.import __dos_type
.import findfreeiocb
.import incsp2
- .import __do_oserror
.import excexit ; from crt0.s
.import SP_save ; from crt0.s
- .importzp tmp3
.import ucase_fn
.import addysp
.include "errno.inc"
.include "atari.inc"
-CMDLINE_BUFFER = $0100 ; put progname + cmdline as one single string there
+; area $0100 to $0128 might be in use (e.g. Hias' high speed patch)
+CMDLINE_BUFFER = $0129 ; put progname + cmdline as one single string there
+; alternatively:
+;CMDLINE_BUFFER = $0480 ; put progname + cmdline as one single string there
CMDLINE_MAX = 40+3 ; max. length of drive + progname + cmdline
; programe name too long
beq invret
+invret: lda #EINVAL
+ bne seterr
; file name copied, check for args
copypd: tya ; put Y into X (index into CMDLINE_BUFFER)
; here's the point of no return
lda tmp4 ; get IOCB index
+ ldx SP_save
+ txs ; reset stack pointer to what it was at program entry
pha ; and save it ('excexit' calls destructors and they might destroy tmp4)
- jsr excexit
+ jsr excexit ; on atarixl this will enable the ROM again, making all high variables inaccessible
- ldx SP_save
- txs ; reset stack pointer
tax ; IOCB index in X