lda #0
sta CURS_X
sta CURS_Y
- jsr plot ; Set cursor to top left corner
+ jsr plot ; Set cursor to top left corner
- lda #$20 ; Screencode for blank
- ldx #$00
- ldy #$00
+ ldx #$00 ; Count
jsr clearpage
jsr clearpage
jsr clearpage
- ldx #<(40*25)
- jsr clearpage ; Clear remainder of last page
- jmp plot ; Set screen pointer again
+ ldx #<(40*25) ; Count
+ jsr clearpage ; Clear remainder of last page
+ jmp plot ; Set screen pointer again
.proc clearpage
+ txa
+ pha ; Save count
+ lda #$20 ; Screencode for blank
+ ldy #$00
@L1: sta (SCREEN_PTR),y
bne @L1
+ pla
+ tax ; Reload count
+ lda IndReg
+ pha
+ lda #$0F
+ sta IndReg ; Switch to the system bank
+ lda CHARCOLOR ; Load color
+ ldy #$00
+@L2: sta (CRAM_PTR),y
+ iny
+ dex
+ bne @L2
+ inc CRAM_PTR+1
+ pla
+ sta IndReg ; Restore the old indirect bank