jsr _get_tv
+ cmp #TV::NTSC
+ beq ntsc
+ inc yres
+ inc yres
+ntsc:; rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; UNINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory. May
+; clean up anything done by INSTALL but is probably empty most of the time.
+; Must set an error code: NO
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; INIT: Changes an already installed device from text mode to graphics
+; mode.
+; Note that INIT/DONE may be called multiple times while the driver
+; is loaded, while INSTALL is only called once, so any code that is needed
+; to initializes variables and so on must go here. Setting palette and
+; clearing the screen is not needed because this is called by the graphics
+; kernel later.
+; The graphics kernel will never call INIT when a graphics mode is already
+; active, so there is no need to protect against that.
+; Must set an error code: YES
+; Done, reset the error code
+ lda #TGI_ERR_OK
+ sta ERROR
+; rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; DONE: Will be called to switch the graphics device back into text mode.
+; The graphics kernel will never call DONE when no graphics mode is active,
+; so there is no need to protect against that.
+; Must set an error code: NO
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; GETERROR: Return the error code in A and clear it.
+ lda ERROR
+ ldx #TGI_ERR_OK
+ stx ERROR
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; CONTROL: Platform/driver specific entry point.
+; Must set an error code: YES
+ sta ERROR
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; CLEAR: Clears the screen.
+; Must set an error code: NO
+ ldx #<MEM
+ stx TEMP
+ ldx #>MEM
+ stx TEMP+1
+ lda #0
+ tay
+@L1: sta (TEMP),y
+ iny
+ bne @L1
+ inc TEMP+1
+ inx
+ cpx #>MEMEND
+ bne @L1
+ jmp _clrscr
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; SETCOLOR: Set the drawing color (in A). The new color is already checked
+; to be in a valid range (0..maxcolor-1).
+; Must set an error code: NO (will only be called if color ok)
+ sta COLOR
+; rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; SETVIEWPAGE: Set the visible page. Called with the new page in A (0..n).
+; The page number is already checked to be valid by the graphics kernel.
+; Must set an error code: NO (will only be called if page ok)
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; SETDRAWPAGE: Set the drawable page. Called with the new page in A (0..n).
+; The page number is already checked to be valid by the graphics kernel.
+; Must set an error code: NO (will only be called if page ok)
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; SETPALETTE: Set the palette (not available with all drivers/hardware).
+; A pointer to the palette is passed in ptr1. Must set an error if palettes
+; are not supported
+; Must set an error code: YES
+; Wait for v-blank
+@wait: lda PPU_STATUS
+ bpl @wait
+ lda #$3F
+ lda #$00
+ ldy #0
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ tax
+ lda paldata,x
+; sta PPU_VRAM_IO
+ iny
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ sta PALETTE+1
+ tax
+ lda paldata,x
+ lda #TGI_ERR_OK
+ sta ERROR
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; GETPALETTE: Return the current palette in A/X. Even drivers that cannot
+; set the palette should return the default palette here, so there's no
+; way for this function to fail.
+; Must set an error code: NO
+ lda #<PALETTE
+ ldx #>PALETTE
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; GETDEFPALETTE: Return the default palette for the driver in A/X. All
+; drivers should return something reasonable here, even drivers that don't
+; support palettes, otherwise the caller has no way to determine the colors
+; of the (not changeable) palette.
+; Must set an error code: NO (all drivers must have a default palette)
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; SETPIXEL: Draw one pixel at X1/Y1 = ptr1/ptr2 with the current drawing
+; color. The coordinates passed to this function are never outside the
+; visible screen area, so there is no need for clipping inside this function.
+; Must set an error code: NO
+ ldx Y1 ; y+2<yres
+ inx
+ inx
+ cpx yres
+ bcc @L2
+ ldx X1 ; x+2<xres
+ inx
+ inx
+ cpx xres
+ bcc @L2
+ rts
+@L2: lda X1
+ lsr
+ tay
+ lda Y1
+ lsr
+ tax
+ clc
+ jsr setcursor
+ jsr CALC
+ ldx COLOR
+ bne @set2
+ eor #%00001111
+@set2: sta TEMP3
+ lda (TEMP),y
+ ldx COLOR
+ bne @set
+ and TEMP3
+ .byte $2c
+@set: ora TEMP3
+ sta (TEMP),y
+ tax
+ lda CODE,x
+@normal:jmp putchar
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; GETPIXEL: Read the color value of a pixel and return it in A/X. The
+; coordinates passed to this function are never outside the visible screen
+; area, so there is no need for clipping inside this function.
+ jsr CALC
+ sta TEMP3
+ lda (TEMP),y
+ and TEMP3
+ beq @L1
+ lda #1
+@L1: ldx #0
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; LINE: Draw a line from X1/Y1 to X2/Y2, where X1/Y1 = ptr1/ptr2 and
+; X2/Y2 = ptr3/ptr4 using the current drawing color.
+; Must set an error code: NO
+ ; nx = abs(x2 - x1)
+ lda X2
+ sub X1
+ sta NX
+ lda X2+1
+ sbc X1+1
+ tay
+ lda NX
+ jsr abs
+ sta NX
+ sty NX+1
+ ; ny = abs(y2 - y1)
+ lda Y2
+ sub Y1
+ sta NY
+ lda Y2+1
+ sbc Y1+1
+ tay
+ lda NY
+ jsr abs
+ sta NY
+ sty NY+1
+ ; if (x2>=x1)
+ ldx #X2
+ lda X1
+ ldy #0
+ jsr icmp
+ bcc @L0243
+ beq @L0243
+ ; dx = 1;
+ lda #1
+ bne @L0244
+ ; else
+ ; dx = -1;
+@L0243: lda #$ff
+@L0244: sta DX
+ ; if (y2>=y1)
+ ldx #Y2
+ lda Y1
+ ldy #0
+ jsr icmp
+ bcc @L024A
+ beq @L024A
+ ; dy = 1;
+ lda #1
+ bne @L024B
+ ; else
+ ; dy = -1;
+@L024A: lda #$ff
+@L024B: sta DY
+ ; err = ay = 0;
+ lda #0
+ sta ERR
+ sta ERR+1
+ sta AY
+ ; if (nx<ny) {
+ ldx #NX
+ lda NY
+ ldy #0
+ jsr icmp
+ bcs @L0255
+ ; nx <-> ny
+ lda NX
+ ldx NY
+ sta NY
+ stx NX
+ lda NX+1
+ ldx NY+1
+ sta NY+1
+ stx NX+1
+ ; ay = dx
+ lda DX
+ sta AY
+ ; dx = dy = 0;
+ lda #0
+ sta DX
+ sta DY
+ ; ny = - ny;
+@L0255: lda NY
+ ldy #0
+ jsr neg
+ sta NY
+ sty NY+1
+ ; for (count=nx;count>0;--count) {
+ lda NX
+ ldx #0
+ sta COUNT
+ stx COUNT+1
+@L0166: lda COUNT ; count>0
+ ora COUNT+1
+ bne @L0167
+ rts
+ ; setpixel(X1,Y1)
+@L0167: jsr SETPIXEL
+ ; pb = err + ny
+ lda ERR
+ add NY
+ sta PB
+ lda ERR+1
+ adc NY+1
+ sta PB+1
+ tax
+ ; ub = pb + nx
+ lda PB
+ add NX
+ sta UB
+ txa
+ adc NX+1
+ sta UB+1
+ ; x1 = x1 + dx
+ ldx #0
+ lda DX
+ bpl @L027B
+ dex
+@L027B: add X1
+ sta X1
+ txa
+ adc X1+1
+ sta X1+1
+ ; y1 = y1 + ay
+ ldx #0
+ lda AY
+ bpl @L027E
+ dex
+@L027E: add Y1
+ sta Y1
+ txa
+ adc Y1+1
+ sta Y1+1
+ ; if (abs(pb)<abs(ub)) {
+ lda PB
+ ldy PB+1
+ jsr abs
+ sta TEMP3
+ sty TEMP4
+ lda UB
+ ldy UB+1
+ jsr abs
+ ldx #TEMP3
+ jsr icmp
+ bpl @L027F
+ ; err = pb
+ lda PB
+ ldx PB+1
+ jmp @L0312
+ ; } else { x1 = x1 + ay
+ ldx #0
+ lda AY
+ bpl @L0288
+ dex
+@L0288: add X1
+ sta X1
+ txa
+ adc X1+1
+ sta X1+1
+ ; y1 = y1 + dy
+ ldx #0
+ lda DY
+ bpl @L028B
+ dex
+@L028B: add Y1
+ sta Y1
+ txa
+ adc Y1+1
+ sta Y1+1
+ ; err = ub }
+ lda UB
+ ldx UB+1
+ sta ERR
+ stx ERR+1
+ ; } (--count)
+ sec
+ lda COUNT
+ sbc #1
+ sta COUNT
+ bcc @L0260
+ jmp @L0166
+@L0260: dec COUNT+1
+ jmp @L0166
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; BAR: Draw a filled rectangle with the corners X1/Y1, X2/Y2, where
+; X1/Y1 = ptr1/ptr2 and X2/Y2 = ptr3/ptr4 using the current drawing color.
+; Contrary to most other functions, the graphics kernel will sort and clip
+; the coordinates before calling the driver, so on entry the following
+; conditions are valid:
+; X1 <= X2
+; Y1 <= Y2
+; (X1 >= 0) && (X1 < XRES)
+; (X2 >= 0) && (X2 < XRES)
+; (Y1 >= 0) && (Y1 < YRES)
+; (Y2 >= 0) && (Y2 < YRES)
+; Must set an error code: NO
+ inc Y2
+@L1: lda X1
+ pha
+@L2: jsr SETPIXEL
+ inc X1
+ lda X2
+ cmp X1
+ bne @L2
+ pla
+ sta X1
+ inc Y1
+ lda Y2
+ cmp Y1
+ bne @L1
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; TEXTSTYLE: Set the style used when calling OUTTEXT. Text scaling in X and Y
+; direction is passend in X/Y, the text direction is passed in A.
+; Must set an error code: NO
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; OUTTEXT: Output text at X/Y = ptr1/ptr2 using the current color and the
+; current text style. The text to output is given as a zero terminated
+; string with address in ptr3.
+; Must set an error code: NO
+ lda ptr1
+ lsr
+ tay
+ lda ptr2
+ lsr
+ tax
+ clc
+ jsr setcursor
+ ldy #0
+@L1: lda (ptr3),y
+ jsr putchar
+ iny
+ cmp #$0
+ bne @L1
+ rts
+; copies of some runtime routines
+ ; a/y := abs(a/y)
+ cpy #0
+ bpl absend
+ ; negay
+neg: eor #$ff
+ add #1
+ pha
+ tya
+ eor #$ff
+ adc #0
+ tay
+ pla
+absend: rts
+ ; compare a/y to zp,x
+ sta TEMP ; TEMP/TEMP2 - arg2
+ sty TEMP2
+ lda $0,x
+ pha
+ lda $1,x
+ tay
+ pla
+ tax
+ tya ; x/a - arg1 (a=high)
+ sub TEMP2
+ bne @L4
+ cpx TEMP
+ beq @L3
+ adc #$ff
+ ora #$01
+@L3: rts
+@L4: bvc @L3
+ eor #$ff
+ ora #$01
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Calculate all variables to plot the pixel at X1/Y1. If the point is out
+; of range, a carry is returned and INRANGE is set to a value !0 zero. If
+; the coordinates are valid, INRANGE is zero and the carry clear.
+CALC: lda xres
+ sta TEMP
+ lda #0
+ sta TEMP+1
+ ldy Y1
+@L1: lda TEMP
+ add xres
+ lsr
+ sta TEMP
+ lda TEMP+1
+ adc #0
+ lsr
+ sta TEMP+1
+ dey
+ bne @L1
+ lda TEMP
+ add X1
+ lsr
+ sta TEMP
+ lda TEMP+1
+ adc #0
+ lsr
+ sta TEMP+1
+ lda TEMP
+ add #<MEM
+ sta TEMP
+ lda TEMP+1
+ adc #>MEM
+ sta TEMP+1
+ lda X1
+ and #%00000001
+ sta TEMP3
+ lda Y1
+ asl
+ and #%00000010
+ ora TEMP3
+ tax
+ lda OFFSET,x
+ rts
.export ppuinit
- .export paletteinit
+ .export paletteinit, paldata
- .include "nes.inc"
+ .include "nes.inc"
-;| $2000 | PPU Control Register #1 (W) |
-;| | |
-;| | D7: Execute NMI on VBlank |
-;| | 0 = Disabled |
-;| | 1 = Enabled |
-;| | D6: PPU Master/Slave Selection --+ |
-;| | 0 = Master +-- UNUSED |
-;| | 1 = Slave --+ |
-;| | D5: Sprite Size |
-;| | 0 = 8x8 |
-;| | 1 = 8x16 |
-;| | D4: Background Pattern Table Address |
-;| | 0 = $0000 (VRAM) |
-;| | 1 = $1000 (VRAM) |
-;| | D3: Sprite Pattern Table Address |
-;| | 0 = $0000 (VRAM) |
-;| | 1 = $1000 (VRAM) |
-;| | D2: PPU Address Increment |
-;| | 0 = Increment by 1 |
-;| | 1 = Increment by 32 |
-;| | D1-D0: Name Table Address |
-;| | 00 = $2000 (VRAM) |
-;| | 01 = $2400 (VRAM) |
-;| | 10 = $2800 (VRAM) |
-;| | 11 = $2C00 (VRAM) |
+;| $2000 | PPU Control Register #1 (W) |
+;| | |
+;| | D7: Execute NMI on VBlank |
+;| | 0 = Disabled |
+;| | 1 = Enabled |
+;| | D6: PPU Master/Slave Selection --+ |
+;| | 0 = Master +-- UNUSED |
+;| | 1 = Slave --+ |
+;| | D5: Sprite Size |
+;| | 0 = 8x8 |
+;| | 1 = 8x16 |
+;| | D4: Background Pattern Table Address |
+;| | 0 = $0000 (VRAM) |
+;| | 1 = $1000 (VRAM) |
+;| | D3: Sprite Pattern Table Address |
+;| | 0 = $0000 (VRAM) |
+;| | 1 = $1000 (VRAM) |
+;| | D2: PPU Address Increment |
+;| | 0 = Increment by 1 |
+;| | 1 = Increment by 32 |
+;| | D1-D0: Name Table Address |
+;| | 00 = $2000 (VRAM) |
+;| | 01 = $2400 (VRAM) |
+;| | 10 = $2800 (VRAM) |
+;| | 11 = $2C00 (VRAM) |
-;| $2001 | PPU Control Register #2 (W) |
-;| | |
-;| | D7-D5: Full Background Colour (when D0 == 1) |
-;| | 000 = None +------------+ |
-;| | 001 = Green | NOTE: Do not use more |
-;| | 010 = Blue | than one type |
-;| | 100 = Red +------------+ |
-;| | D7-D5: Colour Intensity (when D0 == 0) |
-;| | 000 = None +--+ |
-;| | 001 = Intensify green | NOTE: Do not use more |
-;| | 010 = Intensify blue | than one type |
-;| | 100 = Intensify red +--+ |
-;| | D4: Sprite Visibility |
-;| | 0 = Sprites not displayed |
-;| | 1 = Sprites visible |
-;| | D3: Background Visibility |
-;| | 0 = Background not displayed |
-;| | 1 = Background visible |
-;| | D2: Sprite Clipping |
-;| | 0 = Sprites invisible in left 8-pixel column |
-;| | 1 = No clipping |
-;| | D1: Background Clipping |
-;| | 0 = BG invisible in left 8-pixel column |
-;| | 1 = No clipping |
-;| | D0: Display Type |
-;| | 0 = Colour display |
-;| | 1 = Monochrome display |
+;| $2001 | PPU Control Register #2 (W) |
+;| | |
+;| | D7-D5: Full Background Colour (when D0 == 1) |
+;| | 000 = None +------------+ |
+;| | 001 = Green | NOTE: Do not use more |
+;| | 010 = Blue | than one type |
+;| | 100 = Red +------------+ |
+;| | D7-D5: Colour Intensity (when D0 == 0) |
+;| | 000 = None +--+ |
+;| | 001 = Intensify green | NOTE: Do not use more |
+;| | 010 = Intensify blue | than one type |
+;| | 100 = Intensify red +--+ |
+;| | D4: Sprite Visibility |
+;| | 0 = Sprites not displayed |
+;| | 1 = Sprites visible |
+;| | D3: Background Visibility |
+;| | 0 = Background not displayed |
+;| | 1 = Background visible |
+;| | D2: Sprite Clipping |
+;| | 0 = Sprites invisible in left 8-pixel column |
+;| | 1 = No clipping |
+;| | D1: Background Clipping |
+;| | 0 = BG invisible in left 8-pixel column |
+;| | 1 = No clipping |
+;| | D0: Display Type |
+;| | 0 = Colour display |
+;| | 1 = Monochrome display |
-.proc ppuinit
+.proc ppuinit
- lda #%10101000
- sta PPU_CTRL1
+ lda #%10101000
+ sta PPU_CTRL1
- lda #%00011110
- sta PPU_CTRL2
+ lda #%00011110
+ sta PPU_CTRL2
; Wait for vblank
-@wait: lda PPU_STATUS
- bpl @wait
+@wait: lda PPU_STATUS
+ bpl @wait
; reset scrolling
- lda #0
+ lda #0
; Make all sprites invisible
- lda #$00
- ldy #$f0
- ldx #$40
-@loop: sty PPU_SPR_IO
- sta PPU_SPR_IO
- sta PPU_SPR_IO
- sty PPU_SPR_IO
- dex
- bne @loop
+ lda #$00
+ ldy #$f0
+ ldx #$40
+@loop: sty PPU_SPR_IO
+ sta PPU_SPR_IO
+ sta PPU_SPR_IO
+ sty PPU_SPR_IO
+ dex
+ bne @loop
- rts
+ rts
-.proc paletteinit
+.proc paletteinit
; Wait for v-blank
-@wait: lda PPU_STATUS
- bpl @wait
+@wait: lda PPU_STATUS
+ bpl @wait
- lda #$3F
- lda #$00
+ lda #$3F
+ lda #$00
- ldx #0
-@loop: lda paldata,x
+ ldx #0
+@loop: lda paldata,x
- cpx #(16*2)
- bne @loop
+ cpx #(16*2)
+ bne @loop
- rts
+ rts
- .repeat 2
- .byte $0f ; 0 black
- .byte $14 ; 4 violett
- .byte $3b ; 3 cyan
- .byte $3d ; 1 white
- .byte $38 ; 7 yellow
- .byte $2d ; b dark grey
- .byte $22 ; e light blue
- .byte $04 ; 2 red
- .byte $18 ; 8 orange
- .byte $08 ; 9 brown
- .byte $35 ; a light red
- .byte $01 ; 6 blue
- .byte $10 ; c middle grey
- .byte $2b ; d light green
- .byte $3d ; f light gray
- .byte $1a ; 5 green
- .endrepeat
+ .repeat 2
+ .byte $0f ; 0 black
+ .byte $14 ; 4 violett
+ .byte $3b ; 3 cyan
+ .byte $3d ; 1 white
+ .byte $38 ; 7 yellow
+ .byte $2d ; b dark grey
+ .byte $22 ; e light blue
+ .byte $04 ; 2 red
+ .byte $18 ; 8 orange
+ .byte $08 ; 9 brown
+ .byte $35 ; a light red
+ .byte $01 ; 6 blue
+ .byte $10 ; c middle grey
+ .byte $2b ; d light green
+ .byte $3d ; f light gray
+ .byte $1a ; 5 green
+ .endrepeat