<sect>Loadable drivers<p>
+The names in the parentheses denote the symbols to be used for static linking of the drivers.
<sect1>Graphics drivers<p>
- <tag><tt/a2.lo.tgi/</tag>
+ <tag><tt/a2.lo.tgi (apple2_40_48_16)/</tag>
This driver features a resolution of 40×48 with 16 colors.
The function <tt/tgi_apple2_mix()/ allows to activate 4 lines of text. The
function clears the corresponding area at the bottom of the screen.
- <tag><tt/a2.hi.tgi/</tag>
+ <tag><tt/a2.hi.tgi (apple2_280_192_8)/</tag>
This driver features a resolution of 280×192 with 8 colors and two
hires pages. Note that programs using this driver will have to be linked
with <tt/--start-addr $4000/ to reserve the first hires page or with
- <tag><tt/a2.auxmem.emd/</tag>
+ <tag><tt/a2.auxmem.emd (apple2_auxmem)/</tag>
Gives access to 47.5 KB RAM (190 pages of 256 bytes each) on an Extended
80-Column Text Card.
- <tag><tt/a2.stdjoy.joy/</tag>
+ <tag><tt/a2.stdjoy.joy (apple2_stdjoy)/</tag>
Supports up to two standard analog joysticks connected to the game port of
the Apple ][.
- <tag><tt/a2.stdmou.mou/</tag>
+ <tag><tt/a2.stdmou.mou (apple2_stdmou)/</tag>
Driver for the AppleMouse II Card. Searches all Apple II slots
for an AppleMouse II Card compatible firmware. The default bounding
box is [0..279,0..191].
- <tag><tt/a2.ssc.ser/</tag>
+ <tag><tt/a2.ssc.ser (apple2_ssc)/</tag>
Driver for the Apple II Super Serial Card. Supports up to 19200 baud,
hardware flow control (RTS/CTS) and interrupt driven receives. Note
that because of the peculiarities of the 6551 chip transmits are not